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Everything posted by i3itch

  1. i3itch


    :laugh: I love it!!!
  2. i3itch


    Did you see the episode where Stan was in the hospital? They're all betting to see who Karen's gonna break down on? :laugh: Karen finds out about it and she tells Grace that Stan needs a blood transfusion and only Grace's blood will do. Cuz they're the same type. She tells Jack that they can't afford the credit cards anymore. She tells Rosario that she wants her to clean up the hospital so she can cry on her shoulder. I forgot what she did to Will tho...
  3. i3itch


    :laugh: Greatest fckin show! I love the episode where her and Will are at the bookstore and she's looking through the books. Will: "What are you looking for?" Karen: "My alcohol..." Will: "It's a bookstore..." Karen pulls out a bottle from behind a few books. Will: "Figures you'd hide it in the self-help section..." I loveee itttttt :laugh:
  4. FUCK YOU for my oven not working and making me have to use my BBQ and then having it start to rain right in the middle of my meat cooking... Someone up there just shit on me
  5. Actually, there's a nail polish that I've been using. It's like a Top Coat clear "No Bite" You have to put a layer on every day cuz it chips though But it's great cuz when you forget and you start biting, the taste is disgusting!
  6. Friday night... Me and a few friends drove out to Jersey to check out some so-called haunted areas hear and there... Kinda fun Saturday - Shopped a lil... Ran errands... Then went out to a dinner party on City Island. It's such a cute lil area Sunday - Slept most of the morning then went out to another dinner party out in Jersey last night Wasn't too bad.. But nothing too fun
  7. Biting my nails... Smoking... Wasting my time on the computer all day... Being BRUTALLY honest... (even though some people like that...) Procrastinating...
  8. I'd be embarrassed as all heck... If it was a sister, she'd probably end up getting disowned and no one would mention her ever again... If it was my daughter I'd disown her... And if it was my mother I'd disown myself...
  9. Yea especially when she's like "You're supposed to use the Saran Wrap on ME...Everyone knows that..." And then Jamie Foxx jumps through the door all covered
  10. Ain't that the fckin truth... :laugh: To me... and Naughtybabe... for doing bad things
  11. Ain't that the fckin truth... Instead of getting shitted on, maybe we'll get high 5's instead for doing what we did and they didn't *Crossing her fingers*
  12. Keep laughing Like I'm sure you haven't done things you don't want them to know :laugh:
  13. Great movie I love when they get past the first "girlie fart"
  14. How do you know this..?! Put my sick mind at ease cuz I'm afraid that when I die and get up there, a loooooot of people are gonna have things to say to me
  15. I don't know about actually coming face to face with one.. I'm scared like the ghosts of my family members that have passed see what I have become... I'm waiting for my mom to go on John Edwards and have him be like "Yea your uncle wants you to know your daughters a dirty whore" NOT cool dood
  16. I think everyone worships in their own different way.. Not necessarily a religion cuz my parents raised me one religion and I don't go by it at all. But I worship God on my own, without their ways. He knows I appreciate him.
  17. i3itch

    How often do u...

    :lol3: :lol3: :rofl: I DEFINITELY JUST DIED My sides are killing me
  18. To each their own... Doesn't affect my life Let them live theirs
  19. i3itch

    "heads up..."

    Smart move.. I usually tell my guys to warn me beforehand... They all listened
  20. i3itch

    How often do u...

    I hope I'm not the only chick that posts on this thread 2-3 Times a day... When I have time for it
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