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Everything posted by silverbull

  1. Well heres what you have to look forward to: http://www.thehousedanceproject.com/marvin1.mov
  2. Im not one to battle anyone or even get in circles anymore, but for you I WILL!
  3. WELL ON SUNDAy over in brooklyn ruben toro has his TEMPLE party and its somewhat of a body n soul paradise garage type of music. You jsut missed SHELTERS party with timmy regisford, dman im sorry i dunno what to telly uo to do this weekend. Bu thave fun and please do let us know when is the next time you will be back.
  4. 80hrs is extreme lol. But its called being passionate and enjoying something. Like i could spend all day with my g/f i could spend all day watching boxing fights, and i already spend all day everyday lsitneing to house music,so i guess it all bolis down to how much you like something. I also love to dance my body is bruised up though with 2 disclocated bones on both my feet and 2 banged up knees, but i can still get down. And probably not straihgt for 8-12 hrs i do take break here and there as well or if a song sucks. And i do drink alot of water and red bull. Think of sex with someone your very attracted to and its good sex too maybe you wouldnt doin that for a few hrs.
  5. Oh hell yeah. I did the whole 29hrs of 6 hunbert street closing, I do other parties that sometimes are 14hrs, ilove music and love to dance. You jsut gotta eat properly and rest good b4 and afterwards. I remember for nye 2 yrs ago i did 12hrs at shelter then 4hrs at babylons kiss and tried to do 7hrs at 718 sessions, but only made it to 4 b4 passing out on the couch for a bit. ANd woke up and did the rest of the 3 hrs. Also how about sun nghts when i start partying at 6pm adn dont end until about 10am mon mornings, All sober. It can be done.
  6. wHAT ABOUT people like me who dance for like 8hrs or more 3 nights of the week WITHOUT drugs or liquor and for many yrs now. It can be done and i also know of djs and dancer who are drug free, well with the exception of weed which i dont do either. Hey liquid not everyone who was at SHELTER last week for the 22hr party was their from the begging they have such a loyal following that diferent hrs different people show up, some might do something but alot dont. If ya like come down to the opening on march 18th or for the 15yr party and i will introduce you to some of the peeps there.
  7. Never have and never will HOUSE MUSIC is my drug. If ya need to do something to ENHANCE your "musical experience" maybe the music your listening to isnt all that.
  8. I couldve walked some of ya in but im not going,lol.
  9. LISA SHAW is the shit. Seemn her perform many times, have a great night.
  10. Only ONCE,?????????? your slacking off hehe. Well if your free on thurs im having my party at SOL. And there should be some amazing dancers there as well. And for real the whole BATTILING attitude is so annoying me. Like i hate when someone comes up to me and is like yo you dance good wanna battle im like no, i dont dance against you, but i will dance with you.
  11. Thankfullly not all the parties in nyc that have a circle area bout competition. But alot of big rooms and for certain djs some of the crowd gets into a competition mood during circles. And also if you were to learn more about the history of a circle in house music you would see that it wasnt originally meant to be a competition thing.
  12. Well you could always put me on ignore or deal with it.
  13. Seems like the old school mentality has it down to perfection. Maybe one day things can go back to it. BODY N SOUL perfect party.
  14. yo fake screen name, what is really your purpose. And you must really have no life to copy and save some of ym posts and post them later under this fake name.
  15. silverball is some loser whos trying to be me and posting shit ive typed like 3 yrs ago dont pay him mind. With that said, might i suggest you give me or mention the dates your planning on coming down. And i will let you know whats going on, right now if your into house music and at the same time a good looking venue than CIELO would be your perfect choice. Cause there in the trendy section of nyc and have a tight door policy aside from mon and weds, and its small about 300 capacity and brings in some of the best djs. Also it depends on what your l;ooking for in a night out, good house music with dancing, drug dens, trendy wannabes, fashion pretty people places, celeb places that basically play music you will hear on the radio.
  16. No i think its great that your asking people to see other djs. My sign was just for something you said about being good and better than alot of other people (or do i have you confused), I was just thinkin for djs sometimes it better to let your music do the talking. I look forward ot hearing you play out one night.
  17. Holy crap another silverball moment, wtf, people really are losers i tell ya.
  18. I left SHELTER at 730am myself, and its still goin i wonder which party will stop last. Being that shelter is leaving 39th street their probably stopping at like 5 pm.
  19. Imitators with no life, what can i say.
  20. Organizing a party and running a list are 2 different things. Good luck with what your doin. Just believe in what you doin and be passionate about it. It aint always bout making money its all about the product you represent. And eventually it might lead to something bigger.
  21. SHELTER last party at 39th street going on till likee 4 or 5pm. I was there from 12am until 7am cause now im at work, but TIMMY REGISFORD is still going.
  22. Of course not , you know i have nothing but love for you and your comments although we havent met,lol. Look at who you quoted, it wasnt me, someone made a fake screen name trying to be stupid towards me.
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