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Posts posted by TheMrs

  1. I wish you guys the best in the future to come and I really hope that this will not be you last anniversary!!!



    I hope Aaron gets better!

    Ay chica!! Ni lo digas!! We'll be driving each other crazy for the rest of our lives... 'till we're in diapers again! :laugh: Every couple has their little issues, but nothing tough enough that we can't overcome :D. I love you too mama!

    You guys are all awesome, thanks again for your sweet wishes, and I wish you all the same in your lives and relationships. :)

    And Val... what I would give to go dancing!!!

  2. Honey, I love you so much... even back then when you weighed 135 pounds. :)

    We've come a long way, even though most thought we didn't have a chance.

    Dinner is obviously off cuz Aaron is very sick, but I'll make it up to you when he's better. :kiss2:

    And to the others... a little bit of patience (or a lot) can go a long way. It's worth it. :)

  3. when my kids wake up for milk in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! about 7:30 ish........imagine this every morning.. a kid waking up and screaming that they want milk!!!!!!!!!!!! how would u like to start everyday to crying kids.....its horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Actually, for me it's between 4 and 6 am when Alexa wants her bottle and cries and screams for it. Flip is dead to the world at that time.

    Also when Aaron sometimes comes to our bed at 6:30am and doesn't let me sleep cuz he pushes me to the edge of our California King sized bed :confused:.


  4. And boys and girls.... how can we forget the Ninja episode!!!


    Suba-ra-shi chin chin mono

    Kintama no kame aru are Sore no oto saru bo bo Iye! Ninja ga imasuuuuuuuu Hey hey let's go kenka suru

    Taisetsu no mono protect my balls!

    Boku ga warui so let's fighting...

    Let's fighting love!

    Let's fighting love!

    Kono uta chotto baka

    Wake ga wakaranai

    Eigo ga mecha-kucha Daijobu - we do it all the time!


    Wonderful "chin chin" thing

    There are hairs at balls

    That's sound "saru bo bo"

    Iye! Ninja is here!

    Hey hey let's go fighting!

    Important thing protect my balls!

    I am bad so let's fighting

    Let's fighting love!

    Let's fighting love!

    This song is a little stupid

    This isn't make sense

    English is f**ked up

    It's okay--we do it all the time!

  5. Eric Cartman:


    Kyle's mom's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch

    She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world

    She's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch

    She's a bitch to all the boys and girls

    On Monday she's a bitch, on Tuesday she's a bitch

    And Wednesday to Saturday she's a bitch

    Then on Sunday just to be different

    She's a super king kamaya maya beyotch

    Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom

    She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world

    She's a mean old bitch and she has supid hair

    She's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch

    Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch 'cause

    She's a stupid bitch

    Kyle's mom's a bitch

    And she's just a dirty bitch

    Kyle's mom is a biiiiiiiiiitch!


  6. u know i have no problem with that...but u need more options....cuz seriously....i can do with u never talking again....so u need more boxes...to keep u quiet!!!!!!!!!!!!:tongue::D

    Babe!!!!!!!!!!!! Comportate!

  7. What'll really be amusing is when one of your kid's classmates brings the issue into to school for all to see (hell, if toddlers can get their hands on crack cocaine and personal firearms, a nudie mag should be no problem).

    What is your obsession with my kids???


  8. :aright:, i know, jus messin with ya.

    Humans are never satisfied.... ;)

    Plus, it's been so long that I'm just a regular old saltine to him :D

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