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Everything posted by njbigtime

  1. Carl when the fuck do you back it up! Last year Donkeyboy harrassed you all day...And when you met him you bought him a drink... You talk more shit than anyone.... All of that ulitmate fighting bullshit you preach....go fuck yourself you homo....And you would know about gay clubs woudlnt you carl.....cut your hair and get a clue you fucking loser..... look at your life....enough said!
  2. Carl lets get a few things straight! First off what does juice have to do with anything? I am sorry that i look 10 times better than you..I am also sorry that you juice and still look like shit....Carl i am not beating around the bush I wrote yesterday that i dont like the way you promote.....reallly i could give a fuck about you and Taste.....not worth my time.... Have a great life! P.S. Please smarten up!
  3. Carl dont call me dude....Dont refer in any matter.....You truely annoy the shit out of me.........Smarten up and stay clear away from me!
  4. this is very gay indeed....Chris I will be at Deko the 20th. Please stay smart and stick with Deko...NO real offensive to Carl but i cant take it anymore fucking more....Taste this Taste that....You post on everyone elses threads....It is annoying and distasteful....I dont see Billy, Binnoy or any other promoters hicjacking threads to promote their party....Have some respect....You have hyped it so much i cant deal anymore......I can never enter Taste now....This has annoyed me so much!
  5. Are refering to yourself as a bear? You cant be serious
  6. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww' Please stop, this threat is making me shake and making it hard for me to use the keyboard at work..............
  7. Carl when you going to learn to pull your pants up before leaving the bathroom? Please smarten up hairboy I am in no mood for this today! go sell a car or something....
  8. Wow John you are so funny....Great job pal keep up the good work.....See ya at sexy Taste on the 20th.
  9. Rod i owe so much credit of the MVP to you coach...Forget Shula, Walsh, Parcells...........Rod is the coach of the century........Many times when i was down and out, you got me back on my feet....Thanks for the coaching and the aid of taking atleast 10 years off my life....LOL........ Your experience and expertice was much appreaciated..........
  10. Temp- there we many great times we had in the summer...The Djais happy hours of tossing slinkies and getting hyped up for Temps....Of course the ownership of the NJguido beer pong tourney....... the time Stacked bit your arm........LOL
  11. Well we usually only go out once a week in the fall, winter and spring........4 nights of the week during the summer of drinking well def do it....plus not doing 6 to 7 days a week of moring cardio....
  12. Chris- wow what a summer.......had some sick times....There were times when i didnt think i was going to make it through....Thanks for always being there to help out...........Well time for a period of hibernation........First Keto and strip off layers of fat, then a period of semi-bulking to put on lean mass.....Never to early to start thinking about next summer.......alot of work to do
  13. Ah yea pretty sure i closed out Temps that night! I will be out all weekend!
  14. People please smarten up.......Very big weekend ahead.....Game Faces need to be on....Concentrate on what needs to be done...Eye on prize!
  15. Agreeded Chris! Dave i am giving you a new small t-shirt for your b-day....So you better work hard in the off season so you can grow out of those Extra small t-shirts.....
  16. Rod please smarten up and concentrate on the big game.......
  17. Really when have I not been iron? very intresting
  18. excuse me but what happened to saturday? True iron people go all out all weekend not just one day..........no iron at all.............
  19. Yea we are real jealous that Dave has the arms the size of the lower part of my wrists. LOL
  20. I am a primetime player........I will be there in the big game....Just need to get better and mentally prepare myself for this weekend.
  21. The way i feel right now, may not make to sunday....Chris please order a "big girl" in my honor.........
  22. You started me on this path pal.....Therefore it is partly your fault........
  23. Chris please call the family, i think this is it for me! i will miss everyone! Goodbye
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