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Everything posted by precog

  1. I tried smoking banana peels after I had heard you could get high off them. (not the ordinary bananas the smaller variety) who said we ran out of topics.........
  2. nice one! Joey congrats!!!!!
  3. not surprising as dj19 is one of japan's most respected dj , and David Gausa is an amazing producer both have collaborated with Penton
  4. slammin set by South Fla's own Thomas Penton!
  5. noooiiice, i was hoping to see a set soon as i have most if not all of the other ones choice choons
  6. NOOOOIIIICCCE! GOOD LOOKIN OUT this confrence is gonna be a corker
  7. COME POLLLLAAAASSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I used to think polla was a female chicken)
  8. the last album was possibly her worst, i have not met anyone that cares for it
  9. the delikate imposters remix of "Undo" and Infusions remix of pagan poetry are my top two remixes of her
  10. i havent had the pleasure of seeing Morillo in action. what could i expect from his sets?
  11. happy b-day coach! im within the same digits you are looks like thers not much of us old schoolers left anymore its all good though
  12. typical day at the office
  13. smells like vagina in here.... lmao
  14. anyone noticed those male enhancing supplement commercials they play every 5 minutes on the comedy channel, the ones with that annoying whistling , i dont know whats more anoying this or those damn maroone (ghostbuster themed) commercials
  15. shush, youre being bi-assed cause you haven't seen it
  16. it's so good, I might see it again this time with some thc in me btw its not "that" much of a kids movie , its on an adult level as well Merryl Streep's Character is terrified of realtor's among welcome matts and door knobs....... , love that twisted humour
  17. am i the only one that saw this movie? this movie raaaawwks!!!!
  18. are you part of da "OC CREW" ? izzzzzzz onnnnnnn
  19. Bling, you got served! lol
  20. love the whole goth attitude lol
  21. funny as shit episode you got served!! Its on!!!! lol
  22. nice T and A's Bling, I mean TA's
  23. A Series of Un-fortiunate Events great movie everywhere from the amazing sets, clever props to Jim Carrey (which Im not a huge fan of/luckily he wasn't in every scene)though he did quite well with his various persona's and disguises , great story-line and not as kiddy-ish as one might imagine probaly one of the best and most original movies I've seen in in a while fortunate for me this is one movie I enjoyed (for once)
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