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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Michael Jackson's Ranch Searched in Criminal Probe Nov 18, 3:16 PM (ET) By Dan Whitcomb SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (Reuters) - Police swarmed over pop superstar Michael Jackson's opulent Neverland Ranch near Santa Barbara in central California on Tuesday as part of an unspecified criminal investigation, officials said. Police gave no details about the probe but cable channel Court TV, whose reporter was on the scene, quoted sources saying it stemmed from a new allegation of sexual abuse brought by a 12-year-old boy against the self-styled King of Pop. Jackson, 45, has been dogged over the past 10 years by rumors and allegations stemming from his professed affection for young children. A former child star himself, Jackson has said he thinks of himself as "Peter Pan." Nine years ago a 14-year-old boy reached an out-of-court agreement to settle a lawsuit accusing the singer of molesting him in 1992. No criminal charges were ever brought in that case and Jackson publicly denied any wrongdoing. Sheriffs deputies and officials from the Santa Barbara District Attorney's office descended early on Tuesday morning on the Neverland ranch where Jackson has built theme-park rides, a zoo and a miniature train ride which he occasionally throws open to local children. They said in a statement they went to "serve a search warrant as part of an ongoing criminal investigation." Court TV said its reporter saw a convoy of vehicles entering the compound, including a forensic evidence gathering van. The search was still going on three hours later. A spokesman for Jackson was not immediately available for comment and Jackson's whereabouts were not clear, but syndicated TV show Access Hollywood said Jackson was in Las Vegas shooting a music video with his own three children. Tuesday's search warrant follows a tumultuous year for Jackson, whose talents as an entertainer have been eclipsed by his often bizarre behavior both on and off screen. In February, he revealed in a British television documentary that he sometimes shared his Neverland bedroom with young boys. One boy, a 12-year-old cancer survivor called Gavin, spoke openly about his affection for Jackson and of enjoying sleepovers with the pop star at Neverland. "Why can't you share your bed? The most loving thing you can do is share your bed with someone," Jackson said in the documentary. He strongly denied any sexual intent. The frank revelations sparked calls for an investigation by California child welfare authorities at the Neverland ranch. The search warrant was executed on the same day that a new greatest hits collection was released, featuring Jackson's latest single, "One More Chance." CBS television has scheduled a special next week tracing his career from his Motown days as the lead singer of the Jackson 5 through his emergence as one of the recording industry's biggest stars. In November last year, the former child-star stunned fans in Berlin by dangling his barefoot baby from a hotel window. In June, Jackson settled a $12 million breach of contract lawsuit by his former top adviser, avoiding a trial that threatened to spill details of his financial empire and personal life into open court. No charges have currently been filed against Jackson and authorities firmly declined to give any information about the current probe. Lou Palumbo, a former police detective who now heads Elite Agency Ltd., a security firm that works with celebrities and provides protection to events like the Golden Globes, warned that someone could be targeting Jackson in the hope of making money. "This could just be another allegation from someone that wants money from him," Palumbo told Reuters.
  2. You know... I have to believe that these soldiers wish they weren't doing this and are just following orders. They don't have that luxery of deciding who get's tied up and who doesn't. But to answer your question, i'd feel really humilated and helpless.
  3. Why do you find it necessarry to make personal attacks against me every time you post. Are you that threatened by my "hippie" ideas? lol The point I was trying to make, fucknut, was that if a protester was accidentally killed in some kind of misunderstanding (ie. US Sniper shoots protester in the head) no one in the country could hold the sniper liable and that's bullshit. That's why the brittish government said "hell no!" to that demand. Why don't you go read the national review online or the weekly standard or whatever two facist publications you read daily and grow up you bootlicking pile of nationalist vermon. Sorry, that was a seriouse personal attack but you sure bring it on yourself. lol
  4. I find this obscene that our gov't would demand this from another gov't...even if this is one of our so called strongest allies if not our closest.
