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Posts posted by DANCEdeep

  1. Originally posted by joeg

    this is because the cops shut anything down before it starts if its not all paid up to the city... and as far as the same 20 djs... thats because people only come out for them... if they book smaller acts, a lot of times they lose money... its a shame...

    I've never heard anyone say a rave had no "vibe"...


    you are so right

  2. Karimsa, housedog :laugh: can't agree more.

    Originally posted by rocksteadyact

    clubs are usally 3/4 - people there to score, drink, or fight 1/4 - music. raves its more 1/2 and 1/2

    The picking up and drinking part is so true...fighting is an end-product. What ever happened to going out just for the music and for a good vibe? I still do. Parties use to be all for the music and all for the dancing. Kids didn't treat other kats like shit--they were actually <<shock>> nice and friendly! The last party I went to had an awwwwesome vibe and the people were all for the music...reminded me of why I like to stay w/the low-key, non-commerical parties. For clubs, I love arc.

  3. Cracked:

    actually some psytrance is verrrry hard, verrry dark and fuckin' awesome; sometimes it's very melodic as well. Here's one way of putting it---- characterized by a 4/4 rhythm, psytrance attempts to use layers of sounds and audio tweaks rather than melodies to induce a trance like state. The current range of psytrance spans many styles from minimal techno like constructions all the way to harsh abrasive sounds that border on industrial, always with a heady dose of psychedlia thrown in.

    Honestly, it's so hard to explain. PM me and I'll send you some phat tracks on IM.

  4. Originally posted by dialectics

    mostly i study the subtle art of procrastination, and research the next destination for my quest for the world's best party.

    you sound like me.

    Signal processing? sounds interesting, most def! So do you produce music for mixing? A few days ago I was at this kid's loft and he had this sick set-up. No tables, but equipment for producing..keyboards, computers, mixers... I think he produces all psytrance.

    You have another week until your deadline--could be good or bad. Bad because you probably won't be leaving the library anytime soon. :tongue:

  5. I was contemplating on going to Kind last night. I really was in the mood to dance** and I was about to give in and f* it but I'm saving up for this week and the month of may! Plus I had a really good time at a party on thurs. Some goooood stuff going on.

    So how was KIND??

  6. Originally posted by dmtgod

    I've totally seen Brazil....that movie is great. What really disturbed me was when i worked at an insurance company this winter and most of the pages in the policy folders had Tuttle written across the top in small letters. Ahh.



  7. Originally posted by space-d

    i second that....definitely watch brazil...think, you will.

    :) that's cool that you've seen it! No one seems to have seen Terry Gilliam's Brazil besides me and a friend of mine, unless you're a film major or close to it. The ending totally disturbed me...omg.


  8. Originally posted by dialectics

    DANCEdeep: sorry i didn't answer your q before... i've been so busy with work i can't handle reality.

    I despise TV (i don't even own one) but i loooove movies.

    I think it comes back to finances - movies make money by getting your ticket... so movies have are resolute experiences - whereas TV makes money through ads... so their goal is to keep you watching and watching... ideally you'd be a hapless zombie just glued to the couch. so they do these crazy psychological things to keep you watching - like end every show without resolution, so you're left emotionally hanging... and while they do that they advertise for the next one, which promises resolutiong for you... but it never comes. so you're sitting there like an idiot for 3 hours and leave feeling wholly unsatisfied.

    Also, the low light CRT screen of the tv induces alpha brainstates (see eeg), which is a state associated with relaxation and specifically, "non thinking". Film induces the beta rhythm, by alternating patterns of light and dark, which is a more active brainstate. In other words, they don't call it the idiot box for nuffin



    There are SO many reality shows on now, it's gets boring. Plus I don't like to just sit around. Interesting info. on brainstates. Watch Brazil.


  9. Originally posted by dialectics

    Well we know who went to film school.... DANCEdeep i love your pix also (we're screening mulholland drive at my film group tonight!) except for 400 blows which i'm sorry to say was the WORST the new wave had to offer. i fell asleep twice.

    yea Mulholland Drive is crrraazy. I had to study 400 Blows in my film class and from that I saw a truely beautiful film. There is soooooo much symbolism. What do you think of Clockwork Orange? Have you seen Reqrieum for a Dream?

  10. it's hard to say what your "favorites" are but here are a few films that are amazing, in no consecutive order...


    -Reqrieum for a Dream

    -Mulholland Drive


    -400 Blows

    -Clockwork Orange

    -The Last Unicorn ..hehe,

    -The Never-Ending Story

    -The Red Violin



    White (french film triad)

    ---it's weird that some of my favorites are films that I can't watch again or don't need to because they're that impacting.

  11. Originally posted by drOne

    i'd rather drive and save money but i don't know anyone who's driving and me personally....there's no way i'm driving my car to the car jacking capital of the world

    :laugh: it's true, certain parts of Detroit are ghetto, and despite what anyone says, you do need to watch your back especially if you're not from there. Arizona actually beats Detroit on the list of highest car jacks.

    Originally posted by cutie6190

    and for dance deep i would def. be taking off work and going down there lol even though the family will be mad but hey its for you and your expernice and shit. i like your sig too.

    I hear ya but everyone would be so pissed because they're going to a family reunion. I need to find some people who want to go first:blank:--I definetly want to go to the DEMF WAY more than I wanted to go to the WMC!!!!!! Yeah, my sig is ok. Thanks.

  12. Originally posted by shaolinstyle

    Who asked for your opinion dork :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh:

    don't make fun your own kind shorty. holla :tongue:

    It's crazzzzy how much I want to go to the DEMF..mostly because I should have been there last year. Now this year my whole family is taking a trip during memorial day weekend and I'm suppose to go. But I'm not because I have work. But if I am able to take off work I'd want to head for Detroit--everyone would be so pissed but I think I'm going to do that hehe. :blank:

  13. Originally posted by lasix

    dont wait for the lineup. it will happen. and it will be sick. 3 days of techno + house.. (mostly techno tho hehehe).. lineup shouldnt matter. you cant get that anywhere else in this country all year round. wmc doesnt even come close

    agree with you 100%. The lineup will no doubt be awesome. It's getting there that takes some deep thought.:D

  14. DEMF!!! I really want to go to this~I was suppose to be in Detroit last year but I had to be somewhere else. I wish it wasn't during memorial day weekend.

    cutie6190, expect a lot of techno--that's a given, it's Detroit--and 'D' legendaries.

  15. Originally posted by happykittn

    It's too bad I didn't pick up breaking back in the 80's, the bboys are getting a ton of work right now (Jolly Rancher commercial, GAP commercial, Toyota commercial w/Smashmouth music, AT&T commercial, etc)...

    didn't you say once that your boy was a bboy? Get him to teach you ;) . Do you know Bboy Crumbs?

    Justin is smart as hell for learning. He will open up and spark interest in a whole other direction. It's funny & strange because months ago I was thinking that he should learn how to breakdance and he actually is!

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