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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. Plexi Holiday Party :: UNKLE ‘Reign’ Record Release Party [Global Underground] Emerging from UNKLE’s highly acclaimed album Never, Never, Land comes the enigmatic new single, ‘Reign’. UNKLE’s James Lavelle and Richard File have teamed up with the legendary Ian Brown of the Stone Roses to create a massively emotional, string laden masterpiece. Global Underground's EXCLUSIVE U.S. 12” release of ‘Reign’ is a set of breathtaking and exceptionally eclectic remixes from some of America’s most innovative and respected producers. While all of the remixes utilize Ian Brown’s chilling vocal, each gives the track its own unique twist. Whether it’s the syncopated Def Jux swagger of the RJD2 mix, THREE A.M.’s (of Rabbit In The Moon remix fame) acid-tech-house romp, Morgan Geist’s (of Metro Area) disco-funk slow burner of Beat Pharmacy’s (Francois K’s protégé) bubbly, dubby bin-shaker - this is a piece of vinyl that will be on every discerning DJ’s decks for some time to come. Music by: THREE & STEVE PORTER Monday, December 13th NA 246 West 14th Street 21+, 11pm NA is the old NELLS it the first time since they have open that something for us MUSIC HEADS is worth goin too hehe. And its no cover.
  2. listen girlwnoregrets, the only parties that you will find LOVE MUSIC UNITY are at the 718 sessions, SHELTER, ROOTS, UNDERGROUND NETWORK and once in a while at other parties and club on given nights. Listen i go out 4 o 5 nights of the week and see and feel ONLY LOVE at those parties. Thnk about it. pm when your ready.
  3. Seriously check out his show and tracklsting and you will see NOTHING commercial about.
  4. wurd up i forgot to mention i heard KC show a few weeks ago and he opened up his set with KIMBLEE- FADE, great show that night. Thanks for the reminder and i hope to bump into ya again its been a while.
  5. Heres a topic made from my friends midnight society and rick corbo: Title: Thief Alert!! Reyes & Corbo vs. Oldenkamp??!? Hello guys and gals… It’s the Christmas season again! A time for holiday cheer and the spirit of giving… but in this case it seems as if being generous has completely bitten us in the rears. Just a day or so ago, one of my colleagues happened to find out that a MP3 copy of our unreleased material has been leaked to P2P download sites (nothing new I guess). But what’s worse, there’s a person online who is trying to lay claim to the work. The original track is called “We Started Dancing”, an upcoming Midnight Society single that was originally created by Erik Reyes & longtime friend Rick Corbo featuring vocals by Barbara L. Good, the woman who did the voiceovers for our remix to “Release Me” by Industry earlier this year. However, there is a person going by the name of DJ Oldenkamp that has decided to steal the track, rename it as one of his (or her) own under the alias “DJ Oldenkamp feat. Barbara L” and pass it around the internet as if they created it. Not only have this individual illegally downloaded the song, this individual is now going to the level of plagiarism by claiming that he (or she) created it. We didn‘t expect this record to be leaked on the internet in the first place, but what’s done is done and we can’t fix that. However, to blatantly plagiarize other people’s work and claim it for their own is definitely the lowest of the low. We are making this statement to let everyone know that this person who going under the name DJ Oldenkamp is a thief with an obvious lack of talent, who finds it necessary to not only steal music but to claim that he (or she) actually did the hard work of producing the music that he (or she) steals and then passes it around as if is their own. This is an official warning to any DJ, record label or ANYONE who decides to advertise or chart this record for we will go after this person and any DJ or record label that tries to chart, produce and/or promote this single. We hope that people heed to this warning and stay clear of this supposed producer and this track. Does this mean that Midnight Society is going to stop making music? Of course not… we will continue to make the music we love. However, with this alarming news along with the recent leak of the singles "How Do I Look" and "Star 2004", it does mean that we’re going to rethink how we promote and distribute our music to the world and how we will continue to do our business. We all know that the dance music industry is a shady one… however, if everyone would just think for a second we could save it. Do what you have to do in order to survive, but support all those you base your careers from. Without the producers making the music, there wouldn’t be a record for a DJ to exploit. We both need each other equally so think about that the next time you’re on a P2P site downloading music that you have no intention on paying for. For one day, the downloads might cease because there won’t be anymore music for them to leech onto… and then where will we be?
  6. wurd i was laughin b4 i wrote this. And im sure its only a matter of time till someone gets a headache.
  7. see but the crowd will be good tonite and the music hellz yeah, thast why im goin.
  8. believe me nyc is so much fun when it comes to music. And im not a dj im a club dancer so to say and i always have fun dancing all night long like a madman. Come out tonite,wed,thur,fri,sat,sun and let me show you what NYC is about.
  9. on sat nights if im not out im listening to 98.7 from 1am till 5am.
  10. BEHROUZ is no joke and if it wasnt for danny playing all night i would defintely be here. But luckily i will catch behrouz next month.
  11. i never get calls thankfully, and im more afraid of signing up lol.
  12. Although i am friends with one of the silent partners mr t.f. the direction and crowd and music and basically everything about it doesnt interest me at all. BOTTLES N MODELS, PRANCERS NON DANCERS, VIP CARDS you know the type. Anyhow tonite i will be goin to NA for a GREAT reason its a friends bday and STEVE PORTER will be providing the beats along with THREE. And the crowd will be people i know from other parties and clubs and well basically not the normal crowd lol.
  13. cielo and sullivan room is where its at in NYC.
  15. NYE will be at IKON after that well just have to wait and see from them.
  16. Well would you rather be with someone who is creative but isnt that sweet of a fella. And some people are put in this world to make other people happy not necessarily to "SUCCEED" in this "MATERIALISTIC WORLD" where its filled with lies,evil,hate, and money. If his GOAL in life is to be HAPPY and makle others smile then hes much better of a person who has to get a JOB that pays alot of money to feel good bout himself. My ex g/f use to be a graphic designer for georgio armani making some good bucks. But quit after seeing how PHONY and CORRUPT advertisig is to the public.
  17. hey mask i hope your not confusing REMY with REMY J from abaya fris.And to me CIELO is the best club in NYC.
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