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Everything posted by majinbuu

  1. wahwahwah...who the fuck cares..it aint my $. and by the way the mets may be responsible this year for "inflating the prices" but there were other teams with similiar offers for benson. the yankees are the ones that inflated prices. they always have and always will over pay....so go ahead and blame the mets if it makes you feel better
  2. they did at the last minute...why else do you think he signed with the yanks...
  3. at least kris benson is 10 years younger, has the cartilage in his knee, and he is making half what RJ is making.... inflated the market...yup......all the mets fault
  4. but more than likely, they dont have the $...
  5. its such a nice feeling knowing someone is stalking u......right?
  6. yeah..i got dizzy and did the hold on to the wall for dear life dance....what a night...
  7. that my friend is the work of baseball geniuses...and everyone talked about how stupid it was for the mets to give pedro 4 years....at least he'll be on the good side of 40 when his contract runs up... and by the way...i dont think Rj can win a championship with out good o'l schill by his side....hahaha
  8. i never said he wasnt business savvy...i read that the team wasnt making as much as we all thought..
  9. rumor has it they arent making all the $ they say they are.....
  10. thats a lot of money to spend on a 42 year old with no cartilage in his knee.....
  11. iwould keep it...and sell it to the highest bidder....
  12. i dunno..i tried the shake you head dance, it got me dizzy and i almost fell down..... and the reason its annoying....is cuz no matter what they end up almost falling on you on the dance floor, or keep bumping into you.... i dont think its "their way of dancing".
  13. hey..i wanted to keep it on subject...butt boy over there wants to stalk me on every thread and talk about the same thing.. here's an idea...want to talk about a dif subject,(or the same one over again..) start a new thread...
  14. of course i think he can do it this week...if he doesnt, i'm not gonna cry...so what if they dont win the super bowl every year....most teams dont. ........you are a real fag bringing up chad pennington on every thread i write on...u must like it like u like fucking dudes (right anal..) or maybe you got something up your ass.... and by the way, i wont whine regardless.....sprags does enough of that for all the met fans...
  15. again..... go make ur own 5 threads and whine about how ur teams 15 mil players arent playing the way they should.....waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
  16. majinbuu

    IPod ques

    you have to go to preferences/ ipod (on your friends itunes) and change it to manual so that wont happen. you then can drag songs you want off of your friend's itunes....
  17. i been saying that for a while now...for once we agree....
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