  5. This is sad we directed so many resources towards iraq and now letting the people of afghanistan down.
  6. As liberal as I am... I thought it was funny too.
  7. This editorial is full of hate and aims to stifle debate.
  8. Nevermind. I found it. National Review Online. HA! EDIT: Just to give everyone an idea of what type of publications NRO promotes. This is what is on their site, the same page this article is found: Link to article
  9. BUSH PULLS OUT OF SPEECH TO PARLIAMENT Nov 17 2003 By Bob Roberts, Political Correspondent GEORGE Bush was last night branded chicken for scrapping his speech to Parliament because he feared being heckled by anti-war MPs. The US president planned to give a joint address to the Commons and Lords during his state visit to Britain. But senior White House adviser Dr Harlan Ullman said: "They would have loved to do it because it would have been a great photo-opportunity. "But they were fearful it would to turn into a spectacle with Labour backbenchers walking out." SCARED: Bush The decision to abandon the speech came as extraordinary security measures costing £19million placed London under a state of virtual siege ahead of Mr Bush's arrival tomorrow. Roads in Whitehall were closed with concrete blockades. Overhead, a no-fly zone has been established with the RAF on standby to shoot down unidentified planes. All police leave is cancelled. The only speech Mr Bush, who will stay with the Queen at Buckingham Palace, is now due to give will be to an "invited audience" at the Banqueting House in Whitehall. Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn said: "This is yet another slight on this country by the president of the USA. "The least he could do is subject himself to questions from MPs." And colleague John McDonnell said: "Bush might be able to run from the protesters, he might be able not to see the banners. "But he must not be able to hide from the anger felt across the country at this unjustified war." Previous world leaders, including Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela and Francois Mitterand, have all given speeches to the Lords and the Commons while visiting Britain. Tony Blair gave a joint address to the American Senate and Congress in July. But earlier this year, Bush was embarrassed when he was heckled by MPs in Australia. Downing Street last night refused to comment on the president's itinerary. A spokesman said: "We have said consistently the programme details will be announced at the appropriate moment. There is nothing to add to this." The row about the speech came after President Bush set up a showdown with demonstrators by refusing to be apologetic on the Gulf war. In an interview with the BBC's Breakfast with Frost show, he said they would not "cut and run" from Iraq. He added: "We will not be defeated by the terrorists." Mr Bush also refused to grant British pleas for mercy for the six Britons held in Guantanamo Bay. He said: "They will go through a military tribunal at some point, a military tribunal in international accord, or in line with international accords." Link to article
  10. I'll be driving by nations. That's about as close as I'll get to going in.
  11. I can't say that I'm a neo con or a con... I also can't say that I like her or dislike either. Oh and by the way... Bush is not a nazi and stop saying that
  12. Holy shit, man... Your right!!! It's the smoking gun that we've been looking for!!! It's an internal memo!!!! Too bad Fox News is the only news organization that has decided to run this story!!
  13. The weekly standard is about as biased of magazine you can find.
  14. :laugh: You whole response is laughable. Read up there, buddy. What Mr. Mahs is afraid to find out about
  15. Yep... I agree with what you said about the kennedy's the whole family used to be rum runners and bootleggers with organized crime links but let's not ignore the fact that Prescott Bush worked with the nazi party before, during, and after ww2 and was forced to stop by the federal gov't. Don't make me slap you with a link proving this... Now can we get back to the friggin post subject at hand before this thread gets moved to the drama forum?
  16. This always throws me off when a party starts in the AM. It's so hard to differetiate from the previous day. For example, when someone saturday night at 2:30 am... I'm thinking Saturday night....but in actuality it may mean saturday morning... When is this party again?
  17. We can compare the clinton family to the bush family later...besides I doubt the clintons have ties to the nazi party as the bush family does...but my question is what is so evil about hillary? I don't see it. Someone convince me she is bad as everyone makes her out to be.
  18. Oh my fucking god... This has got to be the funniest fucking thing I've seen all year!!! :laugh: Good job, vic...using the photoshop.
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