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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. I hope its on a thur. Hehe, and raz i betta see an email lol.
  2. Man i just got home from hearing roger play the best set ive heard him play in nyc this yr since his other set in the summer at cielo. From 11pm till 435am he had the place jumping all over the place. Like roger said at the end of the night,those big rooms is are fun but this is FAMILY.DEEP HOUSE AND SOUL and just plain ol HOUSE, blasting from those speakers the whole night was HEAVEN.SO good chillin and dacning with, eliseo, tunisia, ron, pete,andy,greg,regina, lainie,shirley, meredith, eric, lula, nick. And tons of others who were feeling the vibe jsutas much as we were. Lots of industry folk as well, and unfortuantely a VERY HARD DOOR. Sorry to a few who pm me i coudlnt do anything,im sorry. Roger was working that mixer and those record and cds all ngiht long, remindded me of joe claussell for a moment. At the end of the night roger took a few pics with his fans and tlaked for a bit, which is always a good thing. Nothing beats a BIG name dj in an intimate setting. Until the next release yourself party. From 1987 till 2004 the musical journey the SMAN took us on at cielo was great. From Frech kiss by lil louis (1989)To a HUNDRED birds- jaguar (2003) to TYRESE- ACID CRASH (1988) to I GO BACK- robert owens-(2004) to MARSHALL JEFFERSON- MOVE YOUR BODY(1987) it was simply HOUSE MUSIC. No chesse no pots and pans. Hector romero tonite and tedd patterson on sat. What a great week indeed.
  3. Hernan for house o AVB for trance, seems simple enough to me. What sound are you more looking forward too. Im goin out onthe 11th and 12th still not 100% sure about th 10th, but if i am its HERNAN all the way baby.
  4. i had fun at the grammy party. But i wasnt in the main room after morales. Hector romero in the vip was where it was at for me.
  5. If it comes from RAZS mouth then you better believe it. I like cox and i love digweed, see you there.
  6. long time no speak, but were you there? Man i dont recall that one. I guess i was to busy to notice.
  7. Best party for me at crobar was for TIMMY REGISFORD, TERRY HUNTER,HEX HECTOR, with GRACE JONES PERFORMING and a DaNCE PERFOMRACE by RAIN FOOTWORK GREENE and his group. Then its a tie with all the other parties ive been toat that place.
  8. hey phil, as long as you dont banned me form crobar we dont ahve a problem lol. Sometimes i need a big room fix myself, and sometimes the djs are just my cup of tea in that place. Have a good one.
  9. Im sorry PHIL, i wish you luck on everything you do with crobar,and i'll be in the house soon enough. But for ny being the biggest party of the yr indeed and coincedentally on my bday. I have to worry bout the music and i do care whos spinning. Im gonna see my family on jan2 so dec31 and jan1 are my dancing nights/day and sleeping night. Last yr i partied for 23hrs straight and it only cost me 45 bucks entracne fees for all 3 parties i went to.And yes nye is expensive at most places so you jsut ahev to deal with it.And in case your wondering where i was at it was SHELTER(9PM-11AM),BABYLONSKISS(12PM-6PM),deep(6pm-8pm,then i jsut had nothign left). So ona the biggest night of the yr i need to hear music that will make me move the ENTIRE TIME.
  10. hellz yeah al im dying to hear what marshall is gonna bring to the speakers. An andy hopefullyi can make it out on the 10th to your party. I had a great frekaing time a few weeks ago.And your one of the best persons in the scene who is in it with your heart,much respect goes to you.Leo i think it as to do with that topic you made right? Yo john as much as i love behrouz i cant miss a dt event. Believe me i would be next to you on that one for sure. HAPPY DECEMBER everyone, partying begins tonight.
  11. i was just about to say that one.
  12. and the sound at crobar is just LOUD thats all. Ask the djs who have played there.
  13. yo NMN if your feeling good thats great to hear. I know how those injuries affect a person, i still wear and ankle brace on my right ankle and 2 knee braces on my knees to walk and verything else. This weekend i will be at sullivan room on friday for hector romero,and sat at cielo for tedd patterson. Im also goin to cielo tonite well maybe like 60 percent and tomorrow big party as well that i will defintely be at.
