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Posts posted by DANCEdeep

  1. Originally posted by rizzo

    agreed. I've met Pen twice and can easily say that she is a) prettier and B) more exotic then that stout little gymnast slut who looks decent with 100% makeup and lighting but A-bsolutely hideous without the gloss. The problem is all these heffers on CP idolize Brittney because she is a pop icon, and the epidomy of what American Girls should be like.

    :aright::rofl: ..yeah, look at the early pictures before she started looking slutty & made-up.

  2. Penelope Cruz is a beautiful woman. I don't know how anyone would think she's just alright...especially all you girls who think britney is hot. damn. Britney, i"m sorry, is a plain jane who gets her makeup done and then just looks like a normal girl.

  3. Originally posted by gmccookny

    I found out a few years ago that my brother *most likely* is gay. I found this out by...... C) he collects Heubachs. Now the last one doesn't necessarily mean he's gay, but it's something to consider.


    about your friend, I would say something. But be ready for a range of reactions. He may get pissed off that you even looked at his computer ("why'd you even bother to look at my comps history?"...invading privacy), he may get offended that you think he's gay, or he may break down and think or even say, "thank god"...some relief...some support.

    Always a possibility is that he clicked on a link and this gay site came up or it was sent to his email and he looked at it not knowing what it was.

    I had a friend that ohhhhhhhhmyyyyyyyyygooooooood seemed gay...EVERYTHING...he "talked" gay and just fit the stereotype. He absolutely loved madonna...vogue was a fav of his (hmmmm ??). One thing that was weird about him was that he would say faggety sayings like, "talk to the hand 'cause the mouth ain't movin'." But he dated girls etc. etc. Last year, at age 24, he let everyone know the truth. Now he looooooooooooooooooooveeeeeeeees wearing skin-tight-gay-boy-shirts. Point is, doesn't matter how old you are..if you're gay, you're gay.

  4. I"m Going!!! It's should be awesome. Even w/the wall--a lot of peeps have complained about it--i think it's LOVE-LY ;) !!!

    most owners, or landlords for that matter, suck. why? because they only care about money, that's unfortunately the biz. :chop:

    btw, abortionator, you sure like the vicodin..

  5. i actually saw this before but the 1st time i watched it i was seriously hurting from laughing so hard!

    what's really funny is that there are people that actually do some of those moves

  6. Originally posted by jaysea

    But u told me to listen to Sasha n Digger?

    i guess it takes only the college-educated to understand what I wrote. What I said was that you prob. listen to sasha and digweed:vomit3: :cheese:

    hmmm you don't need to "impress shit HUNNY" then why the fuck tell me "er, i like worked at tunnel from blah blah blah."

    keep your mouth closed or better yet keep sucking dick..


  7. Originally posted by jaysea

    i Fucked all the dj's u were creamin at, 4 years ago, when u were running your LITTLE LIST,And im opeing a LARGE club in NYC, Funding it, Doing it, And having a Blast....

    So now that u know who i am.

    WHO THE Fuck are u hunny?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LOL!! I REALLY don't care what you've done honestly. If you were trying to impress me, well, at least you made me laugh. I'm glad you Fucked all the djs.


  8. Originally posted by jaysea

    do kandy kids still excist?

    didint they dies out in 98> with Tunnel, and all those countdown party's and Hullaballo> in Toronto?

    and when diid candy kids actually listen to decent music?


    What pleasurhead is doing a New reisidency @ Centro-Fly?

    don't diss your roots, that is if you HAD any...oh wait you started listening to electronic music last year...my bad. Go back to your your headphones listening to sasha & digweed.

    You're trying to say that I'm a "candykid" :laugh:...nope. I don't really feel like sitting here and getting into it. I'm all about the music and that's what it comes down to.

    Originally posted by max3

    I called them once about this, and I was told it was ok to wear jeans only if it was name brands like Diesel, and no sneakers.

    :laugh: :laugh:

  9. Centro doesn't have a dress code. It's 'casual wear' (sneakers are ok-- personally you look silly dancing, if you GO to dance, in anything but sneakers -- just wear your usual clubgear). Honestly though, they can be hesitant on letting you in if you're wearing let's say biggie pants (UFOs, kikwear,..).

