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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. You forgot amputees, by-polars, lesbian nazi hookers, board game addicts, retards, and rage infected zombie chics.
  2. Laid off...Fired...downsized... It's all euphamisms for getting canned. When I go out... I'm going out Jerry McGuire style briefcase in hand ahead of a company wide memo/manifesto on my plot to take over the world!!! or maybe I just might give two weeks notice and just leave quietly.
  3. Off topic... but somebody had this on their signature... Hilarious.
  4. speaking of unitelligent rants
  5. You think hot girls horrible in bed? You should go psycho chicks. They're the best!!
  6. That's "CEASE" not "SEIZE", you douche!
  7. It's her, dude. You can see it's her, she only stopped and posed for the camera like a dozen times while getting nailed.
  8. Yeah get with it, Krish!!!
  9. You know what they say.... about Idle hands, that is.
  10. I will no doubt be in town and will be hitting up at least two houses for food. Parties for that weekend? Who knows...
  11. We know already!!! They lie!! Now what do we do about it?
  12. Congress recently voted to send $87 billion to Iraq, money that will be used to build everything from roads to power plants to hospitals. Yet while Congress appears ready to rubber-stamp unlimited monies for nation building in Iraq, thousands of our own soldiers at home are languishing with substandard medical care. You may have read about conditions at Fort Stewart, Georgia, where hundreds of injured reserve and National Guard soldiers are housed in deplorable conditions and forced to wait months just to see a doctor. These soldiers made huge sacrifices, leaving their families and jobs to fight in Iraq. Now they find themselves living in hot, crowded, unsanitary barracks and waiting far too long to see overworked doctors. This is hardly the heroes' welcome they might have expected. Only an exposé in a major newspaper brought attention to their plight, prompting an embarrassed Defense department to rush additional doctors to the base. Many of these men and women expressed shock at their treatment. They assumed wounded soldiers returning from Iraq would receive priority treatment, given the "support the troops" rhetoric coming from Washington. Their complaints went ignored, however, until the media became involved. Similar mistreatment of soldiers has been evident throughout our occupation of Iraq. Some wounded soldiers convalescing at Walter Reed hospital in Washington were forced to pay for hospital meals from their own pockets! Other soldiers returning stateside for a two-week liberty had to buy their own airfare home from the east coast. Still others have paid for desert boots, night vision goggles, and other military necessities with personal funds. It's shocking that our troops are forced to pay for basic items that should be supplied to them or paid from the defense budget. Perhaps the most shameful mistreatment of our veterans is in the area of concurrent receipt benefits. Existing federal rules force disabled veterans to give up their military retirement pay in order to receive VA disability benefits. This means every VA disability dollar paid to a veteran is deducted from his retirement pay, effectively creating a "disabled veterans tax." No other group of federal employees is subject to this unfair standard; in every other case disability pay is viewed as distinct from standard retirement pay. For years veterans have fought for concurrent receipt benefits to no avail. Last week Congress finally passed a very limited concurrent receipt law, but the change is unlikely to satisfy those disabled veterans who need benefits the most. Under the new partial concurrent receipt bill, only those veterans in essence deemed "disabled enough" will qualify; this means roughly two-thirds of disabled veterans will not receive concurrent receipt benefits at all. Even severely disabled veterans who do qualify may never enjoy their long-sought relief, because the bill passed by Congress takes ten years to phase in. How sad that some disabled soldiers will die in the next decade without seeing a penny of their concurrent receipt benefits. Members of our armed forces deserve more than platitudes when they return from foreign wars with illnesses or disabilities. Unfortunately, the trust our soldiers place in the federal government to provide for their health care has been breached time and time again. Last week's partial grant of concurrent receipt benefits will prove woefully inadequate for most of our disabled veterans, veterans who could be well-served with just a fraction of the billions Congress gave away in Iraq. Ron Paul is a Republican Congressman from Texas. He was the 1988 Libertarian Party candidate for President. Link to article
  13. This would be an excellent political move for Bush. Sacrifice Rummy... and maybe he might have a chance for 2004. That is of course if Wolfawitz doesn't take the #1 spot at the Pentagon.
