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Everything posted by tired

  1. tired


    congrats you two... good luck and many more
  2. tired

    who broke this?

    broke a rod iron bed once.. right at the weld point.
  3. that position makes it so easy to access everything with just moving her legs a bit.... it also keeps my neck from getting tired.... but i love it any way i can get it
  4. tired

    Love my new sig :)

    it destroys the common sense area of the brain.....
  5. tired


    trust me, once it's all done... you'll be much happier... i don't think there is any pain worse than a toothache
  6. i'm out and im stayin' out... 4 years of that crap was more than enough for me.....
  7. oh damn.... happy happy happy happy birthday to you!!!!
  8. yes, a great time... happy b-day mike and JT.... JT you've never let me down, always a great set. it was nice to see/meet everyone, i can't rightly name names becuase my CRS is kickin' in...
  9. great job JT i had a great time
  10. understood... but in the context of this entire thread flip was being a bigger man and offering her a hand in truce by saying that.... and in true cp fashion most people "have each other's back" so to say... cp miami seems to be one giant "friendship" circle and if by you telling him that he decides not do it then i am afraid that a potentially good person, albiet with strong opinions and not very well placed tact, would get shut out of possibly good friendships
  11. i don't hate on anyone.. everyone is free to do whatever they well please... they are allowed to act and think how they wish as far as i am concerned.... also, i have no underlying issues... i'm an open book, i tell it how it is for me and hide nothing
  12. please enlighten me but they make alot more money off of it being illigal....with it beeing illegal when they confiscate be it money or the drug....they get to keep it all....so where does more profit come from???????? from taxing it...or from raiding a couple of people and keeping all there money and there xtc.....that way they can resell it through there own dealers, and they stand to make all the profit from it.....to buy or to do whatever they want to with it...bcuz this money isnt tracked cuz its not legal money to begin with...
  13. let's not be to hasty about trying to shut this girl out or it makes everyone here a hypocrite.... just as flip and sobeton and i or anyone else here have the right to make our own opinions and comments so does she. or is this just gonna be a case of "the good times" crew shutting someone out who doesn't see eye to eye? so she said something like "get out of the country"... but flip said he'd "get out and is disgusted by this country at times."
  14. agreed.... but it'd be an interesting mix.... what about "i've been working on the railroad"??
  15. well said.... if you don't vote... keep your fuckin' mouth shut... cause you had your chance to try and make a difference but were too damn lazy
  16. tired


    i've been waiting for this friday for a while.....
  17. we'll i guess we as 'americans' need to take a closer look at the people we elect into office.... remember america as a majority elected the assholes who are approving and taking away these laws. so before you bash the government.... just remember it was 'your' votes who put them there
  18. these things are no more harmful than MDMA itself....
  19. hey guys.... first of all, they would make plenty of money off of it were it to be legal.... cigarettes only cost around .45 per pack from the maker.. the rest is tax by federal, state, county taxes... and you guys think the government is so bad??? wtf??? most of people here in south florida fled their countries cause the gov't was so bad or came here for the opportunity of a new life. living in the USA you have a lot more freedoms than you have anywhere else. i'm from amsterdam myself and yeah you can smoke weed and a couple other things but you know what..... that's only in a certain part of town and god forbid you step out of those boundries with any type of drug... plus there are no police brutality laws so people get the shit kicked out of them all the time, no false imprisonment laws, so if you get arrested by mistake, tough shit... the taxes are a lot higher, not to mention cost of living and plenty of other things. but you don't hear about it.. why, cause you don't have the same free speech laws you have here, so the media can be hushed at any time. so before you run around saying this country and it's government sucks because you cant go to eckerd's and buy pills remember why you left where you did...
  20. also remember that 90%+ of the people dying from this are children.... pre teens and just barely teens.... these people are putting strains on their own bodies when they aren't even fully developed yet.
  21. tired

    Slap dat Ho

    423 mph!!!!
  22. tired

    Slap dat Ho

    http://hoslap.net/ bitch betta have my money!!!
  23. yeah... rip kurt.... 'you gotta keep an open mind about these things'
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