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Everything posted by lollie60

  1. why would you even ask this kind of question ? lol well do you like really good looking hot girls who sneer and make fun of others ? lol
  2. Guys who do that are losers. If you have to look down on others to make yourself feel better . You're a loser And if I end up with a guy that I acted like that I will no longer associate with him
  3. Well Jp rubs that shit all over his body ... allll oveeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr ...LOL
  4. really ? last time I saw him he seemed to like girls ...but maybe he changed ...who knows ... Can you keep a secret ? lol JP uses NAIR for Men in the silver bottle !! LOL
  5. I know people want to be on her good side .lol ..I'm not scared of her because I know Jp personally . SHe works for him and she's all over his dick ...but you know what ? JP would would never get with a chic that looked like that .. The greatest thing I ever heard about her was one time some guy was bitching and he said to her " Gee Kriste for someone who looks like a WALRUS you sure yap your gums alot !!!!!"" OMG - that was funniest thing I ever heard ! of course he got banned but that was classic ! walrus ...ha ha ! lol so next time she's all dyked up just call her a walrus !
  6. she acts like a dyke and looks like one too ! LOL SHe's nasty I tell you ! Was everyone laughing ? lol I ddidn't post my post to be a bitch you know ..
  7. lollie60

    The Mrs...

    can u please post them pics ?
  8. thanks. some girl on JP board told me I should be smacked for even thinkin bout punching a retarded person and that I should have compassion + class But the fact is some are dangerous...some aren't - I just didn't know how to tell
  9. See ...it is startling ..and this man snuck up on me from the back. I'm lucky he only slapped me in the shoulders. In NYC - retarded people attack random people all the time. Some mentally challenged guy shoved a woman in front of the N train once and some lady got her head smashed with a brick on 42nd St. Anyways ..I didn't know if he was trying to attcack me or just talk to me I erased it becuz I knew I'd get heat for it . I got BANNED form the JP Board for postin this ! lol . The moderator erased this post and all the girls were like " OMG how could you ! you have no morals !"
  10. lol ... Like I said I didn't know how to react . Do I protect myself or do I be compassionate ? I bet alot of you would turn around and punch a mentally handicapped person if they came out of nowhere and hit you..so please save the drama . Unless this happened to you - you probably wouldn't know how to react . I was quite frightened .
  11. who's acting tough ? I'm just asking how others would react if some strange man came up to them and put his hands on them ? Whether he is retarded or not ...he is still a man who hit a lady on the streets ..
  12. no it's not the dumbest post - I was in a situation where a mentally challenged man came out of nowhere and hit me
  13. hey Mrs ..since you're married when one call another "pain in the ass" does it mean love ? becuz you have to love someone to put up with their shit ...right ? P.S. - I think your man is good looking ...you guys are cute .
  14. It's not money or power . I used to be attracted to guys like that but you know what ? What good is other men's money + success if they do nothing for you ? Ugly guys work a lot harder then a decent looking guy to get the girl....he impresses them with his effort and eventually the beautiful girl will give him a chance. Ugly guys just do alot more AS for hot girls with fat old assholes ? The girls probably have low self esteem and has been brainwashed by the fat slob ... The bottm line is - Ugly guys work it alot harder that's all ...
  15. Yesterday at Union Square ..I was standing where alot of people walk by cuz I was waiting for someone .. A crowd of people rushed by me and some man slap/tapped me twice on my shoulder ..it wasn't gentle or really hard but he slapped me anyways and I jumped and turned around and he was either deaf or mute and could not speak clearly and murmurs " Mmmmmmmmm ...HMmmmmmmm!!" The guy was trying to tell me something but he couldn't speak ...and he was showing me his hand - he was covered in red spots ... Anyways I was just pissed ... although the guy was obviously mentally challenged ..he came up to me and touched me .. I don't want any strange men on the streets putting their hands on me ! I didn't hit him back, I didn't do anything .... what was I supposed to do ? This is the SECOND time a deaf/mute man tried to "talk" to me .. I was startled ..I didn't know how to react
  16. hey girls .. I see girls that wear these suede boots that scrunch ...they come in black or borwn .. One time I asked this girl where she got them and she said London .. WHERE CAN I FIND THESE PLEASE HELP !!
  17. lollie60

    jeanette lee

    that girl has mad skiiz see and that's what makes her hot
  18. ..I saw the anorexic one wearing a METALLICA T shirt ! I wonder if she knows who they are ..
  19. the way they pile up naked dudes and build pyramids and look like they're playing Simon Says naked ?? Is it just me or do you think that shit looks GAY !! Th torture tactics are GAY AS HELL !!
  20. kim sozzi sucks ! you want to kurtis mantronik/Chamonix version feat Mim. Someone please explain to me why Kim sozzi is singing another artists' song ?
  21. yes I'm kinda fat ...but I don't think I'm that fat .. sorry to dissappoint you
  22. no ..I would never fuck a guy on a club messsageboard .. that's lame but are you even half way decent looking ? I'm alright Maybe we should strangle each other on the dancefloor !! lol ..that would be fun ! But I don't hate you as much as I hate Joeg ... you don't really get to me too much ..I don't think you're that big of an asshole.
  23. BUT IT 'S TRUE...they did a study and it said ..most women that have eating disorders come from upper middle - high social economic status . brilliant ..yea I know
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