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Everything posted by mrmiami

  1. that shit is sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna go throw up now
  2. lol, nah, but since I still have jimmy's grill..I have a couple slabs of ribs that are left over!!
  3. happy birthday mang!!
  4. I vote this BBQ the HOTTTTTTTTTTEST BBQ EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Felicia and I would like to thank everyone who came and contributed to another great bbq!!! We sure do come together at times like these!! Thanks to all the dj's who played, great job!!! Eric and Lyrik, thanks for letting us use your shyt!! Jimmy the grill is mine now bitch!!!!!! bwahahahah bwhahahahaha Flip, I'm still finding those little plastic cups everywhere!!..lol, and thanks for the coolers! Johny Quest, it's great to put a smile with a face, glad you made it safe here and back home, and you should have a nice tan to last you a couple days!! There were others that I met for the first time too, but sorry, I can't remember your names!! I can list some that were not there, but I will save you the embarrassment, you know who you are!! To all the usual suspects, thanks for coming I had a great time! Mursa.....you trooper! Thanks for showing up and we are definitely on for next weekend to the the wanna be b-ball players-don't quit your dayjob;) did anyone make 3 in a row?? HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPY MOFO BIRFDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to Themrs and Bling!!!
  5. there is food here? CrzyC
  6. dsfuigadsofui DSUi fgluaiwef.gckgDC' Hwd'ckh a;;sdivg asdkjbv asd v as'dvb ;asdhf A DS A;DSK V sd vha'ldsh vadsv STFU!
  7. bbq is alive and kick'nnnnn!!!!!!!!!!! bring it!!!
  8. it's time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. on 93.1 right now?? sounds like one of their mixoligist to me. I have to tell you, he was a big influence on me, but the last couple of times he has been here, crap!!
  10. listening right now, doesn't sound like him though??
  11. mrmiami

    Happy Bday TheMrs

    Happy Birfday!!!!
  12. how can I defend myself when I cant see shit!!
  13. I think JQ said he was going to bring a keg? but still, it's a byof/byob bbq
  14. damn it, I hate it when you fawkers talk in spanglish
  15. what do you want to fill it up with??
  16. no pool, but I do have a big bathtub!!!
  17. yes!!! I was going to get one, but was unsure uf there would be any participation from anyone?? it's going to be a hot one!!
  18. ICE, we will needs lots of ICE!!!
  19. how about everyone just bring their fav tube of lube!!
  21. the slips and slides are set, so bring you're bathing suit, cause it's going to get slippery!!
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