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Everything posted by juxt

  1. Haaa... my Behringer mixer has "vinylize" as one of the effects. That's some funny shit.
  2. I am not sure why but I feel aroused.
  3. No, it doesn't but it might soon. It seems that .ogg support is up there on the list at the Native Instruments, who just happens to be responsible for the software part of FS. All MP3s I use are 192kbs and I really do not hear a quality difference. In fact, quite often MP3s sound way better than vinyl. How many plays do you get out of a pressed vinyl?
  4. juxt


    I predict this going to be a long and ugly thread. This space is for sale
  5. Well damn I might have to show up. Can I?
  6. Well vinyl isn't completely dead. In fact, I've read somewhere that vinyl production volume is up to par to the one in the 80's, primarly because of DJ's. Those who scratch will stay with it, unless they get comfortable with something like CDJ-1000. I personally do not use vinyl. I got FS and Traktor. I've had one person diss me for not spinning wax. That person later went on to play the most amusing horse gallop I've ever heard. It's not the toys that you got. It's what you can do with the toys that you got.
  7. I seriously like that place and yes, I will be there. Stop by the DJ booth during my set (11:45-12:45) and say hello.
  8. If I were you, I would definetly attend
  9. I might make it. I am not a huge fan of OG but I've never been to MIA so might as well check it out.
  10. Juxt existed way before I found CJ. Juxt is a short for "juxtapose" - to place two or more things together, especially in order to suggest a link between them or emphasize the contrast between them. I've released a couple of "tracks" under this name and it got stuck.
  11. The idea isn't new but a good one. I know some people who'd be interested but there's one problem: too short of a notice. This kinda thing should be planned way ahead of time.
  12. I thought DD was totally awesome. DD is the reason I enjoy nice and chugging deep house. I got more what I asked for.
  13. juxt

    MP3 DJ?!?!

    Believe it or not, it's possible to use one of those toy Mixman DM2's that you can buy at Walmart as a contoller for Traktor. I do not have one but I have played with one connected to Traktor and it works quite well. It feels extremely flimsy but works. I use Traktor with an external mixer (Behringer 700) and it works like a charm.
  14. juxt

    MP3 DJ?!?!

    I DJ almost exclusively on MP3s but no iPod's for me. I have Final Scratch which I love and hate at the same time. What I do love unconditionally is my laptop with Traktor DJ studio and the M-Audio 8 channel sound card. If you haven't tried Traktor yet, take it for a spin.
  15. juxt

    Behringer DJX700 DJ mixer

    I have the same very mixer. In fact, this is my second one. While it is an outstanding Pioneer replica, I am not quite sure of its reliability. My first one gave out on me during my first serious live set. The fader curve got very screwed up and the fader itself started acting extremely weird. Within 10 minutes the effects part went as well. Luckily I had a CD cued in and that bought me time to switch to internal Traktor mixer. I sent it in to Behringer dealer under a warranty claim and received replacement one about 2 weeks later. The new one seems to be working fine but I am still not over the whole deal...
  16. Well I couldn't make up my mind till the very last moment. There were so many options and all of them seemed equally lucrative. Finally, I resorted to the only sure thing, Garfield at Sutra. I had a little skeptism since Sutra aka Allure aka Matrix aka Sutra... was quite a shitty place. The sound was allright but the layout and the overall interior was quite pathetic. Anyways, as soon as we got there I knew it was a totally new club. Even though they didn't change the layout much they did an excellent job at remodelling it. The dancefloor is solid, floors are clean... and the sound is crystal clear. Whoever was the house DJ was throwing a very mediocre set with awful mixing. All my friends wanted to leave but I had to talk them out of it about 20 times. By about 1 AM the club filled up, by 1:30 Garfield hit the decks and I everyone felt that Halloween is going to happen... Then I met a girl from Amsterdam who was kind enough to introduce me to her girlfriends. Then, for me, the party went from awesome to insane. Â Overall, one of the best and most diverse sets I've heard, considering that Garf had to warm up the crowd since the house DJ did a poor job. By 2:00 AM Garf took the crowd to the darker side and pulled off something I only heard him do. In the midst banging of trance/progressive set he snuck in a piece of sassy hiphop and the crowd was loving it. Amazing! At 3:30 AM I walked around the club and there was not a single soul sitting down. People were dancing everywhere, particles of what used to be Halloween costumes where all over the place... For those of you who didn't go to Sutra, sucks for you :-)
  17. Well, if you look at the timestamp, I am already home. Considering I live almost an hour away, it can only mean one thing: it wasn't good. IMHO George really didn't feel the crowd. I guess on his birthday he didn't have to. Birthday boy is allowed to do whatever he wants, right?! Some people were jumping and seemed to have fun but I wasn't feeling it. Neither did people around me. From the opening track to the moment I left it was sheer mediocrity mixed up with bleeps of excellence. Mixing, as usual, was great, but the vibe wasn't even on a radar. The highlight of the night was watching two guys getting arrested right on the median next to Level. One of them got cuffed with little effort but the second one decided to run for it. Oh how much joy it was! His face got planted straight into the dirty, wet grass. Nice Mr. Officer held him down to the ground with a gentle application of a knee to the neck area while his assistance proceeded with handcuff application to the applause of the audience. Great stuff… Good fight, good night.
  18. What is the big deal? Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, even DT.
  19. Hey, Saleen, I take you up on the bike without the seat offer. Where do I bring the bike? I'll lube up the pole real good for you too! You prefer KY or Astroglide?
  20. You're partially right. Last time I saw GA at Level it wasn't good. Alas, I wasn't feeling MS set at Level when he was opening to AVB either. It wasn't bad, just wasn't great. Tough call, really but things might turn around with Space shutting down and people seeking alternatives. Also, I do not see GA going overboard with poses. If that's his way to express himself, so be it. AVB was queenning out pretty hard as well. I've known to liquid behind the decks when I spin and people love it. What is the big deal?
  21. Actually I belive GA is a solid bet for the first night of the new Level. Yeah AVB was just a tease, now they need to follow up with something solid. Can you name some other local Trance DJ that is recognized as much as GA? The only other name I can think of right now is Edgar V but he has his own gig at Crobar on Friday's.
  22. What's the location of this event?
  23. juxt

    ~~Return Of Sutra~~

    I doubt Garf is going to come out of his "retirement" for the third time. Most likely it's going to be one the one-off parties. One thing I know though is that there won't be a better place to be at for Halloween.
  24. Hit me up on the AIM I'll put it on my site.
  25. Well now I really wanna check it out!
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