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Everything posted by i3itch

  1. i3itch


    Tell it to someone who cares Mr. I'm-never-gonna-see-you
  2. Thats like the people who go to McDonalds... Supersize everything... And get a diet coke... Yea, hi helllooooooooooo
  3. :laugh: I'm about to be knockin some balls around but it ain't gonna be with a cue stick
  4. Yea but... He was also the ugliest dood on that show
  5. i3itch


    Demi Moore's hotter But I lubbaaaaaa Jamie Lee Curtis
  6. Fck that... I WILL! Staten Island, NY Lower Todt Hill area... 10304 You coming?!
  7. Is the telling me my head IS that fat...?! You know what I look like... Is it true..?!
  8. Hmmm... I like them all except for the UPS chick... Those shorts look like a permanent crotch eater NOT comfy...
  9. I had nothing better to do with my time
  10. Not even that but I have like.. the world's biggest pervert living next door to me It feels weird to walk outside my house, see him and know that he's seen me half nekked. Like, yeah, hi, I'm your neighbor and I know what cup size you wear. Thank God my new apartments on the 4th floor. I'll be walking around nekked for the first month or so
  11. Dood.. I know I'm ugly... But ing at me is just plain rude I fckin wish! She got some leeeeegssss on her
  12. And the constant whining...
  13. She's such a diva Spoiled little brat Whoooooooooo yells like that to get what they want? I wanna give her a nice i3itchslap right across her face Knock some sense into her dyed head
  14. i3itch


    I got stood up tonite. By someone... He's too good to tell me he's not coming to see me YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE YOU LIL FRUITCAKE!
  15. Yea I'd like to know what she was thinking going for him...
  16. Here you go... This is me... But my head's not that fat I don't think..
  17. I do NOT have patience to try to unravel a condom on my guy's dick with my mouth. Sorry. I'll put it on with my hands if you want. If not, put it on yourselves.
  18. I hope he meant she was 17...
  19. I'm not photogenic.
  20. My favorite... Too cute...
  21. She's freakin' gorgeous!
  22. I believe I have the shittiest schedule in the world My school sucks The people who work their suck The people who go there suck And I can't wait to graduate
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