  14. wurd long time no see anywhere kat. And NMN i read your whole story very entertaining anbd im suprised yu remember everything. But once "PEOPLE" read that post your gonna be a target eventually,if ya know what i mean. Yo al most defitnely i remember that night everything was pergfect about that night. As for me to man parties to really think about, but the ones that akways get played in my mind time and time again are: NEW YRS EVE/DAY 2003/2004: SHELTER APRIL-ARC- DANNYS CLOSING PARTY BEING THEIR FOR THE FULL 29 HRS. LARRY LEVANS BDAY PARTY AT SPIRIT this yr. PERFECT ABSOULTLEY PERFECT. HECTOR ROMERO AT FILTER 14 THEN GOIN WITH HIM TO A PRIVATE LOFT PARTY AFTERWARDS.I think that was this yr or last yr i dont recall now. 718 SESSIONS- DANNY KRIVT BDAY PARTY, AND DANNY KRIVIT w/OSUNLADE, a few weeks ago.
  15. nmn, i see youve seen the light lol. And im sorry but crobars soundsystem is not great at all.
  16. why dont you go to europe then. And your right all great djs get booked to go to europe from nyc and the restof usa while we are stuck with the european export trash. Then again most european djs arent my style of music.
  17. aint nothing wrong with ya LEO, its called DEDICATION. Its a lifestlye you enjoy particpating in so you know what you like good for you. Ive quit jobs,arrived late to auditions go straight to work on sat and sun from parties. When i fucked up my ankles pretty bad a few months ago i was dancing with no sheos a nd ankles braces. So its all good in my book.
  18. im 24 in a few weeks and have had abut 116 or 117, give or take a few cause i stopped writing in my journal i 2001 when i fell in love. And as a teenager my mental was about QUANTITY but after GROWING UP and experiecing MAKING LOVE. Its all about QUALITY PARTNERS. Unfortunately one has to go thru many experiences sometimes to find whats compatible with you.
  19. But you always are practicing dance moves with your lady. After this weekend wll you guys unveil the SORETHROAT STEP and THE FEVER FLOOR MOVES lol.
  20. out of those 3 it will be very hard cause they all have their drawbacks.every club sadly has its drawback.So if i had to choose i would say neither. I would go with CIELO out of all the clubs in NYC right now.But that wont stop me fom seeing morales at crobar, dt at spirit and if one day if someone i like at avalon like carl cox comes back im their.
  21. i'l be at spirit on the 17th for DT, i was at spirit about 3 months ago for a DJ, and i would be at spirit whenever a dj i like will be there. I follow a DJ i like whereever he plays regardless how big or small or wat the crowd will be like.
  22. DEC 1ST- CIELO- LOUIE VEGA & KEVIN HEDGE DEC 2ND- SOME OF YA KNOW ALREADY, AND ITS BIG( if ya dont know pm me) DEC 3RD- SULLIVAN ROOM- HECTOR ROMERO, CROBAR- SASHA DEC 4TH- PRIVATE PARTY HECTOR ROMERO/ AND CIELO- TEDD PATTERSON DEC 9TH- CIELO-JOSH WINK DEC 10TH- CROBAR- HERNAN CANNTENEO DEC 11TH- APT-NICKY SIANO/ MOVE AGAINST AIDS JACOB JAVITS CENTER, WITH A AN AFTER PARTY AT ROXY. DEC12TH- DEEP- 718 SESSIONS- DANNY KRIVIT DEC 16TH- APT- MARSHAL JEFFERSON DEC 17TH- SPIRIT- DANNY TENAGLIA DEC 18TH- CROBAR- DAVID MORALES DEC 23RD- DEEP- MASTERS AT WORK DC 31ST- SHELTER,AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE. Also cant forget all the great weekly parties that some of the local people do and some of the local promoters provide. Check out CELLER BAR on fris for thier VINTAGE party. As well as blueskythurs, texture tues, downdeep,feel the love, tony humphries,deepspace,fuze,etc. Looks like a great month indeed.I know some of ya have different tastes than me but like always jsut spreading info on parties that i will enjoy. So anybody else wanna post their parties for their style of music this way everyboy could know whats going on.
  23. thanks for helping my grammar out jennifer, but i go to a club for DJ not for the CLUB. So if a dj i like will be playing at a particular club then the night will be HOT for me.
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