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Posts posted by vipnerd

  1. Originally posted by funketeer


    Ladies and gentleman of the board, this software wrapping was found in the trunk of a rental Honda Civic right about the time our subject visited Juno Beach, Florida, amongst others items shuch as beef jerky wrapings and sunflower seeds.

    I rest my case ;)

    :confused: :confused: :confused:

    WTF..............kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Funketeer....give it a break bro!:bong::grenade::tongue:

  2. Originally posted by pod

    Did anyone see this yet?


    2h 15m

    In a year fraught with mediocre action flicks like xXx and other such imitators, it is refreshing to see a strong Bond film come out of the woodwork. Don't get me wrong, 007 films are among my favorites, but the last few have not been as powerful as they could have been.

    For me, the 007 franchise portrays the important things in life, girls, gadgets, and guns, in that order. Though I may not yet be able to travel the world, sleeping with women at will, vanquishing my rivals to the great beyond, and driving a top-shelf Aston Martin Vanquish V12 with all the usual appointments, I can see how it's supposed to be done on the silver screen.

    The film itself starts off with a classic opener, with Bond and a team of commandos infiltrating current 'Most Moronic Nation on Earth' North Korea, via a quite interesting mode of transport. Deception ensues, and we prepare for a good 10 minutes of explosions, dead Communists, and Bond in a bit of a bad spot.

    Following up this scene comes with a classic credit sequence, which manages to actually propel the plot of the movie forward, along with providing interesting visuals for Madonna's 'Die Another Day'.

    The film progresses at quite a pace afterwards, with illusion and deception being the words of the day. For an action film, things get quite complicated sometimes.

    But in the end, it's all about the simplicity. Rocket-powered ice sleds, Aston Martins with cloaking devices, mad billionaires, and of course a few wonderful girls for 007 to play with. Halle Berry was a bit too rough around the edges for a Bond Girl, but in terms of looks she fills out the role nicely, especially due to the half a million dollars worth of assets topside. I was especially taken with the secondary Bond Girl, Rosalind Pike, who fills out my need for a sophisticated Bond Girl quite nicely. Oh, and she knows how to handle a sword, too.

    This is definitely the best Brosnan 007 film to date, combining the new 'more human' Bond, while bringing back some of the classic elements of the early films.

    ok so i wrote a movie review...bored out of my mind...

    I'll check it out.

    thanxs Pod:aright:

  3. Originally posted by guyman1966

    Please do not waste your energy feeling sorry for me. I did not notice an age limit in the CP agreement. I’m having a blast meeting the wonderful people here. Sorry you are threatened by an old man. How pathetic are you? Come on! An old guy who is not even interested in competing with you for chicks scares you!!! Hahahahahahaha.... When I was your age SON, I would have never feel threatened by an old Guy(man). Also, if you think that this message board makes you “in”, your are a complete loser! Have a nice day.

    :lol3: :lol3: :lol3::confused: :confused:

    I can only be astonished by your ignorance...

    You consider a foreigner clueless, because he is a foreigner. For me that is being simply a racist homophobic.

    Being "in", meant trying really hard to gain the respect of a board.. to what you have to say...

    You are married??, and mention girls??..a man is first for his principles..I wanted to pull your tongue, because half this board is a foreigner or first generation immigrant. We are a Miami board...

    Enough said...you didn't get my point. I feel really happy if you have a good time in Lauderdale. But keep your sarcasm for your private life. Don't attack half this board and think you are a smart @$$ by doing it.

    It took +/- 100 years for Bob to quote Lincoln..."You can fool some of the people some of the time...but you can't fool all of the people all of the time..."

    As to Lolahotass, I've never met you...but you seem to celebrate anything Nick and his clever characters try to portray...it's fine with me, but you seem to be quite intelligent...don't become a racist homophobic yourself.

    This is nothing personal, I believe we deserve the right to be respected.

    Have fun tonight...can't wait to meet all of you guys...Saleen, the Hog, Dabannedjew, Dajew, whateverDUI, GM66...I would have to cook for all of you.

    This is meant to be an apology to having said you are old...but it takes that to try to make you understand that regardless of what your age is, a racist is a loser, no matter from what angle you want to look at it.

    Peace, I love you all...


