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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. sometimes while im dancing with a girl im friends with and my phone rings i tend to put there for them. I lvoe the shock reaction.
  2. wheather ya believe me or not ive made out with her b4 at SPA.
  3. what up disk o, this party is defitnely a great party its been a while since i have showed up. Have to fit it in one night.
  4. believe me im a huge tony fan and went to the first 2 parties. Just had other engagements that night or you wouldve saw me there as well. Problem is alot of people dont like that music on this board and also some of that crowd is still tired from weds at cielo and shelter. I doubt i will make it this thur cause behrouz is at cielo but the thursday after that im there. Tony plays usually till abot 6am. Walked by there with some friends around 430ish and saw a totally different crowd stadnig outside waiting to get it. BORIS,jp type of crowd and they seem like they just wanted to get inside FOR SOMETHING other than tony.
  5. Well its just that i havent been to shelter in a few months and me and some peeps are coming down. Tedd is amazing live think about it.
  6. good point but i wasnt talking bout his production style. Sometimes productions and what a dj spin are quite different. The last 6/7 times at cielo/sullivan room ive heard tedd play mostly deep house with some tribal for the most part. I havent had a tedd fix in about 2 months now so i need to go to this party.
  7. CIELO on the 14th and SHELTER on the 21st. This is for those small amounts of people who like deephouse on this board. And if you never heard of tedd patterson than do some research. See you guys there. The guy is amazing. TIMMY REGISFORD do i even have to explain the man who has been the resident dj for 13ys at the shelter party.
  8. this friday i am also a no show but will be there for the tunnel classics party as well.
  9. Im actually goin to SPILL formely known as BAHHAUS. The playround party will be there with djs NICOLAE,BRONZIE,ALEX PEARCE. Theres no cover and musically i can say all of them bring it. I dunno if its what your looking for but i thought i would suggest it. They also have another floor for hip hop.
  10. I hear ya where exactly will your party be? what floor. Goin down to shelter on the 21st might wanna check it out.
  11. everytime i see your name OLDTIMER i think back to transformers the movie kup and hot rod. And my comment was not DIRECTLY towards you just for people who think just cause hes old he should stop. Sayiog smething like that is wrong. Like the way people talk about junior. Same i only hope that as you get older yourstill able to make music or whatever it is your passion is. And i answered that question what he does during the day. He goes to rehersals hes and actor/dancer which is why he leaves early form parties. And if you take care of yourself thats great. Personally i dont drink or smoke or do drugs. I love drinking water about 2 50 oz bottels a day nd i dont drink soda at all. But i do eat alot lol but i also dance alot and well you know the other thing that burns calories hehe. I just hope im able to have stregth when im that mans age.And the commentabout schooling was basically when some 21 yr old says wow that guy or girl is old(40 something) what are they doin at MY PARTY. Yet there dancing their asses off and should be an inspiration to the younger people that as you get older you dont have to stop.
  12. Heres some history for ya: And the limelight mentioned is not the one on 6th ave, its the original one that was at 7TH AVE SOUTH. "What is now known as "house" actually has its roots in the 70s New York City gay underground dance scene, particularly The Loft, The Gallery, The Inferno, Ginza, Better Days, Sanctuary, Tamburlaine, Buttermilk Bottom, Crisco, Limelight, Flamingo, etc. This early legacy was later continued and expanded in the late 70s and 80s at the Paradise Garage and Zanzibar and in Chicago at the Warehouse, Power Plant and Music Box. And the roots of the music itself go back to 70's R & B, Philly disco, funk, afrobeat and European electronic music such as Kraftwerk and Klein & MBO".
  13. How wrong and disrespectful is your comment A REAL AFTER HRS especially at shelter.. Hmmm anyway good luck with your party. While on the main floor its timmy regisford playing what hes been doing for 12YRS. Music goin well into the afternoon.
  14. man you better hope that when your his age your still able to go out a get down. I case you arewondering HE IS an actor/dancer for a few shows on broadway and off broadway as well. And he use to go to the GBH parties at centro fly sats and sometiems lotus. Also he pops up at Shelter a few times and sapphire on mons and tues. Seems like he parties more than some of you on this board. And if if you ever talk to him about music he knows his stuff. And why should he stop something he loves. MAYbe he didnt get to go out as mch when he was raising his family but now he can. Its like sex i hope i canstil have sex when 60,70,80. An if your hopin that as you get older that you wanna stop dancing, then maybe you dont really love it enough. You should see how some older folk school so many people on dance floors at certain parties.
  15. man you better hope that when your his age your still able to go out a get down. I case you arewondering HE IS an actor/dancer for a few shows on broadway and off broadway as well. And he use to go to the GBH parties at centro fly sats and sometiems lotus. Also he pops up at Shelter a few times and sapphire on mons and tues. Seems like he parties more than some of you on this board. And if if you ever talk to him about music he knows his stuff.
