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Everything posted by bklynzzfinest

  1. bklynzzfinest

    hot or not

    I had to have someone make this reply for me... Im Blind damn it. Dont ever do that shit again. lol
  2. What does being chatholic have to do with "kill whitey" you have yet to make a link between the two the could even remotely be considered a coheirent thought.
  3. Im prolly Old school but Id say, Screw driver.
  4. Just wondering if any of you DJs make your own beats. If you do what software do you use? Fruityloops? or something else. Ive been trying to teach myself Fruityloops and its a BITCH.
  5. Soulseek is gay... Unless they made some serious changes in the past few months, It has adware, and built in spyware. I wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot poll.
  6. I didnt say you should go anywhere, nor did I say you dont have the right to say what you want. All im saying is that your argument for why you hate white people is stupid.
  7. What the hell? So basically you hate white people because most chatholics are white? Thats the stupidist thing Ive ever heard. Im White and im not chatholic, I'm Lutheran. Thats like saying I hate arabs because they are all muslim extremists... Its just stupid.
  8. I would think the Peggy O'neils in Coney would be to small a venue (if you can even call it that) for such a large lineup. The one in Bay Ridge would be way to small too. *shrug*
  9. god im so fucking bored... I just wanna have a tempertantrum like a 2 yr old.
  10. Louder the better.
  11. *shrug* Ive worn them in the past. Its definately not a look most people can pull off. PS. Men dont wear "capri's" they wear 3/4 pants. *nod*
  12. If im wearing pants of any kind, shorts, jeans, etc I MUST wear a belt I feel weird otherwise. It makes me feel less put together.
  13. the "alligator shirts" are made by Lascoste. in the 80s when they where big the 1st time it was Izod-Lacoste then it split to 2 companys. =)
  14. Well for one, I was the COVER STORY of the NY Post. I highly doubt they would dedicate a cover story to an Urban legend. Besides what are snopes.com's referrences? Furthermore that article hasnt been updated in over 6 months "Last updated: 15 December 2003". This article was in the NY Post like 3 days ago. Additionally, The girl who was photographed for the cover of the NY POST article has been kicked out of school because of the article.. SEX BRACELET' GIRL KICKED OUT By ANDY GELLER ------------------------------------------------------------May 25, 2004 -- A 11-year-old Queens fifth-grader was booted from her Catholic elementary school for blowing the whistle on a bizarre sex-bracelets game. "I'm happy. I hate that school," a defiant Megan Stecher said after learning that Holy Child Jesus School in Richmond Hill won't let her return next year. "I only have five friends in the whole year." Megan said getting the boot was unfair, but her mother, Michelle, 33, was much angrier. "I'm outraged," she declared. Michelle said school officials claimed she slandered Holy Child by allowing her daughter to be photographed by The Post in front of it wearing bracelets and rings that represent different sex acts. "I didn't slander anybody," said Michelle, after her daughter's expulsion was reported on Fox News. "But what they did today - throwing my daughter out of school - that's slander." Megan was the subject of a Post front-page story Sunday revealing that some city kids - including girls at Holy Child - play a strange game called "Snap" where girls wear bracelets and rings of different colors and boys try to rip them off. If a boy succeeds, he gets a coupon from the girl promising to perform whatever sex act the color stands for. Black, for example, represents sexual intercourse. Michelle said she allowed her daughter to be interviewed because "I wanted parents to know that if it's happening in Catholic schools, its happening in public schools and it's happening everywhere. Half the school does it." Yesterday, the bracelets hit the fan. Sister Diane Androvich, the principal, called Megan and her mother in and said the girl would be allowed to take her final exams this year, but wouldn't be allowed back next year, the family said. "They said I did an un-Christian thing," Michelle said. "They said if there was a problem, I should have reported it to them first. But I feel I was right to let other parents know what their children are doing." School officials did not return calls for comment.
  15. bklynzzfinest

    halle berry

    Seriously... I dont think shes hot at all.
  16. Have you heard about these sex bracelet things? The girls as young as 11 years old wear colored jelly braclets, and each color stands for a diffrent sexual act... When a boy walks up to them and pulls a bracelet off the girl is required (according to the code) to perform the sex act associated with that color... Keep in mind... this is being done by 11 yr old girls, its nuts. Here is the color list with the associated act: # Black: sexual intercourse # Blue: blow job (alternate meaning: lap dance) # Green: cunnilingus (alternate meaning: outdoor sex, hug) # Clear: whatever you want (alternate meaning: hug) # Orange: kiss # Yellow: hug (alternate meaning: analingus) # Red: lap dance (alternate meaning: French kiss, oral sex) # Purple: anal sex (alternate meaning: holding hands, doggy style) # Silver: fisting # White: flash your tits (alternate meaning: gay kiss, French kiss) # Pink: flashing # Gold glitter: make out # Brown: toss my salad, i.e., analingus # Glow in the dark: using sex toys, e.g. vibrators, dildos, etc.
  17. Who else is staying in tonight? B O R I N G
  18. Smoke-free N.Y.C. a clear winner By DAVID SALTONSTALL DAILY NEWS CITY HALL BUREAU CHIEF Breathing is easiest in New York City's smoke-free bars. New York City - clean-air capital? It is now, at least when it comes to bars and restaurants. A new study released yesterday found that of seven major cities, breathing is easiest in New York's smoke-free bars and restaurants. In fact, air quality in New York establishments was a whopping 15 times cleaner than joints in Washington, which ranked last on the list. "The bottom line is that cities that implement comprehensive smoke-free laws quickly and effectively protect the health of both their employees and patrons," said Bill Corr, executive director of Campaign for Smoke-Free Kids, which conducted the survey. The study - the largest ever of its kind - looked at three cities with strict workplace smoking bans: New York, upstate Buffalo and Los Angeles. It also looked at four cities where smoking is still allowed in restaurants and bars: Philadelphia, Baltimore, Hoboken, N.J., and Washington. Testers prowled through at least seven establishments in each city on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night, armed with a high-tech aerosol monitor that measures pollution in micrograms per cubic meter. The result? Establishments in cities with smoke-free laws had average pollution levels 82% lower than cities that don't. The nation's capital was by far the worst, with 392 micrograms of pollution per cubic meter compared with New York's average of 25 micrograms. Researchers said the study offered clear evidence that bars that allow smoking are unhealthy - for both smokers and nonsmokers. "It isn't a secret that second-hand smoke is bad for you," said Dr. Fred Jacobs, chairman of the Medical Society of New Jersey's Council on Public Health. "Even the tobacco companies don't argue about that anymore." The study was greeted like a breath of fresh air by Mayor Bloomberg, who pushed through the city's ban on smoking in April last year despite stiff opposition from many bar owners. "If you want to smoke - smoke. You can smoke outside. It's not forcing anybody else to smoke," Bloomberg told reporters. "If you smoke inside, you are. I'm just glad that the air is clean." Originally published on May 21, 2004
  19. Staten Island does have some nice places... but Brooklyn is much better, however I may just be partial lol. Baahhhh.. Im a Scorp.
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