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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. So i was in my closet lookng for some old cds and came across a cd that is awesome. Icant stop playing it so far its my 3rd time back to back. Just thought i would see if anybody else has heard it or owns it: 1994- FREEZE CLUB MIXER VOL 1. (FREEZE RECORDS) A NEW YORK STYLE TODD TERRY MEGAMIX. MIXED BY JEFF ROMANOWSKI AND DAVE THE WAVE.
  2. SHELTER on oct 11TH TIMMY REGISFORD and on the 1th "LIL" LOUIE VEGA. Need i say more. 39thst between 5th and 6th.
  3. I forgot you said you had to work damn dude. Yeah thanks for being cool also man. I lost you somewhere during the night well until next week or next time. Best part of the hip hop was hearing scnerio and top billing and the other classis which i dont recall right now. MORILLO rocked it. Thanks for the list ROBBPHAB.
  4. what place in NEW YORK CITY isnt "TOURISTY". And what did happen?
  5. Im gonna be there for this one im curious to hear dimitri. WOW mon oct 13 all daywith erick morillo SHEESH im gonna be at SHELTER on the 12th for lil louie vega wow and then erick sounds like i will be in the emergency room on tuesday.
  6. i might show up for this one. But ive partied to hard this week. Hopefully whoever goes has a great night. Ive never heard JASON live b4. But workin all day for 9 hrs on my feet then staying at websterhall till closin and not getting any sleep and working on sun really is tiring. Whoknows maybe i will get a burst f energy who knows.
  7. Well what a freaking party thing lasted until 625am. And i was the first one in the door lol. 2 problems with the night. The flyer said 10pm so me and my friends got there at 1030 and there werent set up outside untill 1105pm or something anyhow that wasnt that bad. Now heres the problem personally i hate hip hop and why were they playng it in the main room until erick got in the booth very strange and annoying. The best part was when he threw down some great old school shit until morillo poped up. WOW WHEN HE started playing the crowd was soooooooo hype they were screaming. I cant remember a single track right now. He went all over from old school to new school to mixing them up tgether WOW,WOW,WOW what a great night i met so many cool people. Iodnt know if they post here or not but i wanna shout them out anyway. SHAUNA,VERONICA,JAMES,MARISSA,JAY,ROB, JENNIFER, PAUL.SHEESH to many now i cant remember. Also met a few clubplanet people but i dont recall who lol. Im sure somebody will write a better review but i just wanted to say i had a great night. And i cant wait until next week.
  8. hes just not my CUP OF TEA. Doesnt play HOUSE MUSIC the way i can enjoy it. But im sure there are plenty of people who will have a great time that night.
  9. Maybe now i will get to see in the flesh the great CODICA3.
  10. i guess if people have a great night when they go home they will tell there friends about it. AND SO ON AND SO ON. And thats how its goin. Also im sure it helps alot having a great dj like RICK CORBO on sat nights. the man is reallygoin up on those dj polls.
  11. dont confuse people powerpill. WEBSTERHALLs 1st floor plays that. But up in the ballroom its straight up HOUSE no trance(thank god)at least on sat nights.
  12. its bucks if you have the flyer or on a guestlist. Last time i think he came on around 130am. Dont recall since it was in june lol. IM SO EXCITED, hopefully i will have some energy to go crazy after partying at LE SOUK tomorrow.
  13. im sure their will be no tourist there on this night at websterhall. Because all the great clubplanet will be there. Now if only ya would give websterhall a chance on a sat night.
  14. IANJOHN reasons 3 and 4 are why me and a few others support RICK CORBO every sat or chance we get. I dont care much when people bash websterhall cause believe me i know what you guys all mean. But when it comes to rick thats a different story. Im sorry im not a dj and nor do i ever aspire to beone. But i still believe VINLY should always be the way to go. This is an interesting topicbut like everything else in life. Your strong points will be somebody elses weak points. And vice versa. Personally if theres only one thing im jealous of the NYC doesnt have, its the fact that HOUSE MUSIC or better yet ELECTRONIC DANCE MUISC isnt as respected or normal like in other countries. Unfortunatey somebody siad thats because of the way things are marketed t middle white mainstream america. A very good and funny point was something like this. IMAGINE A 13 YR OLD KENTUCKY WHTE GIRL HAVING A POSTER OF KEVIN AVAINCE IN HER ROOM.
  15. I didnt know you wouldve liked SHELTER but ok i will next time. Only problem is remember i work on sat,suns so its rare that i could go. I went last night cause i havent been there in almost 2 yrs now. And i needed to g since iwast workin on sun. Next time dude. Call me up, wanna ask you few things.
