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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. hmmmmmm maybe its like that at raves but the security is not like that on sat nights. Thats so f uped they make you do that. Seriously all the tiemsive been there security is nice to its staff but i only go on satnights. As for the AIRBORNE party i hope we are tlaking about another floor right, not the main floor where TIMMY REGISFORD spins? Yo samurai i love deep house and dude just pm what days you can go out and i will give you a schedule lol of parties with that type of music you heard at the dance conference. Its all about DEEP HOUSE its roots are from THE LOFT and THE PARADISE GARAGE. So once again SECURITY IS DIFFERENT AT RAVES then on a regular SAT NIGHT.
  2. evey week sprit is packed but that doesnt mean crap. Musically fine it will be awesome but the crowd well its just touristand a party crowd.
  3. thats me wearing my SILVERBULL tshirt lol im pointing to it like rob van dam of wwe.
  4. thats why eople whosay nyc is dead please, the crowds might suck but the talent is always here. And also all the great homegrown talent that is around.
  5. everyone can relax silverbull will be in the house cheering up that floor, haha.
  6. shelter sat nights are one of the ebst parties to be at. DEEP HOUSE is an awesome experience. Very underground, hopefully it will be in another floor or mayb even the rooftop. sorry you feel that way glow.
  7. hey afa call me up for thursday friday and mon. Also i think i will stop goin to spirit for a while after the 21 hector romero and satoshi tomiie brgin it lovely.
  8. hmmmm maybe i was just as amazed by watching them as you were so i was standing next to them.And i did wish the bigger guy a good night. Its just coincedental i think that they happen to wear black so i could see the confusion no harm. Next time say hello and i will introduce ya to certain people. Thanks jaysea for the kind words they mean something since ive never seen you compliment much on these parts hehe. And you know what good point when it come to discriminating i agree. Maybe i will cut down on my guido bashing,but i know if i saw 1 or 2 people dancing like me let alone 500 people i would be ashamed and embarrased.
  9. oh yeah one more thing when you say fat are you talkin bout me? Cause im actually a small fucking person lol.
  10. dude those are not my people.Their were lots of people dressed in black and i know who your talkin bout but no i dont have anything to them with them. I went solo the shelter dancers im talkin bout one is latin one is half black half japanese, by the right bar if your looking at the stage. One hand stands helicopter spins air flips and airjumps and squats. I was the only one in black from MY friends. Then theres afa whos latin busting out his moves.
  11. so you go to chill with promoters? why not just go to their house. Morales was much better last month then on sat. Best part of the night for me was making fun of the guido dancers with my friends from shelter while a bunch of them were around and then busting out our own moves. After hectoshi on the 21st i wont be goin back ot spirit for a while. I loved how morales did close with "HOW WOULD YOU FEEL" its always great to hear that song 2 times in a night. Overall my nght was a 4 out of 10.
  12. no thanks anyplace that focus 75% forbottle service and doesnt care about the music is not my place to party. But these places have thier crowds so good luck. Did they have sand inside cause that what they were hyping last sept.
  13. no thanks anyplace that focus 75% forbottle service and doesnt care about the music is not my place to party. But these places have thier crowds so good luck. Did they have sand inside cause that what they were hyping last sept.
  14. boris crowd is not ym style so im glad that he has a spot for all his kiddies doin bad lil things. As for spirit so far none of the new clubs has a total VIBE like arc did. AVALON,CROBAR,SPIRIT yeah they have certain djs and some percent of the crowd is their for the music, but the rest is a party crowd no vibe in any one of them. If you liek adj make your own vibe and hear them. Thats what ive done every time ive gone to spirit. I hate the crowd its just a party crowd but the djs and music make up for it so i just dnce in my own spot and wait until the lgihts come on. HECTOSHI will be tremendous musically without a doubt. And the only places with a great vibe and crowd are junior at discotheque based on what i experience on friday. And all the deep houseparties that noone posts about cuaseits to slow for some of ya. Really is their a difference between websterhall crowd and all these other crowds, NOPE.
  15. i like the rock version cover a few yrs ago by DISTURB
  16. great points my young padawan.
  17. defintely had a blast but i left with my friends at 2or 3 something cause they coudltn take the GAY crowd as my ladies said it. Music was incredible i was enjoying it not much room to dacne though. If they could have the sound louder in the backroom then it wouldve been better it was pretty low back there for my taste. Im sure when you say better than all the factory party you mean 46st not 27st.
  18. same thingy here i was with two ladys who culdnt take it after 3am so we left to sullivan room. But junior was amazing im defintely goin back again. He was on fire theres no denying it, much better thanthe last 3 times ive heard him.
  19. for as long as i known you im still confused by you dude. Deephouse is slow like 126 to 128 maybe even 130bpm. Your usually a fan of 130bpm and up. Morales plays about 128 to maybe even 130 to 132bpm on occasions. But Theres only one way to find out if you like him or not and thats to get busy. See ya on the floor im at work right now just got inf rom hearing junior at discotheque and wilson santos at sullivan room. See ya in a few hrs.
  20. quick reply is easier means you dont have to wait for another page to load. About time this webstie got a new lok to it it was falling behind the otehrs. I like it but then im use to it by now from experiencce.
  21. Great point but not the same energy as if it were live.
  22. only a fool wouldnt be there. See ya on the floor lovely.
  23. ive been wearing knee pads for 2 yrs now cause my knees are terrible. I dont even know how i guess its just a curse. And yeah soul sauce ms grenea does work me out good just on weds we were having a blast and as always i gotta stop to admire her. She is a real trooper as well. Dancing is fun and i love it only sucks when iw ake yupin the mrnring all sore and tired and barely not able to walk lol.
  24. well im actually pretty excited bout this. See some of ya there.
  25. i have no idea what this topic is about. MASK is a awesome dancer one of my faves and i wouldnt want to battle him. Hes to nice and well i feed off of him when we have dance together b4. As for the whole pop and locking breaking thing cool thats great for the eyes but after a fw power moves then what. And if your a pop or locker that means you pracice which is good, but i never practice or do anything to improve my dancing. I just go out and whatever comes out comes out. Theres millions of people who can wipe the floor with me as well hell you might be on of them.
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