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Everything posted by funks0ul

  1. smokesum - i love the witty remarks he uses to come back at ppl...
  2. how many of those ppl do you actually talk to?
  3. funks0ul


    lol i read that this summer! just started reading dry: a memoir
  4. why would that kid claiming he's all rich only be driving a 3 series?
  5. lollll nice nice! we just always miss each other bad timing
  6. are you trying to give me a hint?
  7. for the most part, when I go anywhere, all I need is my cash and id... I hate carrying around a purse.... i don't use a wallet either...
  8. i have forgiven ppl at times, and it's a rare occasion.. but if someone close to me dicks me over, why should I forgive em? That hurts me more than if it's some random person, and if it's some random person i'm not so close with, fuck em, why should I forgive em anyways? That's a wakeup call to me to get ppl like that outta my life. And if it's a person close to me, I feel like I can't trust em anymore, and the friendship would never be the same, ever. trust is important, it's hard to earn anyways, and if you lose it from some shit, it's even harder to regain knowing you've already had it once... but then again, i'm stubborn as hell...
  9. yup, and its happened.. thats life
  10. its rare that i forgive, and I never forget.. why forgive if you won't forget? it stays with you then.. don't think you truly forgive then...
  11. we got family friends visiting from canada.. they used to be our neighbors when we lived there...
  12. the russia thing was major news all morning, they just started mentioning the clinton thing now b/c it's something new, but they're still talking about russia....
  13. the lady who's office is across from me, talks really loud on the phone and doesn't shut her door, so i end up hearing all of her personal conversations.. she's mad her bf always travels for work and gets really whiney when she can't see him...
  14. funks0ul


    i like... i know this one girl, her parents always got orange juice with pulp.. she used to strain her orange juice!
  15. it's true though... ppl can talk as much shit as they want about white ppl... and it's never really termed as racist.. but turn it around and have a white person say anything about someone else, and BAM! they're a racist!
  16. dag, my friend has a 2 bdrm townhouse for 900 a month...
  17. today this chic came with me and my lunch buddy to lunch.. she didn't have any money, so the guy i went to lunch with paid for her.. and she was complaining about the food... said she hates when they toast the bread, cause that way you don't know if it's fresh... then she complained it was stale, and ripped off the edges and threw em down... I thought that was mad rude anyhow, I like my sandwiches cut in half
  18. would that be the pay as you go phones then ?
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