    I know this b/c awhile back my friend was wearing big orange ufos and he was argueing w/one of the promoters b/c they wouldn't let him in initially. I think it's fuckin' funny though b/c the staff wears basically that but more (look like prisoners) so maybe it's really b/c he looked like part of the staff haha.

    I personally think a dress code is fuckin' retaaaaarded. Who cares? You have all these yuppies starting to go to clubs and gettin' all up in the scene, making tapered pants 'the way to go kids!' :rolleyes:. And clubs allow guys w/gay-tight-shirts in, so why not let someone w/a little flava in? I'm only playing, but seriously, it all comes down to the music. Dress codes suck.

  10. Originally posted by Mystify22Who are we to speculate though....just be clear in knowing that I don't make my decisions on whether or not I think someone is hot or I like them. Just get that straight, you've got your opinions, I've got mine, but don't tell me how I "won't admit the obvious truth" k? thanks

    just chill and don't take it personal.;) True---who are we to speculate...I agree. She is a person and I'm sure it's annoying to have so many people dissing you and talking you down. But I guess that comes w/being in the public eye.

  11. Originally posted by Mystify22

    OMG are you kidding??!!? Her boobs are sooo incredibly fake looking, look at the pictures on this thread....And did you read what someone else posted..that she admitted to getting them recently in Maxim!?!?

    yes i did read that. That is why I said that I was so surprised and would have bet money that Christiana is real.

    You're right about Britney's boobs looking big and then small in different pictures!! Weird. I think you don't want to admit to the obvious truth b/c you like britney so much.

    I don't care for either two girls---britney or christina--I think they're both ugly chicks. Britney has a nice body but her face, I'm sorry is another story. I said that I thought christina was at least REAL compared to her other pop rivals b/c she tells it as it is. Britney on the other hand is a little whore whose actions go against what she says she is.

  12. I really would have put money on Christina's breasts being real!:eek: Hmm...they're so droopy long I thought that they HAD to be real. Good for her that she tells the truth. Christina may look trashy but at least she's REAL unlike her pop rivals.

    COME ON---everyone knows that Britney's boobs are fuckin' fake. I think she has really nice boobs but breasts do not grow overnight..

  13. ivehadit this link: http://www.i-mockery.com/antirave/idiots.asp was too much!!!!! Really funny but kind of pissed me off...the author obviously is a biased mf who prob doesn't even know what they're talking about.

    yo, brickhouse I CANNNNNNNNNNN't believe an a-c-t-u-a-l DEA website used this picture raver.jpg to "show" what a raver is...OMG :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !! Give me a break, I can just imagine it now..a bunch of pigs playing it undercover and searching the crowds for kids w/gas masks :rolleyes:

  14. Originally posted by phuturephunk

    I have a feeling that all the uproar is just because lawmakers seem to have a special hatred for day-gloâ„¢ colors..

    LOL--I don't know whether to laugh or to seriously agree.

    You know what it is? These fucked-up law enforcers have watched too many Footloose re-runs..

    I kinda miss the gasmask days from time to time tho..

    :paint: :balloon:

  15. raver.jpg

    hey brickhouse, I love your signature pic :laugh::laugh: ----looks like my ex-boyfriend. :D

    You know what's ironic? Is that it's fucked up that ravers get such a depiction while concert-goers smoke a j and get fucked up all the f-time and it's not touched on.

    But you know another thing I have to add, is that--yeeeeeeea--people USE to wear gas masks at underground parties. ....and despite the disagreement from a certain someone, dirty pants worned down on the bottom WERE cool b/c it showed that you danced hard in them. ..come on!! everyone's clothes would turn black b/c everyone TORE the dancefloor apart...." 'kickin' the dirt "

  16. Originally posted by t0nythelover

    raves have the coolest people. my friend lost his glasses dancing and like 15 people stopped dancing and busted out the glowsticks to help find them. definitely a great experience, maybe thats why i go out so much.


    Rave or Club......rave 1998. I wish I was more exposed to the scene earlier, especially since so many good parties and clubs were around right in my own backyard!!! My older brother was such a little candy raver and my older sisters had gone to some legendary parties w/fuckin' map points (early 90s). But I never had a strong desire b/c I didn't know what i was missing except to see my brother become an e-tard for awhile.:balloon:

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