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Posts posted by erickamikaze

  1. Originally posted by pod

    I'd like to know what city you're in....

    I guess my main question was, that the majority of the new events seem to be on Fridays when there is already strong competition. I will definetly have to start checking out the Luna and BED parties. I like Space but I am not into being up for 24 hours straight and being at the club at 8 am, Its just not my thing.

    I was at Crobar last Saturday, and it was just about average.

    I was also just looking for some new places to hit up, sometimes i just need a change.

    Im not complaining at all, just curious as if promoters see Fridays more lucrative.

  2. It seems to me that most new parties and succesful parties have been on Friday nights recently. What happned to a good Saturday night party also? :confused:

    right now we have good events on Fridays at:




    Maze/ Lime Bar



    Opium/ Prive


    plus others

    they just seem to be lacking to me, is it because competition against Space?

  3. Originally posted by pod

    hehe : ) That's so typical of that set too.

    But you know what? God bless 'em, because they subsidize us cheap bastards in more ways than one. I get a laugh out of the Euro crowd, it's instant entertainment...watching them do their little euro-trashy things...

    I know POD's schedule pretty good... he drops like at least $250 a night

    Sunday - Nikki Beach

    Monday -Tantra

    Tuesday - Mynt

    Wed - BED

    Thurs- Sky Bar and Honey

    Fri - Prive

    Sat - Menage

  4. Originally posted by meng

    Of all the dj's here am I the only jackass that doesn't own a pair of decks?

    Nope, I am a jackass also, I guess. I have never owned a pair since before I moved here I had two or three friends that had decks and CDJ's. I never really had to worry about not having my own, I could always go to one of the local clubs and practice or a freinds house.

  5. There is a handful of promoters that move around nightly, then you also have the inhouse teams @ Space, Cobar, Nerve, and Opium. Most clubs use outside promoters, even the big ones, combined with their in house teams. Most of the music oriented promoters are on CP you just have to know who they are.:D

  6. Originally posted by brwneydtrouble

    Which brings me to breaks and break beats. Old school (and new school!) breaks, puma jackets, kangol hats, and a comfy pair of adidas, pumas and now diesels....getting out on the floor just letting go, giving it all you've got, and pouring your heart out in your moves.......Anyone ever heard of Planet Funk, James Zabiela and the like? Throw in a little house and a sexy groove.......maybe some techno for an edge?

    What I am trying to say, is that everything is starting to merge, and the lines between house/trance/techno/breaks and even hip hop are not as clear as they have always been, and if people are going to keep on with the narrow mentality of one sucks and the other is better, then you will be left in the dust my friends.

    Part of the reason for this problem is the mentality in Miami. The "trend mentality", is what I call it. One group says that its chic to go to one place, that one type of music is IN, and then everyone has to jump on the bandwagon, all dressed the same and wearing the SAME Dolce and Gabana cologne. Come on people, grow a little bit of character and identity.

    Am I the only person that can go to a ballet to enjoy it, a salsa club to dance till I can't anymore, Life on thursday for hip hop to sing along to almost every song, Venu on friday to battle with the best of the b-boys, Space and Jazid to listen to my favorite house DJs, and then top it all off at Van Dyks on sunday nights with some live brazlial jazz and a sexy samba?

    WoW! Trouble have you been saving that one up and need to get that off your chest. But I am honestly feeling you on all of your post. This is by far one of the best posts I have read on here. I like all music, I have even line danced to country before, ( well I liked a girl that like country, so we went dacning). Since I moved here over a year agoi have let myself expierence it all. I will be honest and say some of my best nights have been @ Honey on Thursdays for the college crowd and DJ Mike E Simm (Same promoters now @ Life on Thursdays). But I also like going to Maze, Lime Bar, Crobar, Opium , and Prive. THey all have something to offer just depends on the mood im in. Now I really stoked that Laudy is pciking up with Venu, Allure and soon Loft. I would go out to more places and more variety if i didn't work so much, but hey I do what i can and try and support the local scene.

    AJ, keep doing your thing in Laudy and the word will spread within the next month or so and the place will be packed.

  7. Well, I guess I am retired, since I have not had a gig since I moved here. I did it back in my college days for parties and promoted events on campus such as foam parties and such. well when foam parties were cool, funny thing is they are still using my ideas for the parties. I mainly used CDJ's since it was the most conveniant for the college crowd. I think the most people i played to was around 1000 peeps, usually a couple of hundred.

    The sound system I used was from a old club that shut down. It had some large bass cabinets , shitty mids, and ok Highs. Funny thing is, the place where we had the parties let the sound and bass travel to a neighborhood. I once got a noise complaints from a couple of blocks away. Those were the days.:cool:

  8. From an article in the Sun-Sentinel. Its kinda long, and fills the stereo type of electronic music and drugs.

    PACHUCA · Through the darkness, young people stumble along an uneven path into the thick forest of Mineral del Chico, a national park 60 miles northeast of Mexico City.

    Flashes of neon-green and fuchsia-pink lights illuminate the rock-strewn trail and the Technicolor hair and multiple piercings of the hipsters. Police at the entrance to the trail frisk everyone who passes through, as smoke from marijuana joints and the pyrotechnic machine waft through the dense brush.

    Suddenly, the trees give way to a gigantic pit, where 4,000 to 5,000 kids sway to syncopated music booming from a DJ booth.

    This is a rave; a phenomenon imported from Europe that in Mexico draws legions of young psycheros. They see themselves as modern hippies. They dance all night to "psycho-trance" music. And they consume lots of drugs such as ecstasy, LSD and amphetamines, police say.

    "This is our Woodstock," said Fernando Cisneros Cruz, 17, of Mexico City. "We're Mexico's counterculture. We take psychedelic drugs and party nonstop."

