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Everything posted by lollie60

  1. lollie60

    older men

    I live in NJ but I just say I'm from NYC becuz ...I do everything in NYC anyways ..
  2. lollie60

    older men

    so if Hugh Hefner told you " I'll make you a playmate if you suck my balls" you'd still say NO ? I don't know how Sandy, Mandy + Brandy put up with that ...I'd puke ! the oldest guy I was with was 7 years older than me ... I would not see anyone past that
  3. lollie60

    older men

    hey girls - how much is too old for you ? On the NY board they're talking about how weird it is to see 20yr. slut gold diggers with 60 yr. old bfs . I think that shit is gross ! I can't imgine those girls sucking on grandpas's saggy balls ! I don't know how they can have sex with senior citizens ... So would you have sex with a ...Hugh Hefner ?
  4. perfect example - Heidi Klum the first time I heard her talk on David Letterman I thought She should just not talk at all. Just takes away from her beauty
  5. when they turn 18 - they will get total control of their company OH - they're in NYC now- they're going to NYU
  6. Rape - that's something only guys with small ding dongs talk about !
  7. nah man - you shut the fuck up P.S. - were you really in jail for 2 yrs ? if so ...for what ? hope you didn't get raped in Rikers !
  8. TWHAAaaaaaaT ? me Chinese. me have tiny twat. me have slanted poo - nah- nee serisously - why are you defending Joeg ? Did you suck his pee pee ?
  9. lollie60

    tracy bingham

    one of my all time favorites !
  10. you actually think I read your post ? I think you're infatuated with me ... But I wouldn't waste 10 seconds on you .. Now Ciao and TOooODLES !
  11. I sord of like you ..I think but you make me feel small and stupid ... you're like an abusive mentor in a way BTW -I'm in NYC - where the heck do you come from ?
  12. maybe ... Then again insecure people glorify and worship pics of something they wish they could be but will never be ...
  13. from who ? me or them ? DId I say something wrong here ? all I posted was a simple question and I get people telling me they want to drop kick me ?
  14. funny ..I always thought that way about girls who posts pics of famous models as their sig as fuckin pathetic losers ... is that you or is that who you wished you looked like ?
  15. how tall are you and how much do you weigh ? I'm 5'2 and weigh 108 ...I hope you are my size if we're gonna fight ... either way you'll look like the faggot SO you want to meet me somewhere and do this ? I'll let you hit me first then I'll call the fuckin cops on you and press charges. or better yet ..I'll bring my big black boyfriend ..here is his pic So when do you want to drop kick me ? hmm ?
  16. WHY DO YOU GUYS HATE ME ?? I just wanted to know who the girls photographers were ...geeeze - is that soo hard ??? ANd that cumdumpster thing was a JOKE !! YOU GUYS ARE FUCKIN LOSERS - YOu take everyting I say so seriously and sit there for hours analyzing it ... Like oh my god Lollie said 'ANAL' ! ANd nomembernname - I know I never met you but ...seriously who do you think I am ? ......you think I'm some obnioxious bitch ? ALL OF YOU you don't know me so if you don't want to tell me about the guy who shoots you. that's fine
  17. lollie60

    Yamila Diaz Rahi

    she's gorgeous !! then again I tend to favor exotic/ethnic lookin type of girls as being prettier than all american blonds .
  18. Who is your photographer darling ? And what are their credentials ?
  19. cool there are lots of very strong women that can compete as men ..lol Might as well as attach a pee pee becuz male athletes make more $$ and endorsements ! I think the following have dicks : Martina Navrotilova , The Williams sisters , female speed skaters, female weight lifters , and some swimmers , mararthon + speed runners , women's luge , the girls that play volleyball and basketball ! .... But the girls that throw the discus on track & field have the biggest dicks of them all !
  20. I haven't seen Troy but it seems Achilles moves slow .. Maximus although has power is not very swift it seems SO I'd say Ken Watanabe - he moves faaaaast !
  21. lollie60

    Funny !! LOL

    How a nice guy got even at the end. My CL date story -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reply to: anon-30828412@craigslist.org Date: Mon May 10 09:59:31 2004 Well, I am a single guy a very cool guy down to earth and no secret agendas. I put an ad on Craigs list looking for a date, and got a response from a girl who said she was single too and looking for a date for the weekend. We talk on he phone and she was all cool and everything, I asked her if she wanted to grab coffee and a snack and then go to the movies this Saturday night. So we decide to meet at this place called Bari Cafe, and I figure we can have coffee and eat something there. She looked very nice but I noticed that she was very cold about the way she introduced herself once she met me. Notice that I am not a ugly guy, I might not be a Greek God, but I am a normal decent in shape guy. I figure she might've been shy, the first thing she said is that she was hungry and asked me if I didn't mind going to a restaurant. I figured why not , so we get out of there and walk a few blocks and she picks this restaurant. I don't know the name but it looks like a very fancy restaurant and then she goes down with me and orders some Merlot and then another and some appetizers that were a little pricey , I was confused about all this, because even though I have the money to pay for all this , I was not planning on taking a stranger to a fancy restaurant right out on our first date. She is still cold and talking only about herself and I noticed that she was not interested in me, but only on the drinks and the food. So we get to the main course and she gets a pricey entree, and I got something too, but I knew that I was going to be stuck with the bill. I knew it becasue she said she was out of work and having a problem finding a job, so I know she was not going to split the bill with me. I was upset about the whole thing, and to be honest I am tired to be taken advantage off. I got up and told her that I was going to make a phone call, she knew I was going to come back because I left my Gap jacket, ( i bought it on sale for $23 dollars ) , so she never suspected I was going to dissapear because I left my jacket there. So I go out and tell the guy at the entrance that I am going out to smoke an make a phone call. I got out and headed straight to the train. I left that girl with my food and her food. Well, I got home and my voice mail was inundated with her phone calls, the girl had to pay the bill which came to $180 dollars , and she did not have money and she said that I did not have class and that I should send her the money , she left many nasty messages trying to get her money back from me. She ended up paying the bill with a credit card and all I lost was a cheap Gap Jacket that I got on sale. I am not an ashole I figure that if you don't like me at least let's have a nice time as friends but don't treat me like I am an idiot. I don't feel bad for what I did. Although I lost a Jacket, I still don't lose hope that there are nice girls out there for me. Thanks for hearing my story,
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