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Everything posted by lollie60

  1. aha ! why do you keep replying back ? THE END
  2. you wasted more of your life than me !! 2 POSTS ! GOODBYE !
  3. you just wasted 21 words to tell me no one gives a shiat CIAO !
  4. night club city .com
  5. DUDE - you got real bad taste in women .. where do you dig up these hideous broads from ? can't believe you actually waste your time looking for this kind of pics ....pitiful I tell ya
  6. that girl in the pic is ugly ! is that your girlfriend ? BYE !
  7. I'm leaving this board for NCC ! Ciao !
  8. lollie60

    the little woman

    I did . I talked back. I slapped him in the face ... I guess I am who I am and can't be no man's little woman servant .. now he's with someone else .. better for me right ? I dunno ..he's the only man I ever really loved ..
  9. lollie60

    the little woman

    well Bling you're a modern man and unfortunately not all guys in this day + age think like you maybe it's becuz I dated severly MACHO , controlling + domineering guys but they seem treat women this way . They were old school Italian, Greeks and latin Esp. Greek men - they're real strict with their women ..I think
  10. lollie60

    the little woman

    I know but depending on how the guys were raised - they view + treat women this way IMO ..
  11. lollie60

    the little woman

    correct me if you disagree from the guys I've known - it seems they do not want equal partners/soul mate wife. IMO - they want the little wife that stays home ,cooks,cleans, sucks his dick, doesn't talk back to him and stfu so he can eat his steak dinner and watch tv. And he expects her to put up with all his shit while he don't listen or give a dam about her needs becuz she is his servant That's why I think my friend went from dating hot model sluts (who are high maintenence and don't obey him) - to a nice quiet average Jane - who will obey all his commands like a trained dog And depending what nationality the guys are - they are more like this . EX. Greeks, Italians + latin men They have an idea as to how their "little women" should behave and if the girl talks back to him or doesn't "obey " - she's a whore. ?
  12. I had this friend - he's been in the nightlife industry for a long time . The type of women he used to date were strippers, models + actresses and others.. and these girls would go in and out of his doors Now that he's older he has a girlfriend - and she looks nothing like the girls he dated in the past. No implants, no plastic surgery, not slutty , not even sexy. She's just a very slim and very normal looking girl. She doesn't have some sexy job. She is very quiet and hardly goes out to clubs . He used be REALLY WILD ..and I always thought he would end up with the Playmate type ...never in a million years did I ever think a guy like him would be with a nice quiet girl like that ... Do men's tastes really change ? Maybe he just got sick of dating club sluts ...but he went beyond 360 degrees !
  13. lollie60

    Bobo ! ! ! !

    the first pic - the face looked like a tranny second pic - cuter
  14. man ..I'm outta here ..obvisouly I'm not welcomed here .. siyanara !
  15. you're a real ladies man ! That girl might have been a stuck up bitch but you whispering in her ear was one cheesy move. She ignored you becuz you seemed desperate and sleazy . Girls don't deal with guys like that. And hot girls like her get guys like you all time bothering them so it's only natural for her to ignore . Next time just be yourself..no whispering in the ear trying to be smooth ..just be straight up and act like yourself ..lol whispering in the ear ...lol .. Tastey - are you in Germany right now ?
  16. few years ago the R&B singer Aliyaah died in a plane crash ...right ? Well today I could have sworn I saw her walking out of the Fendi store on 5th Avenue surrounded by an entourage and 10 bags full of Fendi goods... This black girl looked EXACTLY like her I had to do a double take ! And let's say she was a regular pretty black chic . What kind of regular chic shops with an entourage and can afford 10 bags of Fendi stuff ?? I'm confused ...she looked so much like Aliyaah
  17. are nipples that stick out funny to a guy or somethin ? is that like equivalent to a guys nuts bulging out ? lol what's the big deal ?
  18. is that a good thing or a bad thing on a chica ? I walked by and and a gang of hoody ass 50 cent wannabes hollered at me " Nipples nipples yo nipples are hard !! daaayyyuuuum !! " LOL ..I was pissed at first but that was funny ! he he he !!
  19. what time do JP's parties end now?
  20. lollie60

    need help

    well it's only monday and it's kinda too early to talk about plans for this weekend ...
  21. lollie60

    playing it safe

    What I meant was do you want the hot dangerous one that you really want but might hurt you or the nice safe one that won't hurt you ?
  22. lollie60

    playing it safe

    let's say there's a hot girl/guy you really want to be with ...but you're not sure how they feel and you don't want to look like an idiot in front of them so you keep your cool and tell them nothing about how you really feel. while you're lusting after this one another one comes by and this person is an easier of a catch .. so instead of risking rejection,humiliation and heartbreak of chasing after one you really want ...would you ever settle for the 'easier catch' ? I think guys do this more than girls ...no ?
  23. lollie60


    are her tits real ?
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