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Everything posted by juxt

  1. I think people pay way too much attention to the brand and refuse to try out new things when it comes to DJ equipment. When I was shopping for CD players everyone bashed everything other than CDJ-1000's. It's like people that never even touched a CD player vouched for those. Well, I got them and yes, they are wonderful pieces of equipment but truth be told, I don't feel that I should have paid so much money for what I got. On the side note, I also got two Numark Axis 2 decks which I got on eBay for under $200 for both. You can't scratch on them, they don't have cue memory and many other features but they are taking massive use and abuse and so far haven't given me any problems. I have taken these decks to The Burning Man and they have been used for probably 72 hours straight in the burning sun and survived a sandstrom. On the funny note, a Pioneer 600 mixer gliders died on the 2nd day while a cheap Behringer mixer kept chugging like a Russian WWII tank. So my point is, they are freaking CD players and unless you know what you're doing, no technology be it Pioneer or Technics, is gonna make you a good DJ.
  2. Even though it's in German, get thru the first couple of minutes and it will become self explanatory. Enjoy! http://media.hugi.is/hahradi/fyndnar/STAPLERFAHRERKLAUSDERERSTEA-1.wmv
  3. Those are the most beautiful red x'es I have seen!
  4. I sat a crazy expensive living room rug and a quilt on fire. The story goes like this: I am home alone and snooping around where I shouldn't be snooping. I find where my mom keeps purfumes and such and try to find out which one of them would burn by pouring a little bit on a glass table and lighting it with a match. Finally I find one that burns, quite well I must add. I empty the bottle into the bed of my toy plastic pick up truck, set it on fire and roll it on the carpet. The truck flips, the carpet is on fire. I run to the kitchen to get some water, which involves putting a stool next to the sink, climbing on the stool, barely reaching the faucet and filling up a cup full of water. By the time I get to the living room the fire is way more than can be put out with a cup full of water. I freak out and grab a quilt from my parent's bedroom and cover up the fire. The lie I came up with to cover my ass is worthy of a short story. Some day it will be told. If I am not mistaken, I am still grounded for that, 16 years later.
  5. Yeah baby! Yeah! I so would like to go, hopefelly I'll scrape enough cash in the next couple of days.
  6. It's not a bad club at all. The upstairs booth is quite nice and I think they did fix the monitor. They got a Rane mixer, decks are in a funky location though, side by side and the mixer is on the left so forget about scratching. They also have dual CD decks, I think they are Denons. Every time I've been there the crowd was jumping. It might not have been packed but almost every soul in the club was dancing. Also they've got quite a chill room.
  7. I am going to do my best to come out and support Stryke and check out the other guys. I'll be my first visit to Privilege. What is the parking situation like? This is going to be one hell of a weekend. Stryke on Friday, Psytrance at Sonar on Saturday. Any parties on Sunday to complete the circle?
  8. I am most definetly there. I still have your CD in the car and throw it in the player once in a while. Check your PM for the guestlist request.
  9. Hmm didn't hear about the night but I'd like to know what exactly was happening that would make the management shut down the party.
  10. I have to say that Lumonics is by far one of my favorite venues. The environment is so welcoming it just wraps around you and before you know it, you're dancing like nobody is watching. It's all about the music and light. Nothing else matters. I will be wearing my most comfortable clothes, including beat up sneakers I bought at Walmart. And I will be dancing till I drop. I am extremely happy to play there 'cause I know people listen. I predict an amazing night.
  11. I got there at around 1:30 and caught a good chunk of the set. I totally enjoyed Stryke's set. I was the guy with a ponytail and greenday shirt dancing my ass off in end. Edit: Unwelcome constructive criticism removed.
  12. Sound quality and "soulfullness" debate aside I can hardly find a reason to use vinyl unless you intend to scratch and spin it on a fingertip when you're switching disks to wow the crowd and what not. On the other hand I can totally see why the majority of DJs chose to use it. Again, I love it all but I chose convinience, plus my genre on music simply doesn't get pressed on vinyl. When people ask me why I don't spin vinyl I usually say "cause it warps under the hot Indian sun" ;D
  13. I haven't been DJing long but I was a vinyl junkie for maybe 6 months, then I bought Final Scrath. It's great when you're playing the whole party/night or get to the club beforehand to set it up, otherwise it can turn nightmarish. When I play Psy/Goa (my fav. genre) I use CDs exclusively provided that the club has CD players. If not, I bring out my laptop with Traktor and I have to admit I love it. I got all functions mapped on the keyboard, nice loops and cue points preset and you don't have to dig for "that record" in the dark. My last set at Lumonics I went loop crazy, probably played over 30 different ones over the course of the hour. Even though only a couple of people in the crowd asked "which remix was that" I entertained the hell out of myself...
  14. Thanks for a quick reply. It might not be a bad alternative. Is there a cover? Can someone put me on a guestlist?
  15. I got two chicks on my hands that want to go out tonite (Wednesday). They are into either breaks or industrial. The only thing that seems to be happening is Nerve so I'd like to know what Peter Rage spins. Any other suggestions?
  16. juxt

    stryke @ sonar

    I will be there for sure, it's always fun to watch Stryke pile up the gear and twist knobs all nite.
  17. juxt

    Goa / Psytrance Parties

    I spin a good bunch of Psytrance. I played an exclusive Psytrance set at Lumonics last Saturday. I am one of the Euphoria Project DJs so watch out for local events and you might catch me some time. www.euphoriaproject.org
  18. The wonderful world of personal opinions. Let's just stop it here.
  19. The tracklist: Cosma - Sleep of Peace Handolium - Motion XV Kilist - Kilopard (Gem) Reefer Decree - Curved Air (P-Woland Remix) Juxt - Soundframed (RD Remix) XV Kilist - Factor Roh Medicine Drum - Dub Stream Space Cat - Hellium Atmos - Klein Aber Doctor Cosma - Out of Range Psydrop - Earthcore Also after listening to the mix I found out that my PC added a plethora of unexpected elements in the form clicks and chirps, that was the result of me not closing down CPU intensive processes before recording. Lesson learned the hard way :-)
  20. I got to play with those things at the demo booth at Ultra. It's a fun toy but I am struggling to see how it'd add to the clubbing experience. I personally don't stare at any screen when I am at a club for more than 1 minute.
  21. This is a mix of genres, house, tech trance, goa... http://www.djjuxt.com/mp3/Juxt%20-%20Drum%20Dynamics.mp3 (56.3Mb) Tracklist is coming some time later, I am a little bit too partied out to dig up the tracks in order.
  22. http://www.djjuxt.com/mp3/Juxt%20-%20Drum%20Dynamics.mp3 (56.3Mb)
  23. GA has, in fact, seriously sucked the last couple of times I saw him. I am going to give him one more chance before I stop going thru the effort of driving to Miami to hear him.
  24. If I am not mistaken, this is DJ Hay. He spins DNB. This picture has been around for a while.
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