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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Interesting. Link to article?
  2. Watch Scarborough country and tell me if you feel the same.
  3. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread/t-194606.html
  4. I found some yogurt in the refrigerator!!!
  5. I'm going to the refrigerator in my office and graze on other people's left over lunches.
  6. Finally...a civilized debate.
  7. So 1 and half liters... That pussy! That's not even a fith of vodka!!
  8. Poor bastard! I wonder what type of vodka was it. I betcha it was that Odessa crap.
  9. I'd like to hang with you guys but I'm already hitting up three houses for food. It sux sometimes having such a big family.
  10. World Trade Center Memorial Finalist Designs Unveiled The Associated Press Wednesday, November 19, 2003; 11:36 AM NEW YORK -- The eight designs unveiled Wednesday as finalists for a World Trade Center memorial remember the dead with quiet gardens, reflecting pools, inscribed names and lights for lost lives. All eight designs, selected from a pool of 5,200, list the names of those who died in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, as well as the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The names are inscribed on granite walls, glass panels and stone columns, some alphabetically and others according to where the individuals died. "We have sought designs that represent the heights of imagination while incorporating aesthetic grace and spiritual strength," the jury that chose the finalists said in a statement. The finalists, whose identities were made public for the first time Wednesday, range from local artists to international architects. The eight proposals were picked by a 13-member jury, which will choose the winning design by the end of the year. John Whitehead, chairman of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, which is overseeing the rebuilding of the site, praised the organic connections shared by all the entries. "Their designs draw upon the elements of light, water, earth and life itself," Whitehead said at a news conference where the proposals were unveiled. One design proposes an open air structure with cathedral-like vaults and a glass walkway overhead where thousands of lights illuminate engraved names of the victims. It groups the rescuers' names separately in a ribbon that loops through the other names. Another suggests votive lights suspended over a reflecting pool, with each light representing a victim. One design includes a park sloping from street level to 30 feet below, a garden where the south tower stood, and a structure where the north tower stood with a staircase waterfall. The proposals include private areas for relatives of the victims and a tomb for unidentified remains of people killed when the twin towers were hit by hijacked planes and collapsed. One design envisions a blue light projected upward from the place where the unidentified remains are entombed. The remains of about 60 percent of the 2,752 people killed in the twin towers attack have been identified. All of the designs preserve the huge wall that once formed the trade center basement, the only surviving remnant of the original complex. The eight proposals, accompanied by videotaped interviews of finalists talking about their designs, were displayed at the World Financial Center's Winter Garden, near where the towers stood. John Whitehead, chairman of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, which is overseeing the rebuilding of the site, said the jury "identified the best work of highly creative individuals and teams from around the globe." Family members of those who died were shown the designs before the unveiling and said they mostly approved of the plans. "I thought they captured the essence of what the memorial should be," said Christine Huhn-Graifman, who lost her husband in the attack. But some said Tuesday that the plans did not provide enough access to the bedrock level of the trade center site. As it stands now, the redevelopment plan preserves the approximate circumference of the towers, but construction would encroach on the twin towers' footprints at bedrock level. Link to article
  11. Good question. I read countless new sites from many differenct political angles and form my own opinions. I like the drudgereport ...even as conservative as he is... he put multiple news sources on his site so you can make your own mind up. I think anyone that uses one source to base their opinions is only limiting themselves. EDIT: The Drudgereport Ha'aretz Washingtonpost Antiwar.com - which is a portal to thousands of other news sites similar to the drudgereport International Herald Tribune Reuters
  12. Is that the only thing you read? The Weekly Standard...oh and the National Review? No wonder you're so screwed up.
  13. I love it how iggy and mr. mahs hate to see facts... and want everyone to shut up. You guys are rich! I'm done for the day.
  14. Uh... Yeah they did. It's on the DOD's website, shit for brains. Try again. Here's the link
  15. I bet you would love for that to happen(someone detonating a dirty bomb in times square), you narcistic boot licker. "ALL the foreign governments" didn't agree he had weapons and stop changing the subject. You and your neo-con buddy were proven wrong if you read above. What a loser!
  16. Propaganda's Forward March by Paul Craig Roberts November 19, 2003 In pursuit of their agenda, neoconservatives have shown no respect for facts or persons. Neocons have lied to the President, the Secretary of State, Congress, the UN, our allies, and the public. In order to fabricate a case for a "preemptive" US invasion of Iraq, neocons used their presidential appointments to manipulate US intelligence services. Neocon policymakers presented President Bush and the American public with doctored information. Seymour Hersh and others have documented the manipulation of intelligence that made possible the US invasion of Iraq. The neocon media and think tanks aided and abetted the deceit. They have crossed the line between advocacy and propaganda. Neocons do not believe that lying in behalf of their agenda reflects on their integrity. In their warped minds, righteousness demands their service to The Agenda – the imposition of democratic virtue on the Middle East. Numerous experts have said that the neocon’s agenda, in fact, creates terrorism and makes the US and Israel less safe. However, neocon ideology shields neocons from fact and reason. Neocons are shameless. A prime neocon mouthpiece, the Weekly Standard, published a sensational story (November 24) purporting to prove many years of cooperation in terror between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. The story cites a secret Defense Department document as the source of the information. The Weekly Standard ran the story without confirming it. November 15 news release, the Department of Defense declared the story "inaccurate." The DOD repudiation of the story did not stop Fox News, a neocon propaganda organ, from repeating the story throughout the subsequent weekend and again on its evening news program on Monday evening, November 17, at 6:10 PM central time. On Tuesday, November 18, neocon Frank Gaffney repeated the story in a column in the Commentary section of the Washington Times, despite the Defense Department’s repudiation of the story the previous Friday. Web sites have exposed this latest example of neocon propaganda, but will Fox News, the Weekly Standard, and the Washington Times issue corrections? Will this latest example of blatant neocon manipulation of news in order to deceive the public itself become a news story? The answer to this question will reveal much about the relative power of propaganda and truth in the US, where an inattentive public is content to wrap itself in the flag and to believe whatever justifies the government’s actions. There are reasons for pessimism. In the case of the US invasion of Iraq, all checks and balances failed. The government failed, the media failed, the experts failed, and the UN and US allies failed. This universal failure made possible an act of imbecility that every informed person (a small part of the population) recognizes as a strategic blunder. Nothing positive has been achieved by invading Iraq. A fortune has been wasted, thousands of people have been killed and injured, a government destroyed and a country laid waste and left ripe for civil war, terrorism encouraged, credibility and good will squandered. Can Americans disconnect from neocon propaganda and smell the truth? Or have Americans succumbed to propaganda’s reassuring embrace, secure in delusions that motives are pure, virtue is untarnished and successes certain? (Creators Syndicate) Link to article ************************************************** In response to igloo's ignoring the facts... Thread(clicky)
  17. Pu-lease... this right wing propaganda isn't even worth a response.
  18. Pay no mind to igloo... He's our resident facist. The sad part is, he doesn't even know what a facist is. Excellent points, though.
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