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Everything posted by Drunk

  1. Free trade, in the aggregate, results in NET benefits. Economics 101!
  2. Wasn't feelin JP. . . But to each their own, if you enjoyed his set, more power to you.
  3. I actually had a good time and usually do when I go, but that's only because I'm around people I like. My issues are with the club, the crowd, the excessive drugs, and the "DJ". I'm hoping it can be like it was in 97-2000 which I why I still go once in a while, but I've given up hope on that. Other than the hot girls, SF was weak today.
  4. I saw this review on another messageboard (which I can't post, because the letters will be blocked out). This perfectly described my experience tonight. Never again will I set foot in there again. That place is so done!
  5. Ok, try posting an article from a "news source" that isn't biased. Any article that has a byline of "Occupied Jerusalem" probably has an agenda.
  6. I guess we should accept it at face value then huh? Even people with decades of experience and education have agendas. Skince did a nice job of pointing out flaws in the man's argument.
  7. Here's your constitutionality. Decided by a federal court: http://news.findlaw.com/cnn/docs/terrorism/fisa111802opn.pdf
  8. Because he happened to be in office during a tech bubble? Let's be real, all those jobs he boasts about creating were created in the last few years of his presidency, when everyone and their mother was pouring their money into technology. Most of those were technology jobs, which when the bubble burst, logically, those jobs went down the drain as well. Oh, and let's not forget how, by relaxing weapons export controls, he enabled the Chinese to develop antisatellite technology, and more powerful and more accurate nuclear missles that can strike any city in the country based on our current intelligence. Yeah, that's a great president, one who sold his country up the river.
  9. He said RepublicanS, plural. The house is firmly under Republican control and the Senate is under Republican control as well, albeit by a small margin. Not to mention the majority of state governors are Republicans.
  10. As Mr. Mahs, stated, unemployment is a LAGGING indicator. Moreover, 6.1% is what the unemployment rate was before the tech bubble started, 6.1% is closer to what this country's unemployment rate has been historically. Plus, much of the rise in unemployment can be attributed to increases in productivity and outsourcing of American jobs to foreign countries with a lower cost of capital. So don't expect 4% unemployment anytime soon. As far as currency gains, profits were up in REAL DOLLAR terms. The dollar's devaluation accounted for the majority of the gains but that doesn't take away from the fact that profits were up from the previous quarter. Insider selling? Insider selling often spikes after a market rally that follows a bear market. It's called taking a profit. Insider selling isn't an omen of where the market is heading. If it were, just imagine how easy it would be to make money in the market--just short whenever insider selling is high.
  11. Holy Shit! That track was OFF THE WALL.
  12. Saeed and Palash were off the hook. Slow build up but at peak time they were on fire! Palash had the better set of the two IMO. S&P had the whole crowd rockin out! Danny followed up S&P with the illest fucking set. He started out with the dark nasty beats and kept it that way throughout most his whole set. He played more tribal than I've heard from him in a while. Of the two sets, Danny's set won hands down. Place cleared out somewhat early, but regardless, overall the vibe was just sick and surprisingly it was a great crowd!
  13. June 28th at ARC. :rock:
  14. The rule for guys is divide your age by 2 and add 7. This rule only works if you're 22 and up though!
  15. Oh and Zentz's set was much better!
  16. Uninspiring set. His set last night and a few months back doesn't even compare. Seemed like two different DJs altogether. A couple of months back he was ridiculous. Last night he was OKAY, but not great. Too bad. I was really amped for this.
  17. The man needs his own MAIN FLOOR RESIDENCY!!!!
  18. If they've been beaten to death over and over and over again, YES.
  19. Just fell off my chair!
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