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Everything posted by Drunk

  1. I think you need to rethink who's the fucking moron. What a stupid ass comment. You really have some imagination to pull that one out of your ass. If you're going to comment, at least make it plausible. Clinton had the SAME intelligence Bush had back in 98 when he and his cabinet considered taking military action against Iraq.
  2. Bill Clinton on Bush uranium line: 'Everybody makes mistakes' president accepts explanation on State of the Union Wednesday, July 23, 2003 Posted: 2:48 AM EDT (0648 GMT) WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The White House, attacked by critics for a now-retracted line about Iraq seeking uranium from Africa in President Bush's State of the Union address, has gotten some surprising support from former President Bill Clinton. "I thought the White House did the right thing in just saying 'we probably shouldn't have said that,'" Clinton told CNN's Larry King in a phone interview Tuesday evening. "You know, everybody makes mistakes when they are president. You can't make as many calls as you have to make without messing up. The thing we ought to be focused on is what is the right thing to do now." Clinton had called King to honor his guest, former Sen. Bob Dole, on Dole's 80th birthday. Earlier Tuesday, Bush's No. 2 national security aide took partial responsibility for allowing the inclusion of the dubious claim in the State of the Union address. The admission by Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley marked the first time the White House had taken any blame in the matter. An administration official told CNN that Hadley offered his resignation, but Bush didn't accept it. Until now, the Bush administration has said it was the CIA that permitted the shaky intelligence to get in the speech, and CIA Director George Tenet has publicly taken full responsibility, although he never read the final draft of the speech before Bush delivered it. Democrats seized on Tuesday's admission, with Howard Dean -- one of the leading Democratic presidential hopefuls -- calling on Hadley and any other administration officials involved in the flap to step down. "I call on those who misled the president to resign immediately. It is unacceptable for anyone who misled the president on an issue as significant as a rationale for war to continue to retain a post in government," Dean said in a written statement. Democratic National Committee spokesman Tony Welch said: "First they blamed the Brits. Then, CIA Director George Tenet walked the plank. Now, the Bush White House is dragging former Cheney aide and deputy national security adviser Stephen Hadley forward to take the fall for the president's bogus claim in this year's State of the Union address." Welch added: "Apparently, at the Bush White House, the buck stops everywhere but the president's desk." And Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-West Virginia, the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating the matter, said, "This investigation is not over simply because some, two people, have said they were responsible." Hadley gave his admission to reporters at an off-camera briefing during a moment when the nation's attention was focused on a decidedly different Iraqi story: the deaths of deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's sons, Uday and Qusay, in a firefight with U.S. troops. Stephen Hadley Hadley, who was responsible for vetting Bush's State of the Union address, said he should have deleted the reference to Iraq's attempts to buy uranium because the CIA had warned him months earlier -- in two memos and a phone call from Tenet himself -- that the claim was weak. Those warnings were made to him before a speech the president gave in Cincinnati in early October, and he said he failed to recall them three months later. The controversial passage, he said, "should have been taken out of the State of the Union." "The high standards the president set were not met," Hadley said. He said he had spoken with the president about the matter and that Bush expressed confidence in him and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice. Tenet has said the line in Bush's address was technically accurate because it cited British intelligence, although he said the CIA's own investigation of those same allegations had led the agency to decide that the evidence was inconclusive. Britain stands by its claims. The claim "did not rise to the level of certainty which should be required for presidential speeches," Tenet said. "I am responsible for the approval process in my agency." "These 16 words should never have been included in the test written for the president," Tenet said. Clinton: Biological, chemical stocks unaccounted for in Iraq Former President Clinton also said Tuesday night that at the end of his term, there was "a substantial amount of biological and chemical material unaccounted for " in Iraq. "At the end of the first Gulf War, we knew what [saddam] had. We knew what was destroyed in all the inspection processes, and that was a lot. And then we bombed with the British for four days in 1998. We might have gotten it all; we might have gotten half of it; we might have gotten none of it. "But we didn't know. So I thought it was prudent for the president to go to the U.N. and for the U.N. to say, 'You got to let these inspectors in, and this time if you don't cooperate the penalty could be regime change, not just continued sanctions.'" Clinton also told King: "People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons."
  3. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20030716/ts_nm/health_masturbation_dc_6 LONDON (Reuters) - Frequent masturbation, particularly in the 20s, helps prevent prostate cancer (news - web sites) later in life, according to new research. Australian scientists have shown that the more men masturbate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop the disease that kills more than half a million men each year. They suspect that frequent ejaculation has a protective effect against the cancer because it prevents dangerous carcinogens from building up in the gland. "The more you flush the ducts out, the less there is to hang around and damage the cells that line them," Graham Giles, of the Cancer Council Victoria in Melbourne, told New Scientist magazine on Wednesday. In a survey of 1,079 prostate cancer patients and 1,259 healthy men, Giles and his team discovered that men who ejaculated more than five times a week in their 20s were a third less likely to develop an aggressive form of the disease. The findings contradict previous studies which suggested that having a variety of partners or frequent sexual activity could increase the risk of prostate cancer by 40 percent. But Giles said the earlier research concentrated on intercourse, whereas his study focused on masturbation. Infections caused by sexual activity could account for the different findings. "Men have many ways of using their prostate which don't involve women or other men," he added.
  4. It's possible. I haven't been to that party in a while. Then who's doing Essex?
  5. Tagine Saturdays Groovejet (Tribal Sessions starting this Thursday with Rich Woods who is just sick) Shelter Le Souk Sundays Sullivan Room Thursdays and Saturdays Cheetah Sunday Essex (The unofficial Vinyl afterparty with Mike Negron) Subliminal Chateau Noir @ Falucka GBH @ Centro
  6. Shelter throws an awesome party too. Regisford is the man.
  7. Sullivan Room, hands down. Edit: I've never closed out Sullivan Room, so I'm not sure what time the party runs to, but this party is still HOT!
  8. Will do. Party on. I realize that Webster Hall is a necessary evil needed to contain much of the trash that pollutes New York nightlife. For that, I'm thankful.
  9. By the sound of your name, you must be a flaming feg.
  10. Talking shit? I've been in the scene 12 years so fuck off you stupid twat. I know talent when I hear it, and I know a shitty club when I'm in it.
  11. Funny how lately there've been all these posters with under 50 posts ravin about this party. :rolleyes:
  12. Heard Corbo earlier this year, more than once. He sucks. The crowd is a disaster. The dancers are mostly horrible. Only thing positive I'll say about the place is that it's a nice lookin club.
  13. Drunk