  14. Jessica's Hustled Porn mag may pull plan to run topless pics of G.I. By GEORGE RUSH DAILY NEWS COLUMNIST A skin mag claimed yesterday it has pictures of Iraqi POW Jessica Lynch frolicking topless with male soldiers before she went off to war. A spokesman for the 20-year-old Army private - the subject of Sunday's TV movie on NBC that drew 14.9 million viewers - called the plan by Hustler magazine to publish the purported photos "unspeakable." "Leave it to [Hustler publisher] Larry Flynt to do something like this," said Paul Bogaards of Alfred Knopf, publisher of "I Am A Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story," which is being released today. "Jessica Lynch was left for dead and left as a prisoner of war," Bogaards told the Daily News. "If she can survive that, she can survive anything." But on Tuesday, Flynt told The Associated Press in a statement that he has changed his mind about printing the pix because Lynch is a “good kid ... and a victim of the Bush administration.†“Jessica Lynch is a good kid, she’s not a hypocrite or out to fool anyone,†Flynt’s statement said. “She’s just a victim of the Bush administration, who is using her to justify the war in Iraq and force-feed us a Joan of Arc.†Bogaards said earlier that he had not asked Lynch about the magazine's claim of topless photos, but added: "It's unspeakable that someone would stoop to these levels. ... The press has been using Jessica Lynch to serve its own needs." Lynch's new torment erupted the day before Veterans Day - and on the same night she made a dramatic appearance at a Manhattan awards event with fellow rescued POW Shoshana Johnson and pop star Britney Spears. Lynch, walking in public for the first time since her rescue, used crutches to enter the American Museum of Natural History for Glamour magazine's 2003 salute to the "Women of the Year." Flynt had said he planned to run the photos he says he has in Hustler's February issue, which goes on sale the first week of January. He claimed they show Lynch topless and cavorting with two men stationed with her at Fort Bliss, Tex., before she shipped off to Iraq last spring. According to two people who have seen them, the person they identify as Lynch is wearing just jeans in one photo and a blue thong in another. Flynt said the pictures - which he claimed to have gotten from two former soldiers who served with Lynch - would prove "she's not Joan of Arc." "I'm not interested in bashing Jessica Lynch, who really was a victim in this," Flynt insisted. But he said the Lynch book and movie "should have been an honest portrayal of her role in the war. Everyone wanted a hero from this war." Calls to Lynch's lawyer were not returned. Flynt said Hustler consulted an outside "photo enhancement lab" to establish that the woman in the photos was Lynch. "You think I'm going to publish nude pics that aren't her?" Flynt asked yesterday, who is believed to have paid six figures for the shots. "I like owning my company." Last year, Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione was hit with a costly lawsuit after he wrongly claimed to have topless pictures of tennis star Anna Kournikova. Last night, Lynch and Johnson both received awards at the Glamour magazine event. Lynch walked up the red carpet on crutches with Johnson at her side. She wore a black gown embroidered with red roses, and sneakers - the only shoes she can wear because of a brace on her left leg. A posthumous award was presented in the memory of Lori Piestewa, the first female U.S. soldier killed in Iraq. Lynch, Johnson and Piestewa were in the same unit. "This Glamour Women of the Year event honors heroes," Lynch said. "To me, the real heroes are those who have given their lives for our nation, the soldiers who risked their lives to rescue me, the professionals who served in the military medical department - they perform miracles every day to save lives. To me, these are heroes." Originally published on November 11, 2003 Link to Article
  15. Pentagon Keeps Dead Out of Sight Pentagon Keeps Dead Out of Sight Bush Team Doesn't Want People to See Human Cost of War Even Body Bags are Now Sanitized as 'Transfer Tubes' http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&call_pageid=971358637177&c=Article&cid=1067728207768
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