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Everything posted by bklynzzfinest

  1. Thats WAY to much information.
  2. its all about the hotness that is Jessica Alba.
  3. Unfortunately, I work in Brighton Beach making medical computer software by day. By night im an EMT / Web designer.
  4. well if your in Brooklyn you could take this 1. They are monday and Wednesday nights @ 8:30 pm and Sat mornings @ 12pm. Send me a pm if ya need/want more info
  5. *sigh* Walk up man. Work out these problems with your dad. This displaced aggression is not becoming. Ps. Sorry but, uhh....
  6. Actually. Work is the reason im not at the gym right now. However tonight is my spin class at 8:30 Then its training from 9:45 till 11. Just for your information.
  7. Its ok. I understand. Your mad at you dad, not at me. PS. Sorry for jacking the thread. But hes a dick, and needs to be told so frequently.
  8. I hate being the barer of bad news, but the best part of you ran down your mothers leg.
  9. maybe im blind but i honestly dont see a double chin.
  10. Name: Drew Age: 23 Location: Brooklyn, NY Occupation: Computers/EMT/Programming/Web Design One word to describe myself: Cant think of 1
  11. Its called the Dramatic over commercialization of NYC Nightlife.
  12. Now that you have seen LinaBina on a treadmill, will you please do the world a favor and off yourself ? Here, maybe this will help: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=ways+to+commit+suicide
  13. A tid bit of information that EVERYONE on the net should now about password security. http://www.xparadigm.com/index.php?act=ST&f=11&t=40
  14. http://2thebeat.com/commercial/ :laugh:
  15. she had a face ? I didnt notice...
  16. "You got to wiggle it. Just a little bit."
  17. Hey Ecko my friends and I end up at Salty pretty often. Let me know next time your going. We can meet up. PS. Check out www.bayridgenights.com for Bay Ridge reviews, and forums =) Bullshots was the shit back in the day When it was Ruby's. Many people had their 1st REAL underage drink there. lol. I supose that why it closed down.
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