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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. wHAT ARE you talking bout bomb threat i may not now joe crack personally but i do respect his posts on this board. And he does listen to djs that i happen to also agree are good/great. And no hes not a DJ WORSHIPPER or a POTS and PAN loud boom boom boom type of guy. Now this is what makes the world great YOU LIKE HIM good for YOU. Enjoy i take it you were there at every set he did at twilo right since you love him so much. Also i get the opinion that this name of yours is a name your hiding under. And if thats the case your opinion doesn matter. Sorry to offend ya.
  2. Well this sat TEDD PATTERSON will be at cielo and hes straight up house, no pots and pans or boom boom music. And cielo doesnt let in meatheads. But assholes are everywhere you look in this city. Its also a small room nothing mega.
  3. Well i will be at cielo but dont expect any trance. Its house baby. And are you looking for somewhere that will ONLY be crowded but the music sucks or somewhere where he music is good and its somewhat crowded DO TELL. Or do you only care thats its CROWDED? I would say go to disco as well for tony humphries but he wont be there on that night.
  4. If you guys like we can all meet up and then go together then you wont have to worry bout the door. IM thinkin bout getting tehre around 1030, 11ish myself. And kahn i havent heard that thing you sent me cause i have slow connection at home but will listen to it on sat and/orsun. So someone make a meetup and private message it and lets be out. Im also goin this thur to cielo for LOW END SPECIALIST vs ASTRO n GLYDE.
  5. Im goin to CIELO for TEDD PATTERSON, and yes sir theres always something good. What are you into?
  6. SPIRIT fridays werea great party when they had talent like HECTOR ROMERO/SATOSHI TOMIIE, HERNAN CANNETNEO,ROBIE RIVERA comin in but that was a different promotion team bringinin in talent. Now sprit wants to bring in DJS (notice i didnt say talent) who can bring a chessy money crowd who only wanna get laid and drunk and say they been to spirit and could care less about the music. And if you people think megaclubs are what NYC is about now, sorry to burst your bubble but theres so many small spots with great music and more importantly a VIBE of house heads.
  8. WHERE EVER A GOOD DJ is i will be there. So many homes that i dont get tired of goin but of course depending on whos spinning of course. LE SOUK, FALUCKA, SIN SIN, TABLE 50, CIELO, SAPPHIRE,DELFT,OPIUM DEN, SHELTER, DISCTHEQUE, CROBAR, DEEP, AVALON(ONCE A MONTH NOW FOR 718 SESSIONS)SULLIVAN ROOM, SPILL, CARNAVAL,KEYBAR, INDUSTRY,LANGSTONS,SALA,RHONE,ABAYA. Im sure im missing a few as well like i said it all depends on WHOS spinning on a particular night and i stay away from the POTS AND PANS sound and guido crowd. 2 of my fave places did close recently and i do missed them dearly VINYL/ARC,FILTER 14. Hell i was even starting ot enjoy SPIRIT until they decided to switch there format and have cheese on fridays and jp on sat. I havent checked out the sunday party yet but it might be good its the cafe conleche guys.
  9. hey migel defintely is talent. But the 718 sessions has DANNY KRIVIT im sure youve heard of that name. ANd im meeting up with some friends on thursday or TONY HUMPHRIES at discotheque. So if your down come on down.
  10. man soj im just hoping that 10yrs from now there still are djs thats all.
  11. SOLBAM hmmmm didnt see ya i guess. And finally DEEPHOUSE is back at a BIG ROOM CLUB in the city again. Well besides shelter of course. Man i tell ya the best time i ever had was at CROBAR for the grace jones party and TIMMY REGISFORD(SHELTER) was spinning with HEX HECTOR the muisc the crowd now that was aparty. I guess i will be back at avalon once a month now then. Its amazing how didnt feel disgusting in the room like usual. Mustve been the LOVE vibe that was in the air the whole night. Nice meeting ya phatman and all and all musically it was better than last months. I sweat one of my fave peoples of thsat group s the man whos screaming every few mins AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Also im guesing now you know what i mean by when i say EVERYONE dances at these parties. And hell yeah DEEPSPELL tedd patterson on sat kid. I also met someone else but i dont recall who now. My fave part of the night was looking at samurai and seeing how tired he was from sat nigt.Did a few moves and hen called it a night. Been there to many times and dont feel like feeling like that anymore. ANYBODY DOWN FOR TONYHUMPHRIES on thursday at DISCOTHEQUE?
  12. You know you might have a point there rudeboy case i actually went to that factory in 98 a few times and had a blast. But also back then my musical tastes were a bit different.
  13. Which the original S.F the one that had a real scene and it was all about the music on 27th street. Or the guido/babrie dragon ball z drug sniffing pots and pan listening clone crowd over at 46th street.
  14. The show first aired in 91 i think. Maybe you have seen it alan but dont recall to much. FIREMARSHALL BULL was hysterical. As for that video klubbheadsor i dont know where to buy the video maybe online. www. c h a n n e l 4 .com i have the book to this as well but. But like the movie i feel like certain parts were missing, or it wast discussed long enough. Hey read he book i mentioned above by TIM LAWRENCE and the book by MEL CHEREN and of corse wait or the MAESTRO dvd. Tjeres also another movie which ive yet to see called THE UNUSUAL SUSPECTS.
  15. Yeah i read his schedule busy till sept. DIDNT know you were there karisma, so was i. I sent him an email or at least i hope i sent it right.
  16. Hey kr311 why were you not at 718 sessions last night then hehe. Tremendous party. ANd disk i wasnt talkin bout dancing this time but i know what you mean. But i really love hearing this song.
  17. I believe the mix is from april or may possibly earlier.
  18. Defintely HECTOSHI is a great night of music.
  19. man your fast lol, Hey a few more hrs to go dude. OH YEAH HAPPY BDAY.
  20. and now the party is ruined SEE YA THERE.
  21. http://www.hectorromero.com/mixtape/hectorsmix.m3u
  22. Man with filter now closed and spirit having stop brining in talent i dont know when he will be back. The last 6 times hes played in nyc ive been the first one inside and last one to leave. Than man is that good. And if youve seen him at filter you can see how much he enjoys himself as well. Man just thinkn bout the last time he spun at filter is making me sad.
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