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Everything posted by bklynzzfinest

  1. after some wheeling and dealing. I managed to get a rate of $3560 from progressive. It sucks being a young, single, white, male. I have a clean record, I have defensive driving, and I drive ambulances. You'd think that would instill some trust in my skills... but nooo... heres the rates I got per year: Allstate: Wont insure me Statefarm: 5,460 Geico: Wont insure me Progressive: 3,560 AIG: Wont isure me GMAC: 4,184 Merastar: Wont insure me Any suggestions?
  2. No, I was flipping out when I read it. 4cyl 97 jetta clean record. No accidents or anything. Hell, I even have defensive driving and AAPS (Ambulance Accident Prevention Seminar) Because I drive an ambulace 2 - 3 time a weeks. Im a 23 yr/o, single, white male, and I havent had my lic. very long. Only about 2 years. heres what Geico quoted me:
  3. This is simply an observation, but I have noticed that all but one of Rizzo's signature images are comprised of gay porn. Perhaps this is whats leading to his negative opinions of good looking woman. Obviously I have no clue of his sexual preference, but it would make sence. Especially by cutting and pasting in images of CP Males. This could be an example of his true preferences. Of coarse if he is gay, there would be absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it would explain all the negativity.
  4. agrkdj meet the PM function. PM function meet agrkdj. Now that you've been properyly introduced...
  5. Im getting a '97 Jetta by months end, so i was looking for insurance companies... Well... Geico wants to charge me over $8,000 per YEAR !!! WTF !? What companies do you all use?
  6. Its a he, and his eyes are sorta hazel. they seem to change color with whatever he's near. and for the pics weyes. i'll keep them coming. lol
  7. I know this is a tad off topic... but I just had to share my new kitten. Name: Menace Age: 8 weeks
  8. yea... that was a joke. I have no clue who it is, and I have more important things to think about. (unfortunately)
  9. No no, my 3rd cousins' best friends neighbor told me that rizzo is tonyarmani. However my friends sisters boy friends roomates mothere told me that tonyarmani is johnnyquest. So its obvious that Rizzo = smokesum
  10. I stand by previous statements. KTU BLOWS. Always has, and always will. (Unless they have a severe format change).
  11. im not particularly a fan either. *shrug*
  12. :laugh: Im not the one that infered he broke a few bones.
  13. Statistically speaking Europe is the land of unhealthy inbreading. The united states has a MUCH healthier gene pool. Originally this was done to preserve royal blood line. Thats pretty much why the whole royal family looks like a bunch of monkeys. Inbreading. Id rather be over weight than have a leg growing out of my head because my parents where third cousins.
  14. Its looks fuzzy / slightly pixilated like that because you saved it as a .gif file. .gif files use diffusion (and some other things) to reduce the file size. So you end up with an image that looks like that. I generally use .jpg format because of that problem.
  15. All American Punch Ingredients: 15 oz. Southern Comfort 60 oz. Coca Cola 12 oz. Soda Water 1 oz. Cherry Juice 5 Oranges 3 Lemons 2 Limes 12 Cherries Instructions: Stir in a punch bowl and add the fruit.
  16. go here, and upload it. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/photopost/uploadphoto.php
  17. WELCOME TO YESTERDAY!! This was posted in the sex board yesterday. (About 16 times) Oh... and FYI (For the dumber ones) Its Fake. hence the "http://www.theillustrator.com/" before the CNN
  18. Im confused... Was that actual content ?
  19. This should probably be in the sex forum... but... speaking from a PURELY genetic point of view. American men tend to be larger over all. Taller, broader sholders etc. Because America has a substantially larger Gene pool than the countries of europe. (England has a pop of about 38mil, and NY has a pop of about 27mil by itself) Im not implying that it is... but one could easily assume that american men also have larger penises. Of coarse this would vary on a case by case basis. As well would the romance, and what not.
  20. before bed, so i get some good sleep.
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