  4. Originally posted by funketeer

    I have just received this and I'm in shock!!!

    Hello fellow members of the board, I hereby present to you Exhibit "A" on the case opened by all of us against New Jersey's obsessive outcast "notallthere" for being so incredibly ugly...damn is this mothertrucker ugly!


    The accussed in question is the subject on the far right of the picture you are now viewing...note the severe deformity of the skull on the frontal pariethal, the elongated and pointy "A La Eddie Munster" ears...the chin also features a subnormal quality reserved up to these days only for extraterrestrial forms of life...damn is this mothertrucker ugly!!!

    Yuk!!! Woooooweee Kazaweeeee!!!!!!!! :puke:


    Please, please, please........stay in Jersey.:flush:

    BTW, was that pic from Halloween?????????:laugh: :laugh:

  5. Originally posted by guyman1966

    If you need someone to explain to you what makes a club a Ghetto club, you are clueless or from a foreign country. Please!



    Mi humildad disculpa tu ignorancia.....atorrante:D

    BTW, yur a little too old to post IMO. When I read yur comments in the past fews weeks... I went from being sorry for a clueless wanna be "in" .....to being really sorry. Crece huevonazo........ :laugh: :laugh:

  6. Shitty Town, New Jersey (AP)

    By a vote taken late last night...all rental cars coming down from New Jersey to Florida voted refusing to go back to Jersey.

    Apparently the case is in relation to a moron named "notallthere " , when he fell in love with his rental Honda Civic, was heartbroken by his rental Civic not wanting to return to New Jersey, deciding to stay in Florida.

    The judge's ruling emphasized that the moron could have driven to any state, and that his hate for Florida is only coincidental.:eek:

    PS: Notallthere...yur f***ing ugly!:tongue:

    Pics to follow...............


  7. Originally posted by sunnyhost

    What the?!?!?! Man...I've said it once and I'll say it again...some people have more issues than a newstand!!!

    How the hec did that guy not realize that the heat from his laptop was burning his Penis?!?!? That's b.s man...sure...shifting the laptop may have helped, but i'm sorry...if u end up with burns and blisters down there and didn't realize u were badly burning yourself then ur just an absolute moron:rolleyes:

    I think that happened to notallthere a couple months ago.....absolute moron???:confused::D

  8. Originally posted by mrjoebudious

    my very short review.

    No crowd.

    No vibe.

    Absolutely some of the best music I have heard in quite a while.

    Damn, I got "involved" w/my date...didn't leave the haus...:D

    Really had given him the benefit of the doubt in regards to Crobar...but if the music determines the outcome of the nite...what happened??? :confused:

  9. Originally posted by demids

    If you're at home later this evening (Thursday 9pm-12am-London time) doing the domestic chores, log onto http://www.groovetech.com and catch me stepping in for James Zabiela, spinning for 3 hours playing some of the highlights from the recent US tour which took in NYC with Danny Tenaglia at Vinyl/Arc and when Deeper Substance gatecrashed Miami last week.


    Can't wait... that is from 4 - 7 pm Miami:)

  10. Originally posted by funketeer

    You are CP's #1 dislexic...either that or your grammar is "notallthere"

    You must understand that by insulting Miami so much and so often you are only revealing your obsession with our kick-ass gorgeous oasis...sorry bud...nothing we can do for you but laugh at your sorry ass!!!

    ps wanna play with my monkeys?


    hijooo eeeee puttttaaa!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  11. Originally posted by quest4sunrise

    I'll say! It seems like we have a new powerhouse on our hands. I really hope the best for them in that they don't slack off like Liquid did. Consistency is the key because, I think I speak for most of us, they certainly have our attention!! Well, until the new Space is built anyways. But they definately sound like a legit venue for WMC. I can't wait to se what they are made of. I wonder what the capacity will be? We'll all find out soon enough

    If tha info U guys are dropping....this is a serious powerhouse betting on music.........

    IMO, will be here 2 stay.......:eek:

  12. Ogmiami.........

    Thanks for the interview. Hernan is the top DJ in South America, no doubt about it.

    Do you know the time slots for this event?..... Is there a guest list for Cpers?? Common.......we aren't that many!!!:tongue:

    BTW, what happens if it rains??:(

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