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Everything posted by durrrty

  1. WERD! but she now lives in England and hates the US, so in that case fuck her..
  2. OSCAR G IS THE MOTHERFUCKING REAL DEAL!!HE'S MIAMI'S FINEST!!DEM BOYZ FROM MURK ARE OFF DA HOOK!!Ladies and Gentleman, pick up the Murk CD and the Oscar G live at Space CD A.S.A.P!! Its durrrty hardcore proghouse with some techhouse!! NNNNNNAAASSSTTTTYY http://www.murkrecords.com/ http://www.djoscarg.com/ http://www.discogs.com/artist/Oscar_G http://www.discogs.com/artist/Murk http://www.discogs.com/artist/Ralph_Falcon
  3. FUCK THE FRENCH! GOD BLESS THE U.S.A!! If you don't like it here, then move to another Country!!!
  4. FCUK religion, thats why we are in this mess, fcuking ignorant dirt fockers pushing their beliefs on the world.They started this bs with 9/11...Religion has nothing to do with politics.If you believe this, then you too are a fool...Its all about the benjamins baby!! Stop living with your head in the clouds and look around. life is real.
  5. woulda coulda shoulda the past is the past and we are there now. The reason, I agree Bush es un pendejo, rich scum that took our Beautiful country and made us (Americans) look like shiet.All we can do is vote 4 jerk off Kerry in the fall. What happened to the the US? Is it Karma? Where we as American's that dumb and ignorant that we never cared? As far as an eye 4 an eye the day after 9/11, I wish we would have dropped a nuke on those sandfockers.I dont care about the Iraqi people or Saudi's being tortured, just like they don't care about us.Mind you I dont care about anyone's religion or beliefs.My GOD is the allmighty $.The world is based on money.All you left wing liberal, Neil Rogers listening, politically correct fegs shut up or move out.This is not going to end any time soon.
  6. I've heard the rumors of Vegas and I can't wait to go. I wanna snort a shiet load of coke and party like a rockstar!!
  7. I like drinking chili willies, thats when you get ice cold vodka and snort them through your nose.....Fucking Crazy man....
  8. Miami, FL: Monday, August 30 at Back Door Bambi I can't wait!!!
  9. Miami, FL: Monday, August 30 at Back Door Bambi I can't wait!!!
  10. WOW o WOW man I haven't been able to watch any of the games. The cable serivce in my area is
  11. NYC has no love for Murk?? Its a shame....a dam shame...
  12. Trance is DEAD...Armin, PVD, Tiesto booooooorrrring....no soul, no bass, no beats, just fluffy pillows of airhead music.Its so nice to be happy in Trance land.... Horns and whistles with strings don't make me want to get up and dance.. Soulfull beats with drums are my calling...
  13. looks like it was a bit toooo packed last night...I hope you guys had fun....
  14. Satoshi Tomiie live at Yellow (Tokyo)
  15. He's a celebrity not a DJ.... If your an amateur and don't know much about EDM then you should have a good time at this event.
  16. I know he was there last week for Cedric's Bday... hmmmmm I know Danny has been seen in town lately, hopefully he'll become the resident of a club down here...That would be TERRIFIC...
  17. As far as Bush bashing, nothing personal norahmiami, but do you think the dirtscum would have changed their minds, if Al Whore would have been President during 9/11??? We have to support our President and OUR TROOPS in the Middle East.If you (not you norah) don't like the US then get the fuck out and move to pussy ass France..... Mind you I voted for Gore....
  18. Fcuk Mad Donna, who is she? I can't stand celebrities that poke their noses in politics.They hate the world, yet the fly around in thier private airplanes they eat, shit and drink money. Pussy, politically correct fegs...BTW I have nothing against homo's or lesbo's..
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