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Everything posted by tubby

  1. tubby


    way to go brainiac
  2. yeah but Gandalf did no Magic.. He was just a grunt with a staff
  3. no one dies at the end.. They all survive
  4. Come up with something better He-Man. U look like a cross bred jewish Turk whose hair shines brighter than the sun and is sharper than my collection of ginsu knives. But enough with ur appearance.. We all know it disguts everyone. It's your personality that bothers me. Were u neutered by any chance? or are u just a sexually abused alter boy at childhood?
  5. i'm gettin desperate of what? Uhmm... hit yourself in the head for me moron.. Fact of the matter is your a big wuss..that can be compared to a girl that drives a foreign car.
  6. that is so linabina slang... U even talk like a girl u big ol pussy boy u
  7. iamme is a big clit. Stay away from him at all possible costs.. He's the type of person that would suck the livin shit outta ya if he could. BEware!
  8. Do not go and see it... It wasn't anything spectacular. Just a big war scene with an extended ending
  9. what wit? are u that f*cked up in the head that u can't tell the difference between a normal question and an insult?
  10. tranzwhore, now that i think about it is seriously f*cked up in the head and definately doesn't belong out in the open. SHe should be caged in an S&M club There's a lot of attractive girls on CP btw... I just don't like those stuck up prima donnas (babyD/linaB/SomeB) who think they're hot when realisticly they're nothin more but a bunch of bar hoppin crack h0's
  11. Then where's ur bf? I thought u were cuz u always talk about girls.. I'm pretty sure linabina swings the wrong way
  12. can it tranzwhore.. I"ve been only banned once.. My posts were reset heh. Are msg boards ur lives?
  13. I'm 6 feet and i weigh 190 lbs... HOw is that skinny somebitch? LOL... That's why i'm called Tubby right? Damn.. That's a pic of my ex gf's ass. ANd linabina weighs 140 lbs with 45% bodyfat.
  14. thats only cuz ur either in special ed or just a good teachers pet
  15. good luck on ur tests linabina.. I hope u flunk them all
  16. linabina not chunky?? by whose standards?? What is it with u people... cant u see that she's a large boned Fattening piece of rotten meat.
  17. how does it feel to do something "Right" for the 1st time in ur life sexxybabyD?
  18. Here's 1 i'll share even though i might die for it Answer that linabina... hah
  19. Well looky here.. I got a fresh start again..
  20. i hear ya... but i still wanna see a shot of her standing up without suckin in her belly. And none of that "i was just tightening my abs for the pic" bs. that's all
  21. when i get home i'll post some real time pics of a HOt girl and we'll compare them to linabina.
  22. LOL.. OMG Linabina.. u can't be serious.. LMAO 1st...although not as bad as some girls, ur navel piercing looks like it's trapped in a deep cellulite cave, unerneath all that fat. 2nd why on earth must u lay down stretching backwards in order to take a pic? 3rd look right undernearth the bra strap and how it outlines ur fat. Next time u decide to take a picture, make sure it's standing up so we can all see where ur packin the most P.S.. Ur stretching out ur stomach here.. and yes you are still chunky.
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