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Posts posted by TheMrs

  1. ...damn...that almost doesnt look like her...

    My thoughts exactly, and what I was afraid of.

    They made me look kinda indian... cuz lord knows I'm as white as they come!

    They overkill the photoshop, on most of the girls, not only me.

  2. we can all dream can we? LOL . just noticed the back pages has a little sentence about tonie :) very cool...........

    Out of a 5 page questionnaire that I had to fill out... that's the best they could come up with?! LOL!!

    I guess they didn't get the part where I already have a husband and kids. :)

    And don't worry Bling, I've been sleeping on and off today. :D

    Thank you all again. :)

  3. this thread is dedicated to Blendprod...he was trying to take a picture of Sasha last night...he was on one of the stages at Crobar and fell off and landed right on his shoulder and dislocated it....HOPE YA FEELING BETTER BRO!!! get well soon!!!

    Very true.

    He was a trooper though... he was in serious pain. Sucky way to spend your birthday, but don't worry honey, we'll make up for it! You deserve it!!!!!

    He's sleeping right now, but I know he'll appreciate this thread when he's feeling better and up to reading.

    I felt like I was at the hospital with one of my own children!! :(

    I love you Franche... feel better and keep icing it!

    :heart: Tonie

  4. Thanks you guys!!! :):heart:

    I have the magazine here in front of me, and they came out ok, especially considering I was super sick that day. I almost fainted and everything from how weak I was.

    It's amazing how they take hundreds of pictures, then they only use 5... lol.

    There is 1 pic I could do without, but the rest came out nice :)... and classy!

    Thanks again for your kind words and support... it means a lot to me!! :kiss2:

  5. WTF, is with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are that retarded? Stop using the exclamation and learn how to get your point across in other ways.

    Oh stop being such a whining baby and deal with it. We all do, and you're the only one complaining.

    Are you that retarded that can't learn to see past the ! marks?

    It's how he likes to post, so if you don't like it.... block him.

  6. %7Boption%7Dwho cares if they are real or fake in the end, like you said, it's how you feel about yourself.

    Very true.

    I liked my perky natural A cups (before kids) more than what I have now (too big)... but I'm still happier than what I had AFTER having kids :yuck: (absolutely nothing).


  7. Oh yeah, one more question....

    What if you marry a guy and every thing is peachy-keen.... you fuck him... and then a year later you guys get divorced.

    Your next husband won't get the 'treatment' the first one did as in you being a virgin.

    I just want you to realize the world isn't what it seems.

    And I didn't mean it sarcastically when I said good luck and be careful. I meant it with all sincerity. :)

  8. that is somewhat acurate. I am just getting myself back on track spiritually. I as a whole believe that masturbation and such is wrong. I'm not saying it isn't fun, but I need to quit doing it and other things.

    Once I'm married I'll be able to do whatever I like, as long as it is not degrading to me or the other person.

    I was brought up to/ and do believe certain things should be done after marriage....I haven't quite lived up to that, but now I'm working on getting back to that place:D even though it's a lot harder than I ever woulda imagined. Ok hope that helped clear that up for ya'll. ciao bellos

    When I read your posts... the first thing that comes to mind is that you REALLY need to get fucked.

    Then I think of how brainwashed you are... and I feel sorry for you.

    But you can do what you want, it's your life. But I had to share my thoughts, cuz your posts always leave me like WTF is wrong with you? :confused:

    I wish you luck in life. I hope you find someone as naive, because someone can really take advantage of you mentally and emotionally.

    So just be careful and take care!

  9. if you dont want sex before marriage, why post on a sex board where there are like sexual conversations and pictures posted? isnt that lust? isnt lust as wrong as sex/masterbation?

    I like the way you think! :D

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