    "We're out here in nature to celebrate peace, love, unity and respect," said Cruz, using the English words to form the acronym, PLUR, that psycheros live by.

    With the growing popularity of club drugs, Mexico has become both a destination and a trans-shipment point for chemical substances, said an agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration.

    The rave scene arrived in Mexico in the early 1990s and quickly attracted artists and intellectuals seeking a new way to party. Today, raves make up a sizable subculture of mostly lower- and middle-class psycheros who shun drugs such as cocaine and heroin.

    A seminal rave event occurred last year in Guadalajara, when police arrested 40 youths. Psycheros say authorities reacted harshly because they saw that raves were quickly becoming a haven for drug users.

    The raver's drug of choice is ecstasy, or MDMA -- methylenedioxymethamphetamine, a stimulant and mild hallucinogenic popular in U.S. nightclubs in the late 1980s and '90s.

    "We're starting to see abuse of ecstasy, LSD and methamphetamine in Mexico's metropolitan areas," said Dr. Victor Manuel Guisa Cruz, general director of the Juvenile Intervention Center, a national organization funded by government grants and private benefactors.

    "Consumption of methamphetamine and ecstasy has increased due to the youths' lack of knowledge about the enormous danger they cause," said Dr. Guido Belsasso, commissioner of Mexico's National Council Against Addictions.

    A new study from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine has linked ecstasy with permanent brain damage and Parkinson's-like symptoms in some users.

    Once imported mostly from Europe, MDMA is now being produced in Mexico, said an agent from the attorney general's office, or PGR.

    "But the quality isn't as good. The pills are often mixed with methamphetamine, PCP, or pharmaceuticals," said the agent, who asked that his name not be used.

    Today, ecstasy producers mark their pills with Asian lettering or stenciled animals, such as scorpions, to build brand loyalty.

    At the Mineral del Chico rave, dealers circulate freely, hawking their wares over the deafening thumps of bass lines: "Ecstasy! Acid! Meth!"

    Ravers dressed in ancient tribal wear, bleached-white tunics and glittery 1950s-style space suits routinely stop the dealers.

    At 1 a.m., one dealer says he's almost sold out. "I can barely keep up. Everybody here wants to get high," said the teenager, clad in a long white fur coat and matching white-rimmed sunglasses.

    Dr. Arturo Alvarado, a sociology professor at El Colegio de Mexico, in part blames Mexico's sputtering economy for the growing drug use.

    "Without an education or jobs, youths have a hard time integrating themselves into society," he said.

  9. I am in.:D. I Really want to hang out with all of CP. If it starst at 10am, i will have to stay in Friday night, but thats ok for a good BBQ on Saturday. I will bring in some good food. I love cooking.:hat:

  10. Don't get me wrong they do have some good genes in that family. But when you have money you can have alot of work done and chnage things for the better. I am not even talking about plastic surgery but other procedures. I have freinds that have been models both male and female and the transformation they undergo yearly is rediculous. Plus on top of that, the touch ups after the pictures are taken like POD said is a drastic change also.

    Just look at the American Idol wannabees, from the start of the show to the end, its not even the same person.

  11. Different places , different amounts. Here is a couple scenarios.

    Lets just say a group of 4 people go out to SoBe on a typical weekend night. When I go out I usually don't drink that much so it saves me money.

    Gas for car: $10

    Drinks: each person buys 1 round = $50

    Parking: $10

    Admission: cheapest admission is $10, but usually get comped


    Total , usually around $70 if I plan on drinking a couple and get comped admission

    now for Ft. . Lauderdale

    Gas for car: $5

    Drinks: each person buys 1 round = $30

    Parking: $5

    Admission: cheapest admission is $10, but most are free here.


    Total , usually around $40

    Now if I plan on dropping my weekly paycheck, I go to Menage or Club Deep.

    Hookers - $500

    Coke - $300

    Cristal - $800

    Rent me a Hummer for the night - $250

    Bail - 150


    Total for hangin with P . Diddy and GA2 at Menage around $2000

  12. DJ MIND X live Street Parade CD .... nice

    speaking of DJ Mind X. WHat do you think about having him play in Miami. We have some connections to him, and have thought about bring him over with a few other Swiss DJ's and maybe with one other local.

    Is it worth the time and money?

  13. GA2 are you in charge of all the people working for Menage attacking you with flyers and wristbands on Washington. I walked by there on Sat night on my way to Crobar and they were like every 10 feet. good promotions giving VIP bands away. :laugh: :laugh:

  14. see that is the problem with the US mentality for dance music. Everyone is so set on labeling everything and everyone. The fore mentioned festivals Love Parade and Street prade have something to offer everyone. we just need o wake up and stop worrying about image and stereotypes , and have fun and listen to the music. Remember the music has no color, sex, religion.

  15. This party looks like the most fun I could have. Has anyone ever been to it. How does this compare to WMC?

    Over 1 million ravers and party lovers were in Zurich for the 12th annual Street Parade, it has established to the biggest street party in the world. The Street Parade, covers over 2 miles of techno, fun and party. At 3.15 , saturday August 9th, people all over world will meet for this amazing event. There will hundreds of parties friday through sunday, known djs from all over the world will cover this huge event, like Paul van Dyk @ Energy, Carl Cox @ Club Q, Little Louie Vega @ Tendance, Mousse T. @ House 3000 etc. Be part and enjoy this on the Crest special report on tilllate, the offical partner of theStreet Parade 2003.





  16. Is everyone up for another CP meet up @ Venu?

    I will stay longer and make sure I meet everyone. I will not drink as much as last Friday.

    Hey SoTu and Obby, thanks for the CD, great music to drive and chill to.

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