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Everything posted by majinbuu

  1. why do you guys always make it JP vs SF? face it, his time there is up...he has moved on...so should all his fans!
  2. whats wrong with asian people?
  3. i wouldnt say its bad...memories are nice and they make me smile. the smell of summer, a special time, or a girl that i had a relationship....they make me think back and give me a happy feeling. i find that the memories that come from scents seem to be the most vivd...
  4. I read se had to be carried out of the Ghost Bar by her security guards at the end of the night...
  5. how about a Backdoor Bamby Party like the ones they have in Crobar Miami? On a Monday night, only using one part of the club, a smaller but equally crazy party... Have DJs like Josh Wink come and play. Make it more of a House party. When I lived in Miami, and worked for Crobar, Backdoor Bamby Mondays were always the highlight of the week..
  6. Yeah its too bad about your jacket, but the only person you should be mad at is yourself. think about it. do you think you are the on ly person to go there and tell them you lost your ticket? do you think that if they believed everyone that said that it would be better. point is, you lost the only proof that they had your jacket and now they are not going to give it back unless you have a way of proving it is yours..... frankly I am glad they didnt believe you, because I dont lose my ticket and hope that my jacket is still there when i go to get it. If they were to just give you your coat back, with out your ticket it would be pointless for people to pay, they might as well just leave the coatroom emty so anyone can go in and pick what jacket they want to take.
  7. theres still THC in the smoke when you exhale...why do you think people try to hold the smoe in? so they can get more THC from the smoke. If you exhale out of your nose while you are smoking good weed, you can feel the resin in your nose...its disgusting!
  8. no..it started with evan. tommy started doing it to make fun of him...
  9. I like 151....or REAL cheap vodka....
  10. if i'm so uneducated, how come i am clean and you and your friends are passing the heinaghonnaherpaclappa around? its not only about using condoms....its about making sure that your partner is not infected before you decide to be intimite with them. that's why all this screwing around is unhealthy... one shouldn't have sex with some one casually for a number of reasons....
  11. how about telling your hookers of friends that that is what they get for whoring around without condoms....
  12. fat? if she is fat, i'm a chubb chaser!
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