  16. Who the hell is talkin about KTU. Thats a worthless DANCE station. I listen to tapes from back in the day on 89.9 with dj disciple (have you heard of him) about 45 tape in that collection. Im stuck at home without 5000 vinlys from my bothers collection. Mixed cds from various dj friends i have, as well as all the albums that i like to support. GLOBAL UNDERGROUNDS,VICTOR CALDEONE,PETER RAUHEER,DAVID MORALES,SAEED PALASH, ALL OF DANNY TENAGLIAS CDS, ALL THE SHELTER CDS. And whatever artist is putting out satisfying HOUSE CD Dude please ktu doesnt exist in my life. I go out on 4 o 5 nightsa week with websterhall incuded, please im loyal to a place that has something for me.Thisweek alone im gonna be AT CIELO on mon for FRANCIOS K, TUES i will be at SALA, WEDS i will be at LE SOUK, thur at DISCOTHEQUE for ERICK MORILLO, SAT webstrhall. Dude ive been thru a lot of the clubs that have been around since 98, so please the loyalty is notto the venue its to the dj. RICK CORBO, DANNY TENAGLIA are the only djs i would follow anywhere even canada if i couldve haved off that weekend from work. IBIZA next yr for the closin parties.IANJOHN seems to be the MESSIAH of these boards so what are you plans. Mr ghhhhost i sure your the greatest person on these boards so your sympathy has made my night. See ya at SHELTER on oct 12 for LIL LOUIE VEGA wait as a matter of fact i could care less if i do. BEST places i enjoy goin every week: CHEETAH,WEBSTERHALL, LE SOUK, ARC,SHELTER. But its more about the dj not the venue. Perfect example WHEN DJ MERRIT is playing at CHEETAH on suns its a great night of music but when DJ (BORING) BORIS plays its a terrible night.
  17. dude what are you talking about. Rick hast played any of those song since 99. And thats not even his style anymore. Your quite wrong there. Ive been goin to websterhall for 4 1/2 yrs now and im there almst every sat night and believe me you wrong abotu at nigts. Dont confuse people here. And when rick does play old school he plays true classics like : LOVE AND HAPPINESS, I'LL BE YOUR FRIEND, FOLLOW ME. SO you dont know what your tlking about if your referrin to sat nighs. ANd believe me none of thse songs are good anyway. So if he was playig crap like that i wouldnt be goin still.
  18. i could be wrong but i think LALALANDNYC13 is quite young and new to the scene. The probem with people is that they thinkeverything is called TECHNO or TRANCE nowadays. And when that happens forget it. Personally i LOVE HOUSE MUSIC. Now being that i LOVE HOUSE MUSIC i have the pleasure weather im at websterhall, arc, shelter, cheetah, le souk, discotheque of hearing HOUSE MUSIC, progressive, tribal, dark, deep and ever once in a while tech house. Im only 23 but have been involved with house music since 1990,1991, thanks in part to my brother,cousins. NYC is a HOUSE MUSIC CITY but also its a universal city as well. Since all types of people live here of course there needs to be all types of music. But if you say HOUSE MUSIC instantly you have tothinkof NYC,CHICAGO if you sa TECHNO you think of detroit and trance-Europe i guess. Anyhow the sad part is that most people who just gotinto the scene around 99 or so dont no much about history or genres.
  19. I dont even know how the hell i made it to shelter after that killer set that rick played. I didnt even see you leave. Rick closed the night with KINGS OF TOMORROW-FINALLY (DANNYS RETURN TO PARADISE MIX) good way to say goodnight i think. Once the lights came on it woke me up, and i said fuck it im goin to shelter. Everyody else didnt wanna go. But i only stood for about 3hrs. I danced mauybe like 20mins lol i was sooooooo dead. But had a great time listening to the music. HOUSE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG. I love it i think im growing def though.
  20. If your a guy wait until 19 if your a lady i think they will let you in. If you get in have a great time, and if your still in the mood to party after like 5or 6am then come with me im goin to SHELTER afterwards. But good luck finding me.lol. Im all in black with a SILVERBULL belt buckle and will be with some freinds dancing are asses off.
  21. Of course WEBSTERHALL doesnt care about having a musically incline crowd. Who gives a fuck about trendiest crowd, they dont dance and waste space on the floor and like every club that is trendy at one point it goes away and then some other crap opens. I can only speak about sat nights cause thats the night i frequent the most. The MUSIC is great but the crowd needs some work. But since the beginning of like june or something it seems to get betterand better more dancers. I have a blast with my friends there. But im only their for the music. Rick corbo does a great job. Hes improved so much over the last 2 yrs. If you havent step foot inside in awhile then dont talk crap. And if you do go just hear and feel the music.
  22. Hey the music at websterhall sat nights is not OLD. Far from it. But the only way to believe it is to go on your own. If i could put a track listing i would.
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