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Posts posted by TheMrs

  1. What I think is nasty about this picture is the fact that she's wearing a very SHORT skirt with no undies.... meanwhile she's probably going to a club to sit in nasty seats and sofa's .... and her pussy is going to be all up in the nastiness.

    So unsanitary.

    I've done it before, but with longer skirts, so my pussy doesn't get INFECTED.

  2. I just wanted to take a minute to wish all the Daddy's on this board a Happy Father's Day.

    You know who you are!

    And to Flip:

    Thank you for being a wonderful, caring, and supportive daddy. The three of us love you very much. :kiss2:

  3. A VERY special Happy Father's Day too all the daddy's on the board. :)

    And a side note to my honey, Flip:

    You're my husband, best friend, and a wonderful daddy.

    Though you could be on CP a little less ;).... I still love you very much and I'm thankful everyday that you're here by my side, holding me up when times get rough.

    I would like to wish you a relaxing day, but you know that's impossible... but I'll try to make it as easy as I can. :D I love you baby! :kiss2:

  4. Wow, what a great post! :)

    You guys are crazy if you think fliptoniaaa is being a bad husband. It's a misconception that once youre married you cant be you anymore. i mean obviously, yes, you do have to have sex with only one person,

    Not necessarily ;)

    True love is about balance and two people being themselves, and loving each other for it.

    Couldn't have put it better myself.

    Not saying, oh my wife might see this so i cant post it. Obviously theyve been together long enough to know how each other thinks, and they still love each other.


    Thinking the way you do, I'm sure you and your boyfriend have a very strong and understanding relationship.


  5. ...when you find the right one, it's not "settling"...so sad that the average human is never satisfied...i think it's harder for someone to shut the fuck up and be happy with what they have then let it go...bottom line, as themrs stated/inferred, if you're contemplating such things you're better off ending it and go have your adventures...

    I say it all the time:

    Humans are just never satisfied.

  6. just out of curiousity, how did you get married with an attitude like that?

    so if some better girl comes along, you´re gonna dump your wife and kids and go for the new one? lol? why get married in the first place then :confused:

    and are you INSANE to actually think that thought aloud anywhere near where your girl can hear (read) it? :laugh:

    back to the topic, let´s say it this way. i´m not being loyal to her because i WANT to. i´m monogamous because we won´t stay together any other way. and THATS what sucks. if she´d be cool with an open relationship (shes not already discussed this) and i could bonk my horns off from time to time with a delicious new girl from time to time, i´d be totally down with staying with this girl forever!

    but this way, i dunno. i feel i´m missing out.

    My poor honey, he does think too much, but I think he just came across wrong on that post. He meant it as a question, not about himself (so he says... lol).

    But you just do what you want T.... I tell Flip all the time, if you really feel like you're missing out, go ahead. You're not stuck with this person unless you want to be. If it's more important to you to go get some, go right ahead, it's your life. Everything has consequences, though.

    Good luck :)

  7. im not saying this is my situation!!!!!!!! i just wanted to see what is the opinion about it!!!!!!!!! i just wonder about other people, when i hear them say i found the best person....blah, blah. blah..........just a thought that popped into my head......now id like to see a good open discussion on it!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My retarded husband just failed grammar in school.. and doesn't know that "!!" mean statements and "??" mean questions. In that post above he should have put ?? marks, since they were questions, according to him. ;)

  8. heres my thought....just cuz u found a great person, that everything is awesome with.....how do u know that there isnt a better person out there, that is just better even if its better by a little bit!?!??!!?!?!?!? so basically im asking when do u just settle, or do u never settle and keep looking, even if ur with a great one allready......cuz u just never know!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    If you're looking, then you're not happy, so why bother. And I mean looking in the sense of looking for a "better" person, not just another whore to fuck.

  9. Sweetie, you're not alone.

    We always go in w/ Mando, but he wasn't there yet. And it being his b-day and all we figured we'd just go ahead and wait for him inside.

    We were waiting a total of 45 minutes, 15 of those minutes I was right in front of the ropes.

    I saw those bastards looking at me, yet they would only take the groups of girls around me. Girls that would come and stand next to me after he took the first group, then he would take those.

    Needless to say, I gave up. Fuck that, I've never stood in line for 45 minutes anywhere, and the only reason I did was for Mando. Never again... I guess they think they're OPIUM now. Even in Opium I've never had to wait long.

    Not even Crobar!!

    They're only hurting themselves. To be honest, I like the place. It's just the door that needs a make-over.

  10. Nice!...reverse psychology. I like that...TheMrs is good ;)


    Nooooooo, You obviously don't know me. I'm not about mind games. :)

    I like OTHER games. ;)

  11. You can bother me all you want.. its not changing anything

    I think it's getting pretty pathetic, if you ask me :tongue:.

    If you don't like box... you don't! We like you for you Naughty :), so just ignore my retarded husband.

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