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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Yeah mine too... But hey check it out, there's this new toy called the rubix cube...It'll blow your frickin mind? Ever heard of it... ...Ok, I'm being a little too silly for it to be this early.
  2. What about those virtual pets, You know those tomagochi's ... They're not passe are they??
  3. Ok, when I originally heard about this I thought it was a bunch of sick streaking nudist bastards getting there kicks off of free-ballin pubic...er uh... puplic places but it's not that at all. Instead it's an grande social event that seems to be really fun for everyone. (read article in today's post) So let's do the damn thang! Now the hard part is figuring out where and what our mob event will be.. What shall we do?
  4. Oh, don't get me started on squirrels. There are a whole brigade of them out here in front of the white house. We have white ones, black ones... even puerto rican ones! Crazy shit, man!
  5. no doubt because you've left campus, right?
  6. How is this measured anyway? By kegs?
  7. If you're a prostitute...Literally. HA!
  8. Well, at least the fuggers pay rent in d.c. when they come into your house around here. Baltimore? Forgetaboutit!
  9. Come on, now...100,000? Don't you think your exaggerating just a tiny bit...It's more like 10,000.
  10. Congrats!!! Can we have him/her do errands for us too? Like pick up our dry cleaning, fetch starbucks coffee, follow me around and throw rose pedals where I walk?
  11. You know, I never have problems with vermon but today, I was going to the bank during lunch after reading this thread and one of those little bastards damn near ran over my feet crosing the sidewalk...
  12. You know, Maxim is an excellent toilet read...although I need a good long thought provoking article when I'm on the pooper. Somethng like US News & World report...or maybe I'll polish off a few chapters of War & Peace while I give birth to my brown baby boys.
  13. Ok this is gonna sound strange... Many moons ago, I started reading the paper on the toilet and pretty much mentally conditioned myself into needing to read something...anything while I "number 2. Wether it's a shampoo bottle, toothpaste...directions for dental floss, whatever... as long as my eyes are moving across some letters, everything comes out fine. I was recently was told that this is a "male" thing and ladies don't do that? You mean to tell me, that women don't read when there on the pooper? I know poopin is such an intimate topic and may offend some people... but it's a natural thang... Even the pope has to take a shit... I wonder what he reads on the toilet? So here's my question: Who needs to read while they...well, you know..."number 2"
  14. Ahh yes... After wednesday it's all down hill from here.
  15. ok...you guys wanna know the real deal? There coming back to nation... but under a different name. Something like Cubic.
  16. Vic, this is pretty frightening.
  17. Doesn't anybody feel that this kinda tramples on our civil liberties??
  18. Your right... chloroform and roofies works better.
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