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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by i3itch

  1. If you're happy and you know it, your hands :clap:
  2. Nooo .. if people are gonna think about posting on cP during sex it's more like "Lemme find something wrong with this sexual encounter to ask the sex board about and see what they say..." And my vote goes to banginggggggg Come to mama ugh ugh :getdown:
  3. i3itch

    sex quiz...

    Oh trust me it sends the answers to someone... I had my own private link in my profile and I found out some pretty nauuuughty things... This one chick I know banged 28 guys and she was 16 when she filled out the survey
  4. That's what I was gonna ask... Did you sign?
  5. There was a cartoon where a little berdie kept singing that song throughout the entire thing and wouldn't shut up with it. Yes, I still watch cartoons...
  6. Ok then he just has a reallllyyyyyyyyy big rash. It looks like he swandived into the shit...
  7. That sucks. My cousin had poison ivy for going on 2 weeks now and he keeps scratching it and spreading the rash all over his body. (I had to keep reminding him not to scratch between the legs...) But now he spends most of his time in the pool because I think the chlorine does something to help the itching. And when he's not in the pool he's sitting under his air conditioning vents. I feel bad for the poor bugger.
  8. Italians I always go for the tall (taller than me), dark, dark hair and dark eyes look...
  9. Ugh... Just got home from hanging out with old friends from HS that I havent seen in two years and JESUS CHRIST did they get hot! Lordie, if I wasn't taken... It woulda been a motha fckin in that place
  10. Yea he was... Few blocks over actually
  11. I heard it on the 10:00 news on Fox that he's running for governor... yes indeedy...
  12. Werd... It's be kinda weird having the Terminator in government...
  13. Wonderful... now who's the next Mr. J-Lo?
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