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Everything posted by bklynzzfinest

  1. Well thats one hell of a 1st post.... 1 post since dec. 2002 and thats the best ya could come up with?
  2. Yea, as someone above mentioned i am from Bay Ridge. I love the 3rd ave. festival. As for the places mentioned: I like Delia's but its sorta played out. I HATE Blue Zoo. (A bouncer was busting my balls for like 20min trying to get in) The loft sucks, and I noticed someone said short ribs. lol. The loft was the name of that place before short ribs =Þ The loft is the original name. I like muses, I like it alot actually. [shameless plug] For info on Bay Ridge bars, lounges, clubs, and etc check out my site by clicking the link below. [/shameless plug] Bay Ridge is definately an awesome place to live, and to hang out. Ive lived here for my entire life, and I dont ever want to leave.
  3. Im for ABTY... Anyone But The Yankees The other night the yanks won a crucial game, and didnt even celebrate. They're too used to winning, so I say F, them. Go Cubs / Sox! ... and yes, I am a NYer born and raised.
  4. NEVER, EVER, goto Wild Wild West on 2nd ave. in Brooklyn.
  5. You can also turn it on/off on a per-post basis. In the options section of you post. Entao25, I love your sig. "011010001010110001101011011010010110111001100111 I multi-task like you breathe" Awesome movie + if your actually a comp nerd like me.. thats even more awesome. lol
  6. Well they do say the camera adds 10lbs... so im guessing there was 4 or 5 cameras on her ?
  7. As far as I know that Wet and Wild Party is still going on.
  8. The mall. Kings Plaza SUUUUCKS, they even charge for parking.
  9. God damn it! Why the hell must the mets suck so bad. =( Damn yankees with no salary cap! Damn you all to hell!
  10. My fav place in SI was the haunted... ohhh the college years. rofl. But this place sounds pretty chill. Id be willing to check it out and make the trek in from Bklyn.
  11. OHHHHH Please. 1/2 the people on this board cant handle being here without being a prick... and this is strictly voluntary. Your argument is flawed.
  12. "My mom said if you want to become a lesbian, you have to lick carpet."
  13. ... and when someone robs your TT at gun point, I assume your going to ask the sanitation dept for help ? This whole cops are pigs they all should die thing, is so "1980's skateboarding is not a crime". Lets get over it, shall we?
  14. I was insecure around girls till I was like 15 or 16 then I realized I had just hooked up with like 4 girls in like just over a week.. and I said fuck... I must have something going for me, and never looked back. Im not saying im full of myself, or anything but when you have a + attitude you much more likely to get places. or in places if ya catch my drift
  15. cunt (knt) n. Vulgar Slang The female genital organs. Sexual intercourse with a woman. Offensive. Used as a disparaging term for a woman. Used as a disparaging term for a person one dislikes or finds extremely disagreeable.
  16. That sucks, one of my friends has like 0 self asteem. Hes not really a great looking kid, but If he just stood up straight, fixed himself up a little, and show some assertiveness im sure hes do ok with the woman. but i cant even remember the lastime he said he went out with somebody
  17. That doesnt sound like shyness to me... It sounds more like lack of self asteem. Hes not willing to stand up for what he wants.
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