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Everything posted by c-luv

  1. I can completely shut one eye and keep the other completely open;)
  2. u makin a move on my man DG.. :laugh: j/k:tongue:
  3. i had me some good sex today...actually, the best kind...make-up sex...nuttin better!!!!!!
  4. Did anyone else see The Osbornes tonight about Kelly and Christina??? I was dying!!! Jack was being so funny!! :laugh:
  5. my mom was best friends with one of my dads sisters...started dating when my mom was 16...stayed together 17 years...got divorced...dont speak a damn word to each other and cannot stand each other currently...
  6. 2 dogs...Valentino and Sophia...both boston terriors...both crazy 1 cat...A.J...16 years old...
  7. MOM~ brown hair, tan skin, height, loving-ness, heart shaped face DAD~ ability to get REALLY pissed off, REALLY quick;)
  8. Hell yeh...he is fuckin hot... :drool:
  9. Yeh, true... But that whole Glitter thing in the animated catagory was pretty bad...
  10. If you saw the movie awards last night...he was there minus the hat looking hotter than ever...
  11. Yeh she def. did...u think she will ever do things for MTV agian, lol?? they really fucked with her..
  12. i would rather be RICH!!!!! ::sing:: I WANNA BE RICH!!!!! im not all about having tons of money....but i would never pass it up!!
  13. I would wait till' you are 100% sure what you want cuz it sux having a tattoo and hating it...I was going to have a cross on my lower back and even went got an appt. and put a down payment, but never went through with it (thank god) cuz i would have been really mad if i had it now... Now i have a heart on the heel of my foot and a star by my "area:, lol....i love em' both and don't regret either... I dunno which spot, but I would go for the symbol if i were u...
  14. I loved Aston and Puffy alll night!! They were being soo funny!! The preformance by T.A.T.U was def. awesome...that will def. go down as 100 most shocking moments on MTV, I think... The girl from the Ring was really cute...she was so excited and her mom was video taping her... so cute... em was hot as always, even on video tape...and his mariah comment ( as much as I love her) was hilarious!!!
  15. Ashton is fuckin' hot:drool:
  16. I agree..guys need to have the right look to pull it off...
  17. yeh i feel that way too...i have to cover the one on my foot for work and I always forget because i forget it is there...
  18. I have 2 tat's as well.... A heart on the heel of my foot (really hard to explain the location) & A star by my "area":tongue: I LOVEEEEEEE them....and they are def. addicting...
  19. c-luv


    that is the absolute best.
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