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Everything posted by funks0ul

  1. sorry, you can't get no loving at the moment, but why does this remind me of the yearbook in high school?
  2. how many cool points you need to get 2 green dots?
  3. wonder if you can get into the negative
  4. wow, last night i was at 10, now i'm at 44.. moving on up, to the east side... to a deluxe apartment...
  5. you joined just so you could share this with us?
  6. weird, cause everywhere i go, i'm seeing bigger bottles, but i don't go to the grocery store often, so i guess i haven't noticed the change in 2L... but everythings 24 oz now it seems...
  7. i can catch some for you.. didn't see any today though..
  8. yeah i've read a lot of articles with all sorts of different stuff about what he was doing there... Family accuses U.S. government Berg's brother David on Wednesday told reporters outside his family's house that the U.S. position is false. He said the family received e-mails from Berg after his release in which he made clear he had been held by U.S. forces. In an interview with Boston radio station WBUR on Tuesday, Berg's father, Michael, said: "I still hold (Rumsfeld) responsible because if they had let him ago after a more reasonable amount of time or if they had given him access to lawyers we could have gotten him out of there before the hostilities escalated. "That's really what cost my son his life was the fact that the U.S. government saw fit to keep him in custody for 13 days without any of his due process or civil rights and released him when they were good and ready." The interviewer asked, "Do you really blame Donald Rumsfeld for your son's death? And will you do anything in addition to that lawsuit you had filed?" Michael Berg responded, "It goes further then Donald Rumsfeld. It's the whole Patriot Act, it's the whole feeling of this country that rights don't matter anymore because there are terrorists about. "Well, in my opinion 'terrorist' is just another word like 'communist' or 'witch' and it's a witch hunt, and this whole administration is just representing something that is not America, not the America I grew up in."
  9. mamacita, please senorita, and we're gonna riseeeeee to the top... gotta agree, he's hit or miss with me
  10. nice, i come here every day to work.. cept sat and sun..
  11. washington dc... between E & F st on 5th....
  12. definitely agree with that...
  13. ditto, i love when the sky turns like that grayish greenish color with the sun shining through a little bit during the summer rain
  14. nice and sunny here.. got a view of the police memorial, lots of cops there, having some ceremony there right now.... they got cop cars from all over, old and new
  15. i still get this stuff all the time! dg: you wack, can't believe you don't like now and laters.... and the candy buttons! the dots on the strips of paper... i loved those!
  16. damn i can't believe i forgot about jolly ranchers! LOVEEEE EM!
  17. rather have now & laters... although i'd only get those at halloween, never bought em... and i do have a thing for lifesavers
  18. my sister's coming home tomorrow night, haven't seen her since jan... got a grad to go to, then just chill.. going to go look at apts as well
  19. as you reply from your home...
  20. i'm in such a blah mood, just waiting to get off work.. sorry, that wasn't entertaining....
  21. unless you're an ugly girl
  22. used to be really addicted to all sorts of different card games... used to bet on em all for the most part as well.. was great when i was up, sucked when i was down..
  23. we get a different z104...
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