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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by i3itch

  1. i dunno who that is... anyway i was thinking i might just drive in for like an hour or two. i dunno yet
  2. LMAO do not insult my skills... ESPECIALLY not in that area i, for one, take pride in my oral skills
  3. i wanna know if miss ladyshady is getting there and if she is.. how so?
  4. nah honey that smell was coming from YOU... why do you think i didn't go down?!
  5. hah yea definitely... so much more comfortable too. my man loves them because they don't show as much skin as thongs and what not and he lovesssss that for some reason
  6. hahhh you ever see the video? i didn't know they were guys either and that video doesn't help for the first five minutes - not until you see them onstage and realize they're all guys
  7. agree... hot lesbians are hot. butch lesbians are... ummm... butch
  8. if i'm wearing a skirt to a club, i usually wear booty shorts or boy-cut panties underneath. this way if anyone does catch a glimpse (and they usually do...) they don't see anymore than they would see if we were at the beach
  9. i think i got a headache while reading this post...
  10. lol i do mine at my parents house... anyway... denim capris and a t-shirt.. i gotta barbecue for the fam... be back lata
  11. whatever gets me away from the laundry room..
  12. dood i'll SING to you just as long as you do it
  13. nah i do my laundry once a week because if i don't, the man starts complaining about not having any undershirts or boxers... i just tell him to buy new ones...
  14. yea well my colors have been washing since 2:30 and i FINALLY folded and brought them up about half an hour ago
  15. laundry i don't mind... it's just folding it that's a pain in the ass come and iron my clothes bebe
  16. i'm bored and i hate my laundry
  17. na sweetie... i'm an undercover hewa... i'm on one of the off streets
  18. drive up and down hylan boulevard... you can't miss
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