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Everything posted by gager

  1. lol....I don't think you and your friends made that up. White Castles have been called "Sliders" for probebly 50 years. They are nasty and do "Slide" right through you but sometimes you just have to have them.
  2. Dude are you from another country or the west coast? This was your first time at WC? Everyone knows White Castle is the worst. Slimy & greasy but so yummy after a night of drinking.
  3. gager

    Rim Jobs.

    but you would enjoy it
  4. gager

    Rim Jobs.

    I don't get it, you like a finger in the ass and even to be fucked in the ass but a tongue up the ass is out of the question???
  5. 4 days during the 2000 New Years holiday on vaction in Florida.
  6. Don't most girls put on more make-up when going out to a club than they normaly would. I know my wife hardly wears any make-up at all but if we are going out to a club or a party she will put on more than usual. Those girls do have on a lot but they still look pretty good. Remember they are not at work or out to dinner with your mom...they are clubbin'
  7. Let me get this right, you agreed to let him pick the girl and he won't show you the pic or her? I really cant explain why he won't show you the pic. Mabye he wants to surprise you, mabye its someone you know, or mabye its someone he knows you will NOT agree to but he wants and is hoping that if he just shows up with her you will still go through with it. It has been my experience that it is much better and more comforatable for a couple if the girl picks the other woman. Chances are she will be more comforatable with a girl she knows and can trust. This way she is not thinking you picked this girl cuz you like her.
  8. I understand your straight now and thats great and I am sure now that you are straight you have all kinds advice and psycho analysis for drug users but you don't know me at all so you really can't speak on the reasons I use drugs. If you want to discuss my view's on drug use and addiction that would be interesting but this thread is about "Going to Clubs and doing Drugs"
  9. Love this movie! Never really thought of it as a drug movie...but I guess your right.
  10. I never said I did drugs because everyone else was doing them. That may have been why you did drugs but I have never been influenced by peer pressure. I just said when a whole club is rollin there are no strangers. disco freak said she didn't like to be around strangers when on drugs and I was just responding to her statement.
  11. After I cum "Don't touch Jimmy...hands off Jimmy" for at least a few minutes. touching or squeezing balls after you cum is good but don't get near the head
  12. I am the opposite, I hate being drunk out in a crowded club full of strangers. Drinking for me is for at home or house parties. When I roll I want a crowded and hot club, besides when everyone is rolling there are no strangers.
  13. I also got into the club scene and the music long before I started rollin'. However after I rolled for the first time I found I had no desier to go to a club unless I was gonna roll. I do go out to smaller clubs or bars and just drink or smoke some weed but if its a Satuday night and I'm going to a big club I want to roll. Its not that I don't have a good time without drugs, I just have a better time in THAT environment when rollin'. And lets face it hardly anyone goes to a club and remains sober. Remember alcohol is a drug and getting drunk fucks you up way more than a couple of pills do, at least that is my case.
  14. gager


    Good point. As male animals we are fighting millions of years of evoloution. The basic instinct of the male species is to spread his seed to as many females as he can in order to perpetuate the species. Humans still have this instinct but we have the evolved brain with the big frontal lobe so we can control our urges unlike other animals.
  15. gager

    The Rebound

    Time is the only thing that will convince her, and don't dump her after you have sex and she may be more convinced you really like her.
  16. gager

    NYC Strip Clubs

    V.I.P's here in Chicago has the hottest girls, but we only have like 8 strip clubs in the whole chicago area so the talent is not diluted and every stripper is smokin' hot.
  17. If you like a certin race and are attracted to them how could that be racist??? You like them. I think racisim involves hate and sepratism and that is not the case here. I think it can be considered somewhat racist if you do NOT like someone just because of the their race. Like if you meet a attractive black girl and dismiss the possibility of dating just because she is black. For example: I happen to be attracted to Hispanic & Asian girls. Does it make me a racist because I like Latinas & Asians or does it make me racist because I am not as attracted to other races??? We are all attracted to certin phyiscal charactoristics and I dont think it can be considered racist.
  18. gager


    Several species of birds are monogamous, they only mate with each other as long as they both are alive or together. But the most devoted animal is said to be the Lobster, they say they will only mate with one other Lobster their whole life and when that other Lobster dies or winds up on your dinner plate they never mate agian. Also Dolphins have been know to have sex for pleasure. Supposedly the only other animal besides humans that do it for fun.
  19. "It puts the lotion in the basket....it puts the lotion...in the fuckin' basket!!!"
  20. gager

    I see beef!

    Beef...its whats for dinner
  21. Of course I'm gonna go..what made you think I wasn't
  22. gager

    ladies: RE: 2 guys

    I think this is a lot of womens fantasy but they would not go through with it because they might feel like a slut or something if they did. I say if your single and want to enduluge your fantasy go for it
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