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Everything posted by copahc

  1. Well Hi everyone, I'm pretty fucking bored so I figured I would tell everyone about my horrid valentines day. Sorry, it’s a novel... but it’s somewhat amusing. I went on a last minute date with a guy from work, Ben. To preface the story I'll give you a little background about us. Stuff has been awkward between him and I since we met each other. He started hitting on me when I was seeing someone else, so my boyfriend at the time was pissed and hated him. So before I even knew him that well, it was awkward because I had to have these talks with him like... I'm only interested in you as a friend, I have a boyfriend, you are pissing him off... blah blah blah. So eventually when my bf and I broke up, Ben and I started hanging out a lot more. I still let him know however, that I did not want a boyfriend, I needed to be single for a while etc. etc. So eventually one night while hanging out, we kiss and I end up sleeping at his place, mostly because there is a blizzard outside... mind you all we did that night was kiss, and he seemed to have to problem with that. (he didn’t even try to go further) So then we get to valentines day. He IMs me at work and says.. you didn't want to do anything friday did you? I say "i dunno" because I really didn't care either way, or expect him to ask me out. He says "I don't feel like doing the restaurant thing, wanna camp out at my place, or you can cook me dinner this time" Now, being a little pissed, and feeling like a cheap date, I say "No, actually I think i'm gonna hold out for a date on valentines day, Hallmark has me brainwashed." So of course that doesn't go over well. We end up in this argument/ misunderstanding/talking about how I don't want a boyfriend again... and eventually decide to go out because he insists on taking me somewhere. OK.. so Friday he shows up at my place with a with a 12 pack of Corona and two limes. He says he wants to take me to the little Italian place which happens to be down the street. So we walk down, put our name in, there's a 1.5 hour wait so we go back to my place, drink more, kiss and cuddle on the couch... we have dinner, and we are having pretty much a great time. After dinner we were supposed to meet up with this other couple we are friends with, but they end up getting locked out of their apartment and go to Ben's. So we just go over to his place to hang out with them, and finish the beers. So we're all sitting there watching TV and he says to me, “so do you want to sleep at my place, or go back to yours?†I say... “well you can bring me back i guess. “ He say's “hahaha... I mean I'm gonna go with you.†Well I figured he was just screwing around, and I might as well stay at his place, we were having a great time anyway. So he proceeds to pick me up... brings me into his bed room, drops me on the bed, throws a sleeping bad out for the 2 in the living room, closes the door, and turns up the music. I say are you gonna give me something to sleep in? He laughs. We kiss for a little while , and he starts taking of my clothes... um ok. So then he looks at me all weird and says "wanna have sex now?" Um ok... I have no idea what to say.. so I say "You are really freaking me out" " What.. you don't?" "Um, no!" " Well girls don't usually come into my bed unless they wanna have sex" " What about the last time I slept over?" "?" Very awkward silence follows He says" Well are you gonna say something or yell at m or something" " I have NO idea what to say. I don't get you" " I thought you wanted to have sex with me" "Why, what did i do?" "You didn't do anything" " So was it expected just because you brought me on a date? Sorry, I don't usually put out on the first date" He gets up and crawls in his sleeping bag on the floor. I still have no idea what to say. Finally he says want me to bring you home?. "YES" So a very awkward ride home follows. "Does this mean you don't want to hang out any more?" "Probably" "So this is probably the worst Valentines Day you ever had huh? "Yeah I'd say so" "I'm such an idiot" "Yup" WTF Is this a normal thing to happen? Because, Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I could understand if I was putting out signals or something. But I honestly didn’t do anything!!! We just went out for dinner. And Guys... If you want to sleep with someone... Isn’t there usually some foreplay involved??? I mean you don’t just make out a little and then say “wanna have sex now?†Maybe I’m just missing something... but I’ve hooked up with guys before, and non of them just expected me to just put out. And even if they were trying to sleep with me, there was usually some FOREPLAY, like touching and stuff. Is that a foreign concept?? Well if anyone's still reading this. hahaha. What a night!
  2. The Perfect Margarita is my favorite
  3. Toffee Nut Latte mmmmmmm...
  4. I can't stand when people don't tip. I always leave a descent tip... even if the service isn't good. I don't think i've ever left diddly squat. I would just feel so guilty.
  5. Well... I think you should just try to be sure you know what you're getting into before you get back together with him. After all... you did break up for a reason right?? Now, I'm not one to talk about ex boyfriends, since I'm still not over the one I dated last year... haha. But If you want to get back with him, I think the best thing to do is not push it, or rush it. Don't put any pressure on him. You shouldn't really have to "win him over," if he wants to be with you, he'll make that decision for himself. Just take things slow, and hang out with each other for a while, then things should just come together naturally, if it's meant to be. Hope that helps.
  6. copahc


    I thought i was the only one addicted to using those periods... I feel better now.
  7. I need to stop being addicted to Starbucks. Especially since I am unusually low on funds this week, but for some reason I still feel the need to buy a $4 coffee! I think I need help. I think my lunch was cheaper than that. Yeah... it was. Sad!
  8. Is everyone this weekend???? No one has been around. Am I the only loser stuck at home doing nothing? You guys better have some good stories when you get back from wherever it is you went.
  9. copahc

    sex on weed?

    Yeah. I've done it before, and it was great, but I never seem to be in the mood when I'm smoking.
  10. Did you decide what you are gonna use yet??
  11. Thats' awesome. i Love Vegas! Have a great time... tell us about it when you get back
  12. I had a V-day date last night. I got a plant. It was cute. I got him Sim City 4. We went to a little restaurant, got wasted on wine, then wet to play pool, drank some more, then spent the rest of the night in some random club we found which had a total of 9 people in it all night, including me, my date, the dj, the bartender and the bouncer. I was hit on several times by a nasty- ass hoochie who tried to take advantage of my drunken stupor, and told my date she wanted to take me home for her and her boyfriend to play with. Then I ended the night by puking and passing out. It was an interesting date.
  13. Bye Bye Have a great weekend, we'll be here when you get back
  14. Son of a.... double post
  15. I don't even have a DVD player! Am I the only one?
  16. I’m really sorry to hear that. My prayers are with you Scott. I hope everything turns out ok. If you need someone to talk to I am here you have my number.
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