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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. i'll be at plaid on thursday. Hopefully i will have enrgy for it cause i party hard on wed nights.
  2. you guys are so right a new club will open and change everyting. BOOFUCKINHOO. NYC has many talented house djs and have the best until people started chooosing TRANCE over HOUSE then they left overseas. But it also opened up alot of people to hear new djs and have a great time. Theres a bunch of great DJS in nyc.
  3. thats been my lil secret spot on weds nights. Great freaking music and the enrgy in that room is insane. I havent missed a night. Different partie on different nights. I hear sun nights is also great but never been there on that night. LE SOUK is a restaraunt type place. Its small and its not a club club if ya know whatui mean. But everybody is dancing in the small space available. TRIBAL, HOUSE,JAZZY TRIBAL. Im there every weds wurkin it lol.
  4. ALL the times ive heard rizzo play at websterhall on thursday nights have been a great night for me as well.
  5. I thought they called it the new KTU because the old KTU signed off the air in 83 or 84 i think. JOECRACK find there contact informtation and then put it here and have all of us write to them explaning what NEW YORKERS think is DANCE music NOT MONEY DANCE MUSIC. And we haveto make sure we get our genres right, HOUSE,TRANCE,TECHNO,DRUM N BASS,ETC.
  6. Ive heard the name b4 EMJAY but not familiar with what type of sets or productions he/she makes. Clique was boring the last time iwent, earlier last month. But people did look like they were ejoying themselves.
  7. Why not have everyone on clubplanet write to KTU and voce thier complaints. I agreee everytimei turned it on it was hip hop or LASGO.
  8. Well i would party on mon and any day of the week only think i know thats goin on are CHINA CLUB mons (no thanks) abd CIELO with FRANCIOS K (yeah baby). Good luck with your party but im a HOUSE HEAD.
  9. The other people dont post here. They dont like this board. Go to ricks website and see the pics. And i dont think i will be thier this sat. But i will be goin out on wed,thurs,sun,mon, to make up for sat. Email if you wanna know where. What fight dx? And i think nobody wanted a piece of us that night we were really rockin it hard.
  10. i enjoyed it very much.I saw it not as a DOCMENTARY but as a movie.
  11. Yo yo MASK thanks for comin out on sat night glad to hear you had fun. ITs been a while since ive seen you get down and DAMN kid you were ripping that floor up. Yeah i introduced you to a lot of people and i understand sometimes its hard to remember. bt thats why ya gotta come out next week and the week after lol. Although i am taking this weekend off to watch OSCAR DELAHOYA vs SHANE MOSLEY 2. Man we all left went to eat and both DX and i had to work on sun. But at least he started work at 1 i think or so he said. Me had to leave my house at 845 and i got home at 720. Anyhow rick was playing some new shit along with some goodies. My fave track of the night was hearing LOVE AND HAPPINESS towards the end. Anybody with an open mind should come check sat night over at webs. You might suprise yourself.
  12. Dont worry i will introduce everybody to everyone. See ya there.
  13. I was there from 1230am till closing, and believe me it was a great night. I was sooooo tired when i walked in cause i had been partying since sat night didnt thin i was gonna dance but i wurked it until i couldn anymre which was arond 10,1030am. And please there was no trance there at all. People sometimes just dont know the difference. iTHINK some of the asian people in thierwere straight up rude. They bump everyone and dont say sorry. Anyhow back to the music, s&p were playin some stuff i heard on sat night so it made me get down and loose again. And they set the tempo for danny who rocked it hard &soul if yo ask me. I sat the whole TECH HOUSE set to restup so i can stay till closing. Um there werent many meatheads thier nor to many dragon ball z heads as well. A few but not exagerrant like other times and clubs. Danny on the floor is always good to see even better to see is when hes jumpin upand down in the booth with his lights. Ended the night with borderline i think iwas so exhaused by then that i was hoding up the walls and pillars. But had a blast as am sure most of the people who understand the VIBE THAT IS HOUSE did as well. I had on a white bandanna (so did a lot of other people) all in black with a fewsilver chains, jumping and spinning in the air. I was with my close friend who had on a fuzzy blue bra.
  14. I ve been goin to cheetah suns for months now and have said it also defintely a great place. Suppose to be gay but like jaysea and most people should know by now, HOUSE MUSIC IS FOR EVERYONE. I was at ARC on sun to mon but will be at cheetah again on the 14th.
  15. i would be afraid to put those pics on here. And me and my ex (broke up 1 1/2 ago) are kinda rekindling so i dont know now.
  16. RFKFREAK is it really hysterical be cause im a tall black guy with a mohawk and i think 31 gold chains. And for the whole meet me at arc comment i explained it already on the previous pg somewhere. I worded it wrong.
  17. yo sexonthebeach your right i worded it wrong. What i typed and meant were 2 different things,what i meant was like come to me and lets talk about it in person, instead of goin back and forth on here. Ahem of course we could settle matters in a friendl DANCE OFF lol, well if i have the strength read my last post to see what i mean by it. I dont take drugs or drink so i will have a natural high. Adios.
  18. Not stupidly ridiculous long like this HIP HOP cultures flaunts. More like the same length as my others but thicker. Any how im outta here gotta get ready for a cray adventure. I havent had sex since tues morning, cause ive been saving my stength and stamina for this weekend. Although i was tired frompartyin @lesouk weds, and discotheque thurs. But im off to bed now for about 2 hrs, then its off to websterhall till closin @6am sun then shelter until 5pm sun, then rest for an hr or 2 somewhere hopefullly then cielo until about 1ish thenoff to ARC. Im not plannin to wake up until weds night to go back to lesouk.
  19. explain to me what i said that made you right that comment SEXONTHEBEACH.
  20. from my point of view i dont know if you did the right thingor not. But only if iwas in your mind and situation would i be able to understand. And only you know if you did the right thing or not. I tell ya women are shady. I was in MANHATTHANVILLE college the week of the blackout. Met a girl who dorms there and her and her friends were hangin out in the hallways with a friend of mines and i guess his friends. Anyhow we hit itoff whatever and then she tells and points to some guy and says that her fella. Im like ok so i moved a lil she said dont worry hes a bit blind and is leavng to pick up his family or some crap like that. Anyhow 2 hrs later we were in her dorm and in my friends dorm fuking like rabbits for 6 or something hrs. Women can be bad at times. Makes me wonder sometimes about my relationships as well. But thats life nothing is guranteed. Except death.
  21. That MR T comment is so mature,sigh, (do you see gold). And aint nothing wrong with seeing your friends naked or even haveing 3 dicks in a room with one pussy. How does that make anything gay. I swear to god some of you people must be really young and immature or not have been around like other people. Hopefully the girl can handle a dick in her mouth, her pussy, her asshole. And if shes really crazed out and wild maybe take 2 dicks in her pussy at the same time. Of course whatever rules she wants to make as well. If she wants us one at a time and the all 3 then by all means. As or prostitutes well i cant seem to find any of my old customers numbers and when i do call the ones i do find, thier done or not in town. How boring are you people THIS IS A SEX BOARD. AND IM NOT MEXICAN. Anymore stupid comments can be brought to my attention at ARC on sun,mon. See ya there i will be wearing a white bandanna and i dont have all those chains anymore just one big one. See ya.
  22. Thats who i am. Except number 11 being that i am a short guy i dont know if i could literally fuck up anybody and everybody, but will keep fighting till i drop.
  23. Ive had 2 threesomes in my life b4 and they were good both with me being the only guy. Now kinda curious to share a women with my 2 close fellas. All females welcomed, and if you even wanna watch then thats fine as well.
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