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Everything posted by Drunk

  1. I'm glad I hit up Vinyl instead of PVD... DT was off the meat rack.
  2. Um, you obviously did not finish scrolling through the thread. Read the Keefer article which will answer your question, which is based on LOGIC and FACTS, unlike much of what Rall publishes. Thanks. . .
  3. I've read the book. Waste of money and waste of time. All Rall does is provide insinuation and no solid FACTS. I won't go into all the reasons why I think he's a farce, but this article sums it up well.
  4. Rall is also the guy that claims we invaded Afghanistan because of the Afghani pipeline. This guy is a joke.
  5. They aren't fining patrons, they are fining the BARS!
  6. To think that there are bigger morons than Saleen and Danwilson combined. :rolleyes:
  7. 1 The Godfather 2 Shawshank Redemption 3 The Godfather: Part II 4 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 5 Schindler's List 6 Usual Suspects 7 Star Wars 8 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 9 Raiders of the Lost Ark 10 Pulp Fiction
  8. Sound Factory = Jailbait City + Skanks Galore Although the place does have a fair share of hotties.
  9. If anything, Syria was more of a threat to us than Iraq ever was.
  10. It's a shame they had to title the article that way, but not unexpected from the morons at the New York Post. It wasn't the cigarette ban that killed the guy. :rolleyes:
  11. In any event, it should be two mods or four mods, so there is some right/left balance.
  12. Not necessarily. He had the opportunity to use them against the Allies in the first Gulf War but didn't. No one doubts he had WMD then.
  13. I don't think he meant the stage dancers, but yes, that's one of the things that makes SF unique. It's not a stage dance, it's a performance---an elaborate performance.
  14. I'm not a big SF fan anymore, but I'll admit the sickest dancers in the city can be found there every Sunday morning.
  15. That's what pregaming is for!
  16. You should take your foot out of your mouth. Senator Joe Biden (democrat) was the one pushing this bill.
  17. What Moral Legitimacy? (Wall Street Journal) So now they want in. True, Kofi Annan did have the wit to refute a Kremlin announcement that he would be joining the coalition of the unwilling -- France, Germany and Russia -- at this weekend's confab in St. Petersburg. Yet even in the face of footage from Baghdad that conjures up images of Paris 1944 or Berlin 1989, we're still asked to believe that an America spilling its blood and treasure to liberate the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein has less moral credibility than a U.N. that helped prop him up for 12 years. That much was made plain earlier this week with Mr. Annan's ex cathedra declaration that only the U.N. possessed the moral imprimatur necessary to confer "legitimacy" on postwar Iraq. But legitimacy is not something that can be imposed by the United Nations -- or the United States for that matter. Legitimacy derives from the consent of the governed: the people of Iraq. It's worth remembering that the U.N. drove itself into this ditch. And the Secretary General bears particular responsibility. Over the years Mr. Annan's willingness to look the other way allowed Saddam to pursue weapons we were assured he didn't have, to continue killing Iraqis who opposed his regime and, as we are now learning, use the U.N.'s oil-for-food program as a vehicle to enrich himself (and fund some of his illicit arms projects) while his people continued to suffer from U.N. sanctions. Iraq is hardly the only instance of funny notions about U.N. legitimacy. Look at the travesty of what the U.N. Human Rights Commission is now doing in Geneva. It's bad enough that the Commission is chaired by Libya and includes five other nations featured on Freedom House's list of the world's most repressive regimes. But the Commission is now trying to upgrade the human rights status of Sudan, a country that still practices slavery and which the U.S. officially deems guilty of genocide. There's a certain twisted logic to one ugly regime, Libya, wishing to whitewash another. And if that were all the support Sudan had, it wouldn't go anywhere. But this has all been happening with the help of France. Could its willingness to carry water for Khartoum possibly have any connection with the oil fields in southern Sudan, presently inaccessible, where TotalFina has more than a passing interest? Unfortunately, Sudan and Iraq are not aberrations. On Wednesday, having apparently learned nothing from what is happening around the Tigris and Euphrates, the Security Council could not even bring itself to condemn North Korea for its egregious withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. In the case of Iraq itself, meanwhile, there even is an argument that the U.N. has a vested interest in seeing postwar Iraq fail. Certainly the foreign ministers meeting in St. Petersburg cannot be eager to have the extent of French, German and Russian arms dealings with Iraq exposed for all the world to see. It is hardly a coincidence that the two times in history the U.N. rose to the occasion -- during the Korean War and the first Gulf War -- were both U.S.-led efforts. But the U.N. model has time and again proved lethal. In Cambodia, the U.N. peacekeepers who were supposed to bring democracy couldn't even protect themselves and ultimately allowed Hun Sen to steal the elections. The worst massacre in Europe since World War II occurred in Srebrenica when U.N. forces stood by as Serbs were allowed to round up and murder 8,000 Muslims, including boys, from an area the U.N. had designated as a safe haven. Let's not forget Rwanda, where half a million people were ultimately slaughtered when the bulk of a U.N. peacekeeping force pulled out at the beginning of the bloodshed after 10 Belgian troops were killed. Mr. Annan was then head of the U.N.'s peacekeeping operations and he was singled out in the U.N.'s own report into the matter for his failure to pass on clear warnings about the impending genocide. In the long run-up to Operation Iraqi Freedom, President Bush not only offered the U.N. a tremendous opportunity to redeem this past, he did so at the risk to American life, civilian and military, that came from a delay that could only work to Saddam's advantage. Mr. Annan and the Security Council rejected that opportunity. So when it comes to moral legitimacy in the new Baghdad, the only voices that should count are those belonging to a liberated people able to speak freely for the first time in their lives.
  18. A dollar short and a day late.
  19. Sydney Morning Herald. . . Civilian deaths were inevitable in any War. What matters more though is that the modern-day embodiment of Stalin, Hussein, can no longer cause more deaths on top of the million he's caused.
  20. This war is about ALL those things and then some. Terrorism and the threat of WMD may have been the impetus, but to say this war was strictly about one issue or another (i.e., oil) is a simplistic and convenient response for the anti-war crowd.
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