    Im Glad

    Looks more like he just took a bump of coke.
  14. *bump* Funny how Americanmade/Normalnoises haven't posted their (his)drivel in a few days. . . Patiently awaits their explanation. . .
  15. Ahhh, some classic Normalnoises errrr I mean Americanmade posts: Normal, expressing his unity with the Arab community: Normal, expressing suicidal tendencies: Normal, making lovetalk with Sassa: Normalnoises, admitting his inadequacies: Normal, expressing warm feelings toward his daughter:
  16. So I guess this means Normal is a closet conservative.
  17. Wow! Looks like someone forgot to log out of his other screen name. I knew this Americanmade guy couldn't be real. Let's see how he squirms out of this one.
  18. track of the night right there. crowd went bezerk!
  19. Packed from start to finish, although the crowd was *slightly* lighter near close, but not by much. Diggers could have spun five extra hours and I still don't think the place would have cleared out. It was a very special night and I don't think anyone wanted it to end. I think anyone who thinks Diggers has fallen off will have changed their tune after last night. EDIT: Also wanted to say that the staff, promoters and security at Centro are fucking awesome. That is how a club should be run. Centro is easily becoming one of the best, if not the best club in NYC for national/international talent. Keep up the great work guys.
  20. wasn't keeping close track, but I think the place closed around 6:30ish to 7ish. Digweed came on around 1:30.
  21. hands down one of the best parties this year. john digweed was incredible.
  22. Get a Funktion One sound system and I'll be happy. That system blows the doors off the Phazon!
  23. RIDICULOUS. Trying to ID tracks with this man is damn near impossible. He had the three decks going all night. Cox throws down tech the way it should be done--BANGING BEATS. My only complaint was that the set was wayyyyyyyy too short. I'd die to hear this man on ARC's Phazon. :eek:
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