  16. mel cheren actually gave me the shirt believe it or not. But i doubt it is an originalfrom that era. Hell it smelled new when he gave it to me. Keep it up d and check outmy signature hehe.
  17. hmmm i just read something about this new party that will be happenng their soon starting in aug. Now if all that is true then i guess will be around as well.
  18. geez people i dont get why so many of ya bash websterhall for yrs when basically its the same thing like dx said a clone. Ive heard the ridiller or however you spell his name 3 timesat websterhall and to me HE SUCKS FOR MY TASTE but he is a good dj and im sure he will have his followers who likethat TYPE OF MUSIC. geez and to that comment about BRING IN TIESTO,PVD,SASHA, go to europe. Theres so much talent in NYC that you dont even know. Let them play all over the states to people who ont have great talent intheir cities. But here in NYC theres a party evernight of the week and you should be checkin them out, instead of waitng for the same cheesy trance sounds to come again and again. Sorry if i offended ya, not the point i wanted to make.
  19. hey KAHN dont forget as well that aug 17th at spirit the LARRY LEVAN bday party. And shagodiva not to start drama just my curiousity i know you tend to love jp but have you heard any other djs on a consisten basis, just curuious. I tend to meet a lot of younger peoplelike jp and THAT CROWD but once they go out and discover other soundsand parties they cant believe they liked him in the first place. Once again just asking no drama intended. And one more thing KAHN when timmy playe crobar on june 23rd it was the best night i ever had at crobar. Check out his nex cd that out now in stores.
  20. dimitris DEFECTED cds are amazing. Thank god he will be spiinin at crobar rather than avalon. I didnt get why they would book him there in the first place. I might make it out will put it in my calendar and see wht other options are around as well. And yes i do love spam as well. With ketchup.
  21. digweed i like better than sasha HEY afa lets work it out dude. I just might make it out to this one.
  22. i dont drive but in my mp3 player i love when LA BOUCHE- SWEET DEAMS pops up RIP MELANIE THORTON.
  23. HOLY CRP what a freakign party. You guys shouldnt have slept onthis. All night teh musci was great until i left around 3ish. How good was this party well i had a swollen ankle tendon since thrusday and decided not to dance the whole night but i was feeeling the music moving around my chair here and there. But when MANNY FREYTES came on forget i started dancing with one shoe and jsut the sock on my right foot cause it made the swelling less painful. MUSICwas relentless after that. And the crowd was goin crazy and then when my 5 russian female dancer friends showed up forget it the speakers went louder and the crowd loved it. THANK YOU all for a great party and you will defintely see me out in the next Homegrown affairs., SHAME on this board for the lack of suport. But man there were so many peeps from the REAL BOARD anyway hehe. MARCId no exucses but do feel; better.
  24. the dvd is gonna be amazing its gonna be multi disc and have focuses on a lot of things DACNERS, the DIRECTOR JOSELL RAMOS, and DAVID MNCUSO AND THE LOFT SOUND, among other still in production i saw this movie 3 times and nothing will compare to watching it in the opening night to the crowd that actually lived it. WOW if you were there then you know what i mean. AND mask im very impressed that you went the i only know personally 4 people who actually went there and only 1 who did the full 10 yrs. And they all have their membership cards. HOW did you get in, MEMBERS ONLY and what days friday which was kinda mixed or sat the gay night? 718 SESSIONS and SHELTER alon with UNDERGROND NETWORK parties are great parties that are offspring of that sound. Even danny tenaglia when he played WHAT HE WANTED school many people who cared to listen. I can remember dancing to BABE RUTH " THE MEXICAN" at arc which is from 1979 with some friends and i look to the sides and i see guidos complaining and adjusting their sun glasses while their guidets fiexed their makeup and breast implants. Man if you cant groove or understand THAT SOUND that created what we all enjoy now then how can you deserve any respect? Perfect example i was at roxyfor danny and victor and i had on my paradise garage shirt. 2 older guys tap me from behind and tell me somehing along the lines of "WHAT ARE YOU DOIN WEARING THAT SHIRT" and i explained to them my view on house and the scene and we laughed at a bunch of dragona ball z spiky hair robots that were dancing. And they were amazed and ver happy how great i talked about THEIR PRIME TIME CLUBBING ERA as they called it. ONe even said that i deserved to wear the shirt. Anyhow WATCH MAESTRO and THE UNUSUAL SUSPECTS which will be coming out soon. Also read "LOVE SAVES THE DAY DANCE MUSIC CULTURE 1970-1979" by tim lawrence.Also look ot for part 2 dealing with 1980 AND 1989 coming soon "KEEP ON DANCING MY LIFE AND TIMES AND THE PARADISE GARAGE" MEL CHEREN. "YOU BETTER WORK", "LAST NIGHT A DJ SAVED MY LIFE". Sigh most of ya probably dont care anyway but i take it very serious and i love it so much that all i wanna do is spread the word.
  25. well if something goes down on the night of tunnel classics that i think might dont say ididnt tell ya not to come. Should be a great night. See ya there.
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