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Everything posted by bstonjokerinny

  1. the curse is reversed, 1918 is no more, and the reason why the soxs won in the ALCS and in the World Series is becasue they played like a team, you can go out and buy all the best talent and that does not make them play like a team, and thats what killed the yankees this year..........................and as of right now, no team is better then the RED SOXS, no matter how many world titles you have. GO SOXS!
  2. Go Redsoxs 2004 World Series Champions!!!!! Reversed The Curse 1918-2004 We Still Believe!!!!!!! Keep The Faith!!!!! Why Not Us? Well Its The Idoits Who Won!!!!!! Swept The Angels!!! Reversed Swept The Yankees !!!!!! Swept The Cards!!!!!! Go Soxs!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. As I watched game 3 finish and watching Baseball tonight on ESPN, they gave a very interesting fact about the red soxs and the curse and here it is....................... Distance between Red Soxs in a world series 1967 world series that they lost 1986 world series that they lost --------------------------------------- 19 years in between world series vists 1986 world series that they lost 2004 world series __________ ------------------------------------ 18 years in between world series vists 1918 last world series that they won Scary that it works out like that right................................... LETS GO SOXS!
  4. I saw her last time she was at Avalon, her sets were really good on a whole, I would say she is worth checking out. She spun Trance in the begining, and moved to a hard house, and back to trance at the end of the night. Have fun if you going.
  5. Yeah mask, you rule with your posts, I have been a memeber for under a year now, but your insite to clubs, and music rocks!
  6. Manny Leaman Christian Smith Bad Boy Bill Eddie Lee.........rocks avalon when he spins
  7. its nice to have some beats to listen too, the hearing anything else that is going on in there, the girl at avalon sat nights rocks
  8. you can go dance by them, and if they are feeling your vibe and your feeling theirs, then go for it
  9. I dont know if I am going to hit the grand opening, but I know I will check it out one of these weekends. But I would like to see Cleveland. So maybe
  10. ok well, so much for black, that had a real short run. At least exit was around a little bit longer. Well I hope the vibe gets better there anyways.
  11. Juggernaut would kick his ass, cause he is un-stoppable
  12. hit roxy on saturday nights DJ Adilson can be off the hook, he spins vocal house
  13. sorry ras, I have the VIP card already so i never have to pay to get in
  14. Just got back from Roxy, and I have to say DJ Adlison was just off the hook tonight. Spining new and old school shit. Amazing night!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. well like i said, thank you for the help, sucks that its done with already, boston needs a st8 afterhours in the city like rise. As for I have no problems with rise, i used to go with my old roommate, the crew would rather hit something str8 So maybe RI for late night.
  16. you know what, i grew up in NY, always hated the yankees, came to boston lived here for 4 years or so, and now totally a soxs fan. anyone can root for a loser team like the yankees, takes a true fan to follow a team like the soxs. an you know what, with all the "star" power that the yankees got, they are only ahead by a few games. dont worry true believers, the yankees are going to suffer the A-Rod curse. "all teams that A-Rod left, make the playoffs, while the team that has A-Rod never goes anywhere, I.E. Seattle and Texas" Go Soxs Yankees Suck
  17. thanks gang, i am going to try to convice my old wrecking crew to check it out.
  18. Hey all, I used to party in Boston all the time, at Avalon and Roxy and now moved back to NY. I have heard that Sunrise After Hours has moved from Saugus to NH. Has anyone gone there, and if so is it fun? I know its like an hour out of the city, and want to find out if it is worth the drive up. I am coming back to my old stomping grounds this weekend. Thanks everybody
  19. ghhhhhost is right chrisitan smith gets no respect, he is amazing and blew up avalon over memorial day weekend...........
  20. maybe i will check her out next weekend, i might make it like the second stop or something, got nuthing to loose going to hear her spin. I like listening to all different types of dance music, it helps me grow as a techno, house music fan.
  21. thats my birthday too, well its june 17th but going out with all my friends on the 19th, thanks for giving me a few ideas of where to go. Was thinking about Avalon, but it says DJ Irene is spinning.........is she any good?
  22. How was agent orange last night? I could not make it out cause of a bday, but I might have to hit avalon tonight
  23. The Bostonian in me would have to say "Wicked Pissa" The New Yorker in me would have to say "fogetaboutit" but I leaning towards "pimpmobile"
  24. I thought it was lawrence, but i learned later that it was smith, his beats were crazy all night, I had the best time, non stop dancing!!!!
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