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Posts posted by digitalextacy

  1. Originally posted by dragon0401

    that is hillarious what you suggesting .. sooo funny ..

    i duno how to make a smilies of SF dancing ..

    i will write you the smilie code and someone gotta come up with the actual icons

    ok . ready . here we go

    :jump: :jump: :stretch both arms in front of you: :bend one arm and then stretch it while u bend the other arm simultaneously: :keep jumping in place: :kick back and forth and don't bend your knees: :alternate legs: :jump: :jump: :move like a cop around yourself: :jump: :jump: :pretend you are directing traffic: :bend one arm and then stretch it while u bend the other arm simultaneously: :jump: :jump: :move like a bodybuilder that is trying to scratch his back without using his arms: kick back and forth and don't bend your knees: :alternate legs: :jump: :jump:

    well .. here you have it .. can someone do the icons now???

    the MASK

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  2. I'll say Murk was good and had fun listening/dancing to them. Yeah I am down with what the Mask said. Lots of similar SF style dancing if not at all. The vibe was a bit stale but the women were hot. Especially the ones that were diggin each other if you know what I mean. *wink* Apparently they were taping that no cover tv on mundo stuff. Too bad I don't get it here in jersey.

    And to Silver's Hector Romero is a must. I got that one pinned down on my... Wait that is the same day Picotto is at Avalon. The 22nd. Damnit!

    P.S. The Mask is learning the SF style dance so he can fit in. :laugh: :laugh:


    Words: Tom Kihl

    Sander Klienenberg played a showcase set in Miami this year using Pioneer’s groundbreaking DVJ-X1 DVD/CD players. We talk to him about the future of mixing visuals and music.

    “It’s like the second dimension for DJsâ€, says Sander Klienenberg, fresh from the world premiere of his latest project.

    He’s been taken on board by Pioneer to showcase the latest version on their wildly successful CDJ-1000 CD turntable, the one that plays DVDs too.

    “Essentially it’s the CDJ-1000 with a video out,†he says. But the possibilities this creates have been exciting DJs who wish to bring a new visual mixing element to their sets.

    Sander worked for three months preparing his DVD set. Making the visuals, setting them to music and working out the whole performance. It was a daring project, as it was treading new ground for both him, and for the clubbers on the night.

    “The thing I was most afraid of was; would people actually realise what was happening? Would they see how the beats work and realise that it was all in key? But people really got it.â€

    The visual side of clubbing and mixing is something Sander has always been interested in. Around 12 years ago, when he DJed in a small local club in Holland, he used to play video clips off VHS tapes and if he was lucky, actually mix the visuals in time with the tunes. Fast forward to Miami 2004 and he’s leading the way for others to follow with this experimental new technology.

    “I hope its going to make house music more visual,†he says. “Instead of doing a mix for a radio station, DJs can go to straight to MTV with a complete hour of programming. They all want that, so it’s very, very exciting. I feel the whole scene could benefit from this.â€

    He’s not wrong. Imagine the effect that such TV exposure could give to dance music, particularly in the USA, where the traditional TV format of rock star/big money video just hasn’t accommodated the often faceless, non-vocal world of dance music.

    But what about the growing number of dedicated VJs out there too. Isn’t this letting the DJ step on their visual territory somewhat? Sander sees the two as infinitely compatible. “The reality is that no mixers control audio and visuals at the same time, and even if they did, it would be impossible to get content to each and every track you play out. So I hope more DJs will team up with a group of VJs who can give them that content and be with them on the tours. Then, when you play a track from the DVD you sort of blend it into the visuals that are already there. It needs to be done.â€

    With DJs everywhere increasingly using new technology to add to their sets via creating live samples and loops and using computers, efx units and such like, it’s only a matter of time before a visual element become another part of their growing arsenal of digital tricks. And then, with the similar advances in VJ technology, who knows what clubbing may look like in a few years time…

    Sander will be DVDJ-ing (or whatever you want to call it) at 10 special gigs in Ibiza this summer, so make sure you keep your eyes and ears open for those.

  4. I read on another messageboard system that SANDER KLIENENBERG dj'ed dvd's while in miami. I don't know anything about him but the fact that this is new equipment for dj's expressing themselves through dvd video is somewhat fascinating. Anyone know if he will be dj'ing in the city anytime soon while doing a dvd dj set?

    Thanx and Peace.

  5. Originally posted by swtpapi4ugirl

    alright, this guy maybe nuts aout saying that he's trying to warm everyone, but....being the catholic that i am, and believing that there maybe a devil, or his spawns on earth....those are a lot of pretty good points this guy made. i believe that priest shit too. If you believe that there is a God, especially Catholics, you believe there's a devil. Who's to say JP isnt the devil or like one of his minions here on earth. WHO FKN KNOWS?

    a lot of you guys are calling this guy nuts, but I think only the people who are open minded and at least catholic or been to catholic school or is a church person, you have to at least listen to this guy's argument and give it some thought. It'll probably make you say hmmmmmmmm!

    I am not a catholic but am christian also and in all seriousness understand your statements fully. Notallthere is playing with fire if he continues with his drug usage. My friend can attest to that as he has learned the hard way.

  6. Originally posted by hardafterhours

    Sorry to hear about the end of DT's Friday night's play into Saturday morning.....BUT

    NEW Friday night afterhours is just around the corner...


    April 16 Friday night/Saturday morning: CONNIE CASSEROLE

    April 23 Friday night/Saturday morning: JAMES ANDERSEN

    Go to www.Eatme.com for more info!!

    You should have some respect before posting your ever lovely advertisements.

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